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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.


3 US Soldiers, 23 Iraqis Killed in War Attacks, Sahwa Death Squads Continue Killing Iraqis Released from US Prisons, According to May 20, 2008 News Reports

Editor's Note:

Only God knows how many Iraqis are killed everyday. The following represents part of the reporting but readers are advised that the actual number of deaths should very much exceed what's reported.

It is noteworthy that May 20, 2008 news reports showed that death squads which execute Iraqis on daily basis are no longer hiding themselves. They are composed of the US-recruited Sahwa fighters and policemen. reported the following news today:

- 3 US soldiers and an Iraqi interpreter were killed by a roadside bombing targeting their vehicle in Biji.

- 11 police recruits were killed in an attack by gunmen while they were returning home in Al-Ba'aj district, in Mosul.

- 2 US-recruited Sahwa fighters were killed, four were injured by a roadside bomb in Biji.

- One person was killed, six were injured in a car bomb explosion in Tikrit, yesterday (was not published).

Death Squads No Longer Hiding Who They Are: US-Recruited Sahwa Fighters and Policemen

- Ayed Hammad Jassem Al-Zawi, an Iraqi man who was recently released from a US prison, was executed last night at 9:00, in his home and in front of his family by a death squad of US-recruited Sahwa fighters and a number of policemen, in the city of Al-Haqlaniya, in Al-Anbar Province.

After the execution, the Sahwa-police death squad informed the family that they had just implemented an execution order from Haditha Qaem Maqam (local governor).

Two days ago, two other Iraqis recently released from a US prison, were also executed in a Sahwa headquarters, as they came to sign up, as required.

These incidents demonstrate that death squads are now composed of US-recruited Sahwa fighters and US-recruited police forces.

Sunni leaders have pointed several times that death squads were composed of Mahdi Army policemen, who were affiliated with the US-backed Iraqi sectarian government.

شرطة حديثة الحكومية تعدم معتقلاً في مدينة الحقلانية أمام أنظار عائلته

التاريخ : 2008 /05/20 .*. pm 04:55

الأنبار/يقين/قال شهود عيان من مدينة الحقلانية بمحافظة الأنبار اليوم (الثلاثاء ) :إن قوة من شرطة حديثة الحكومية وما يسمى بصحوة حديثة قامت ليلة أمس بمداهمة دور احد المواطنين في مدينة الحقلانية والذي كان معتقلاً لدى القوات الأميركية المحتلة وإعدامه وسط عائلته.

وأوضح الشهود لمراسل يقين :إن قوة من شرطة الحكومية تساندها عناصر من ما يسمى بصحوة حديثة داهموا دار المواطن عايد حماد جاسم الزاوي  في الساعة التاسعة من ليلة أمس وقاموا بإعدامه وسط عائلته دون توجيه أية تهمة إليه .

من جهتها قالت عائلة الضحية إن عناصر الشرطة الحكومية ابلغوا عائلة المواطن بعد إعدامه ان أمر القتل جاء بأمر من قائمقام قضاء مدينة حديثة، وأنهم ينفذون الأوامر وحسب .

يذكر أن ما تسمى بصحوة حديثة هي من تتولى عملية إعدام المعتقلين المفرج عنهم من سجون الإحتلال قبل ان تشترك الشرطة الحكومية معها والتي تصبح هي الأخرى ضالعة في عمليات قتل المعتقلين لتصبح العملية رسمية وبأوامر من أعلى سلطة أمنية حكومية في مدينة حديثة وهو القائمقام بعد ان كانت تتم بصورة شبه رسمية عن طريق قوات ما تسمى بالصحوة .

ويعد ذلك تطوراً خطيراً في عمليات تصفية المعتقلين الذين يتم الإفراج عنهم من قبل القوات الأميركية المحتلة خصوصاً بعد ان كانت الشرطة الحكومية تنفي دائماً صلتها بما يحدث من عمليات قتل وتصفية للمعتقلين المفرج عنهم قبل ان يتم ذلك بشكل رسمي كما في آخر عملية قتل للمعتقلين المفرج عنهم .

