Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding

Opinion Editorials, January 22, 2009


Al-Jazeerah History


Mission & Name  

Conflict Terminology  


Gaza Holocaust  

Gulf War  




News Photos  

Opinion Editorials

US Foreign Policy (Dr. El-Najjar's Articles)




News Photos 
George Mitchell Special Envoy
for Middle East Peace,
UN investigator Richard Falk
says evidence shows Israelis
committed war crimes in Gaza
Demands for trying Israeli war
 criminals in the International
 Criminal Court
Al-Shurqat roadside bomb, Iraq
Wadi Hijr, Mosul, roadside bomb
Taliban fighters, Jan 16.
A victim of Israeli war crimes in Gaza
 Israeli terrorists destroyed 41 mosques
in Gaza and damaged 50 more.
News Photos 
George Mitchel Expected in Middle East
18 Afghanis Killed, Protests Continue
 for Killing of Civilians in NATO Attacks
US Soldier, 18 Iraqis Killed in War
 Attacks, January 25, 2009
Gaza government appoints war
 crimes commission to prosecute
 Israeli leaders
While Gazans Still Homeless Without
 Electricity, the UN and International
 Aid Effort Goes in Turtle Speed
While Gazans Still Homeless Without
 Electricity, the UN and International
 Aid Effort Goes in Turtle Speed
Gaza Islamic University bombed by
Israeli terrorist forces
Hundreds of wounded Palestinians
in danger of dying due to Israeli
closure of border crossings
News Photos 
Hamas Offers One-Year Truce
, above: Mushir Al-Masri
Palestinian infant Nancy Sa'id
dies after inhaling white
phosphorous emissions
4 US Soldiers Killed, Two US
Helicopters Crash
13 Iraqis Killed in War Attacks
, January 26, 2009  
BBC refuses to broadcast emergency
appeal for Gaza aid, 2,000 take to the
streets in London
Gaza students going to school
Gaza residents still living among the
rubble of their homes
Israeli poll: Killing Palestinians shortest way to winning elections





Opinions expressed in various sections are the sole responsibility of their authors and they may not represent

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