Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding

Opinion Editorials, December 2008


Al-Jazeerah History


Mission & Name  

Conflict Terminology  


Gaza Holocaust  

Gulf War  




News Photos  

Opinion Editorials

US Foreign Policy (Dr. El-Najjar's Articles)





News Photos

 Illegal Israeli Settlers Attack
Palestinians in Hebron and Nablus,
Set Homes and Property on Fire
(Ma'an, 12/4/08).
 Diala, Iraq, bicycle bomb attack.
(Yagen, 12/4/08).
  Henry Paulson and Wang Qishan
Say US-Jointly Coping with
Financial Crisis
(Xinhua, 12/4/08).
 Site of the blasts targeting police
stations in Falloujah, Iraq, today
(INA, 12/4/08).
An attack on a US convoy south of
Mosul today, resulted in killing two
US soldiers (amsi, 12/4/08).
  There are 11 Iraqi female political
prisoners in US prisons, and 436 in
government prisons (amsi, 12/4/08).
News Photos

Weak "Oral" UN Resolution
Condemning Violence of Illegal
Israeli Settlers Against Palestinian
Civilians in Hebron, to avoid a US
(imemc, 12/6/08).
 Illegal Israeli Settlers Attack
Palestinian Civilians in Hebron,
Burn Homes, Israeli Occupation
Forces Attack Peace Activists
Protesting the Settler Violence

(Ma'an, 12/6/08).
  Israeli Occupation Forces Attack
Peace Activists Protesting the
Settler Violence
(Ni'lin, 12/6/08).
Illegal Israeli Settlers Attack
Palestinian Civilians in Hebron,
Burn Homes, Israeli Occupation
Forces Attack Peace Activists
Protesting the Settler Violence

(imemc, 12/6/08).

A Palestinian peace activist wounded by Israeli occupation forces in Ni'lin (PIC, 12/6/08). Bodies of Ibrahim Al-Jubouri and his son (amsi, 12/6/08).  A US Hummer on fire (Yaqen, 12/6/08).  Illegal Israeli Settlers Attack Palestinian Civilians in Hebron, Burn Homes (Ma'an, 12/6/08).





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