هذا وكانت قوات ما تسمى بالصحوة قد قتلت أثنين من المفرج عنهم من سجون القوات الأميركية المحتلة وذلك قبل يومين، حيث أعدمتهما بباب مقر الصحوة وعلى مرأى من الناس، بعد مراجعتهما لمقر صحوة حديثة حيث يلزمون بتسجيل الحضور اليومي والتوقيع في سجل خاص بالمعتقلين المفرج عنهم من سجون قوات الإحتلال الأميركي .

US Soldier, 13 Iraqis Killed Monday, 19 Killed Sunday, According to May 19, 2008 News Reports reported the following news today:

- 2 bodies of unkown Iraqis were found in Rutba, Al-Anbar.

- Iraqi Army Colonel, Ahmed Al-Nouri, was assassinated in Sadr City. He was attacked by gunmen, exchanged fire with them, killing two of them before he was killed.

- Mahdi Army militiamen attacked Palestinian residents of Al-Ameen neighborhood in Baghdad. On Sunday afternoon, a group of Mahdi gunmen surrounded a building rented by the UN in Al-Ameen neighborhood for few Palestinian families. Some of the gunmen started arresting Palestinain men, taking them to Sadr office, interrogating them, then releasing them.

On Sunday night, gunmen came back to intimidate the Palestinians in the building again, mistreating them and threatening them.

No police or army soldiers came to the rescue of the Palestinian refugees, contrary to the claims of the Iraqi government which called on Palestinians who live on the border refugee camps to return to Baghdad because it is now safe to do so.

- One Iraqi policeman was killed, two were injured in an attack by gunmen in Kuwait Street, in Basra.

- 4 Iraqis were injured with burns when a US plane dropped light bombs on two homes in downtown Tikrit.

- 2 Iraqis released from US Boca detention camp were executed in Haditha by US-recruited Sahwa fighters in the city. This happened just one day after the two were released. The victims were Raed Ra'ad Rakan and Sa'ad Al-Hadithi. Thus doing, the US-recruited Sahwa fighters have resumed a practice of killing those who are released from US prisons and detention camps.


Blast leaves 10 casualties near Ba'aquba
Diala - Voices of Iraq
Tuesday , 20 /05 /2008  Time 5:26:12
Diala, May 20, (VOI) –

A girl child was killed and nine civilians wounded when a suicide bomber blew up his explosive belt northeast of Ba'aqouba on Tuesday, police said. 

"A suicide bomber detonated his explosive belt near the motorcade of al-Nada clan chieftain in Mandili district, adjacent to the Iranian borders, (130 km) northeast of Ba'aqouba, killing a five-year-old girl child and wounding nine civilians others," a police source told Aswat al-Iraq – Voices of Iraq – (VOI) on condition that his name will not be mentioned.
The source did not give more information.
Ba'aqouba, the capital of Diala province, lies 57 km northeast of Baghdad.


Four Sahwa fighters killed near Dolou'iya
Salah al-Din - Voices of Iraq
Tuesday , 20 /05 /2008  Time 5:44:09
Salah al-Din, May 20, (VOI)-

Four Sahwa- Awakening- fighters were killed on Tuesday in an armed attack near Dolou'iya district, 90 km north of Baghdad, a local police source said.

“Unknown gunmen attacked and killed Qassem Balil al-Dulaimi, a local Sahwa leader, along with three escorts in Bishkan village near Dolouiya,” the source, who requested anonymity, told Aswat al-Iraq- Voices of Iraq- (VOI).

The source added “The victims were ambushed on a rural road while the attackers fled to unknown place.”  
Sahwa Councils are government-backed tribesmen who joined the U.S. and Iraqi forces in fighting the extremist armed groups like Qaeda in the Sunni-dominated areas like Anbar, Diala and Salah al-Din.

16 killed, nine wounded in Iraq violence since Monday

Baghdad - Voices of Iraq
Tuesday , 20 /05 /2008  Time 5:26:12
Baghdad, May 20, (VOI) –

At least sixteen people were killed and nine others wounded while 18 were arrested in acts of violence in different areas of Iraq since 9:00 p.m. Monday until 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, according to security sources.
Iraqi forces on Tuesday launched a campaign of search in Baghdad’s Sadr City in hunt for unlicensed weapons.

“The campaign, dubbed al-Salam (Peace), was carried out in cooperation with Sadr’s office in the city in order to seize unlicensed weapons and to impose law,” Major General Qassem Atta, spokesman for Baghdad Security Plan, told Aswat al-Iraq- Voices of Iraq- (VOI).

In Basra, a police source revealed that three wanted men and 11 suspects were arrested on different scores on Monday, adding Austrian-made missiles were seized during search raids in the city.
In Diala, police said that a girl child was killed and nine civilians wounded when a suicide bomber blew up his explosive belt northeast of Ba'aqouba.

In Ninewa, Abdul-Rehim al-Shimari, the mayor of al-Bia'aj district told VOI that gunmen killed 11 people who had volunteered to be policemen when the gunmen intercepted their vehicle while returning to their homes in the western part of the district.

In Salah al-Din province, four US-recruited Sahwa (Awakening) tribal fighters were killed on Tuesday in an armed attack near Dalou'iya district, 90 km north of Baghdad, a local police source said.

Another source in Salah al-Din police said four gunmen involved in the assassination of a senior officer two months ago were arrested.



Iraq War Report for events of Monday, 19 May 2008.

Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr,

member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice. 
·        US admits death of American soldier in bomb attack in Salah ad-Din Province Sunday evening.
·        Dozens arrested in US raids in al-Mawsil district of al-Zanjili.
·        Iraqi army captures 22 members of Jaysh al-Mahdi militia in al-Basrah Monday.
Iraqi regime forces raid Baghdad mosque, arrest five members of Jaysh al-Mahdi militia.
In a dispatch posted at 5:55pm Baghdad time Monday afternoon, the Yaqen News Agency reported that Iraqi army forces surrounded the ash-Shurufi mosque in the ash-Sha‘ab neighborhood of Baghdad and then raided the place of worship, arresting five people inside.
Yaqen reported a source in the army, who refused to be identified, as saying that the raiders confiscated 24 explosive devices, six RPG-7 rocket-propelled grenades, 20 mortar rounds, two hand grenades, 35 charges for shells, and thousands of bullets for PKS machine guns.  The source said that the five men arrested were members of the anti-occupation Jaysh al-Mahdi militia.
Major in Interior Ministry forces gunned down in Madinat as-Sadr.
In a dispatch posted at 4pm Baghdad time Monday afternoon, the Yaqen News Agency reported that armed men shot and killed a major in the Iraqi government’s Interior Ministry armed forces in an attack in the impoverished Madinat al-Sadr district of Baghdad.
Yaqen reported a source in the Interior Ministry as saying that the attackers sprayed Major Ahmad al-Nouri with a hail of bullets.  Al-Nouri returned fire and was able to kill two of the assailants before dying himself, the source claimed.  The source noted that the Major lived on al-Falah Street in Madinat as-Sadr.

Katyusha rocket wounds explodes in northern Baghdad Monday afternoon.
In a dispatch posted on its Arabic website at 7:48pm Monday afternoon Beijing time (3:48pm in Baghdad), the Xinhua News Agency reported that a Katyousha rocket slammed into ‘Adan Square in northern Baghdad after noon on Monday.
Xinhua reported a source in the Iraqi government police as saying that the attack wounded five people.
Bomb wounds three in south Baghdad suburb Monday afternoon.
In a dispatch posted on its Arabic website at 7:48pm Monday afternoon Beijing time (3:48pm in Baghdad), the Xinhua News Agency reported that a bomb exploded in the al-Mikanik neighborhood of the southern Baghdad suburb of al-Dourah before noon on Monday.
Xinhua reported a source in the Iraqi government police as saying that three civilians were wounded in the blast.
US admits death of American soldier in bomb attack in Salah ad-Din Province Sunday evening.
In a dispatch posted at 11:23am Baghdad time Monday morning, the Yaqen News Agency reported that a bomb went off by a US military vehicle on Sunday evening.
Yaqen reported an American communiqué as saying that the bomb killed one US soldier and wounded a second when it exploded somewhere in Salah ad-Din Province.  In keeping with the US practice of concealing facts related to its losses in Iraq, the American statement failed to provide details regarding the time, place, or circumstances of the attack.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Car bomb wounds three in Tikrit Monday morning.
In a dispatch posted on its Arabic website at 4:59pm Monday afternoon Beijing time (12:59pm in Baghdad), the Xinhua News Agency reported that a car bomb that had been parked by the side of a road near the ash-Shuhada’ Mosque in Tikrit, 180km north of Baghdad exploded on Monday morning.
Xinhua reported a source in the government security forces as saying that the blast wounded three people and damaged a number of stores and cars near the scene.  Security forces surrounded the area as ambulances transported the injured to hospitals for treatment.
Al-Qa‘idah military commander arrested in Sunday night raid in Tikrit.
In a dispatch posted on its Arabic website at 4:59pm Monday afternoon Beijing time (12:59pm in Baghdad), the Xinhua News Agency reported that Iraqi government security forces raided the neighborhood of al-Qadisiyah in northern Tikrit, 180km north of Baghdad on Sunday night on a tip.
Xinhua reported a source in the security forces as saying that as a result of the raid, the government forces captured ‘Abd al-Khaliq ‘Awwad Isma‘il as-Sab‘awi, a leader of al-Qa‘idah responsible for military operations in neighboring Ninwa Province.
Ninwa Province.
Dozens arrested in US raids in al-Mawsil district of az-Zanjili.
In a dispatch posted at 10:50am Baghdad time Monday morning, the Yaqen News Agency reported that Iraqi regime troops backed by US forces and Kurdish separatist Peshmergah gunmen, arrested dozens in the city of al-Mawsil, 420km northwest of Baghdad.
Yaqen reported residents of the city as saying that US, Iraqi government, and Kurdish separatist forces raided houses and arrested anyone capable of carrying weapons in the al-Zanjili district and in al-Mawsil al-Jadidah.  The witnesses said that the Americans and their Iraqi allies broke down doors and ransacked houses in their savage raids.
Karbala’ Province.
Iraqi regime forces arrest Jaysh al-Mahdi detachment commander in Karbala’.
In a dispatch posted at 2:16pm Baghdad time Monday afternoon, the Yaqen News Agency reported that Iraqi government security forces announced that they had arrested the commander of an detachment of the Jaysh al-Mahdi militia in the city of Karbala’, 110km south of Baghdad.
Yaqen reported Major General Raed Shakir Jawdat, the Operations Commander for the Iraqi regime police in Karbala’ as announcing that his forces had captured a man code-named Abu Haythum, a Jaysh al-Mahdi detachment leader, together with three of his men.
The US and the security forces of the Iraqi regime have been conducting attacks on the anti-occupation Jaysh al-Mahdi militia throughout Iraq since March in an apparent effort to clear the way for an eventual US attack on Iran.
Dhi Qar Province.
Suq ash-Shuyukh.
Bomb kills officer in Iraqi government army Monday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 12:47pm Baghdad time midday Monday, the Yaqen News Agency reported that the commander of an Iraqi government army unit was killed in a bomb attack in the Suq al-Shouyukh area, 350km southeast of Baghdad.
Yaqen reported Colonel Hassan Yasser, the Administrator of the Suq ash-Shuyukh area as saying that a bomb that had been stuck on the wall of the room occupied by Major Farhan ‘Ali, the commander of the al-Ahwar Regiment in the Suq ash-Shuyoukh area exploded on Monday morning.  The blast killed Major ‘Ali and wounded two of his bodyguards.
A similar bomb attack targeted the Police Directorate in al-Nassiriyah last week, wounding an officer in the Iraqi government force.
Al-Basrah Province.
Iraqi army captures 22 members of Jaysh al-Mahdi militia in al-Basrah Monday.
In a dispatch posted at 7:25pm Baghdad time Monday afternoon, the Yaqen News Agency reported that Iraqi army forces carried out raids searches and arrests in the city of al-Basrah on Monday.
Yaqen reported a press spokesman for the government forces declared that 22 members of the anti-occupation Jaysh al-Mahdi militia were arrested in the course of the raids and that a quantity of arms and ammunition were also seized.
The US and the security forces of the Iraqi regime have been conducting attacks on the anti-occupation Jaysh al-Mahdi militia throughout Iraq since March in an apparent effort to clear the way for an eventual US attack on Iran.
Policeman killed in assault on checkpoint in al-Basrah.
In a dispatch posted at 10:04am Baghdad time Monday morning, the Yaqen News Agency reported that armed men assaulted a checkpoint manned by Iraqi government police on al-Kuwayt Street in al-Basrah.
Yaqen reported a source in the police as saying that one policeman was killed and two more wounded in the attack, after which the armed men left the area.

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