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News, August 8, 2010 |
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Muslim American News Briefs, August 6, 2010 Hadith: Justice Video: NY Islamic Center Opponent's Bigotry Exposed Backgrounder: Who's Behind NY's Anti-Islam Campaign? Video: CAIR Director Defends NY Islamic Center Proposal (Fox) Video: CAIR Rep Debates Religious Freedom with Rabbi Video: CAIR-NY Rep Discusses Islamic Center Proposal CAIR Video: Hate Flyers Target Kentucky Mosque Plans Mosque Riles Politicians in Tennessee Fla. Mayor Calls 'Burn the Quran' Church an 'Embarrassment'
HADITH OF THE DAY: JUSTICE - TOP The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "He who has been a ruler over (even) ten people will be brought shackled on the Day of Resurrection, until the justice (by which he ruled) loosens his chains or (his) tyranny brings him to destruction." Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 1037 The Prophet also said: "(Those who dispense) justice will be seated on pulpits of light beside God. . .(They are) those who do justice in their rulings, in matters relating to their families, and in all that they undertake to do." Sahih Muslim, Hadith 844 ----- VIDEO: TV HOST EXPOSES NY ISLAMIC CENTER OPPONENT'S BIGOTRY - TOP Pamela Geller: 'Hitler Inspired by Islam' The Alyona Show, 8/3/10 Pamela Geller from "Stop Islamization" says it's not religious tolerance to build a mosque overlooking Ground Zero. NYC gave final approval for building the so called "Ground Zero" Mosque two blocks from the site of the September 11th terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. Geller claims these issues aren't about Muslims and Islam. Lauren questions statements made on her blog. Geller claims Hitler was inspired by Islam. Lauren also calls out Geller for a cartoon picture of the Prophet Muhammad previously posted on her website, which she claims is freedom of speech. View the video. NOTE: Geller claims she did not post an item on her site claiming Muslims have sex with goats. To view a screen shot of that posting, go to: SEE ALSO: BACKGROUNDER: WHO'S BEHIND NY'S ANTI-ISLAM CAMPAIGN? - TOP The anti-Islam New York bus ad campaign and the campaign to block construction of an Islamic community center in New York are both headed by an extremist Muslim-basher who claims that "Hitler and the Nazis were inspired by Islam." Stop the Islamization of America (SIOA), the anti-Islam hate group behind both efforts, is led by Pamela Geller. [NOTE: The United States Patent and Trademark Office recently refused to grant SIOA a trademark because: "The applied-for mark refers to Muslims in a disparaging manner because by definition it implies that conversion or conformity to Islam is something that needs to be stopped or caused to cease."] Geller recently posted images on her blog purporting to depict Islam's Prophet Muhammad. Several of those images show the prophet as a pig. Another image, headlined "Piss Be Upon Him," shows one of the controversial Danish cartoons of the prophet covered in urine. ("Piss Be Upon Him" is designed to mock the traditional phrase "Peace Be Upon Him" that Muslims use when mentioning any prophet of God.) She has in the past referred to President Obama as a "ball s**ker" and posted a photoshopped image of him urinating on an American flag. On her personal blog, Geller has written of President Obama: "[O]ne thing is for sure: Hussein is a muhammadan [sic]." Geller also wrote: "[I]t is well known that Obama allegedly was involved with a crack whore in his youth." Geller has been vocal in her criticism of the black population in South Africa and seemingly supportive of the slain South African apartheid leader Eugene Terre'blanche. Following Terre'blanche's recent murder, Geller wrote: "All I see in South Africa is Black supremacism. Terreblanche [sic] may have been a white supremacist, but he's the dead one." She has also offered rhetorical support to accused Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic. In one blog entry, Geller posted a video claiming that Muslims engage in bestiality. SIOA is an outgrowth of a similar group in Europe that seeks to block the construction of mosques. That group, Stop the Islamization of Europe, "considers Islamophobia to be the height of common sense." SEE: SIOA is an Anti-Muslim Hate Group Fox Opens Its Airwaves to Anti-Muslim Activist Geller Her blog has in the past featured categories such as "Advancing Islamic Lies" and "Islam 2008: Religion of Barbarism." She was recently involved in a Florida conference that invited extremist anti-Islam Dutch politician Geert Wilders to speak. In one 2009 blog post, Geller wrote in reference to Islam's Prophet Muhammad: "And frankly I find the whole new 'Abrahamic' narrative really galling. 1,400 years ago some maniaic [sic] decided to spin the origin of a 5,767 year old religion to advance their own evil end and said it was Ishmael that Abraham was to kill and now it's taken as.....gospel? Puhleeeze." She also claims Muslim groups "control information and how it is processed at senior levels of the CIA, the FBI, the Pentagon, and the various branches of the military." Geller once called for the destruction of Islam's Dome of Rock in Jerusalem. She wrote: "The dome has got to go. It is sitting atop the great Jewish temple. The dome has got to go." Recently, Geller and the deputy head of SIOA, anti-Islam blogger Robert Spencer, offered support for a call to wipe the nation of Pakistan off the map using India's nuclear weapons. They both used their blogs to promote a video urging the mass killing of all Pakistanis. Geller wrote of the girl featured in that video making the call to genocide: "Perhaps with an online Colb. (collaboration) we can run her for president in '16. She gets it." Spencer wrote: "The girl is right: do not fear. Fight back against the jihad. Fear hands the jihadis a weapon." SEE: Pamela Geller: The Looniest Blogger Ever Geller has even been criticized by other Islamophobes for her extremism and for supporting far-right fascist groups in Europe. In fact, SIOA is an outgrowth of a similar group in Europe that seeks to block the construction of mosques on that continent. That group, Stop the Islamization of Europe, also "considers Islamophobia to be the height of common sense" and, like Geller, claims that Islam "considers lying to be not only acceptable, but obligatory." --- VIDEO: CAIR DIRECTOR DEFENDS NY ISLAMIC CENTER PROPOSAL ON O'REILLY FACTOR - TOP Fox News, 8/3/10 View the video. CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad discusses the recent developments in the New York Islamic community center proposal. --- VIDEO: CAIR REP DEBATES RELIGIOUS FREEDOM ON FOX - TOP CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper debates the New York City Islamic community center controversy and its impact on religious freedom with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and Robert Boston of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. View the video. --- VIDEO: CAIR-NY REP DISCUSSES ISLAMIC CENTER PROPOSAL - TOP Watch the video. ----- CAIR VIDEO: HATE FLYERS TARGET KENTUCKY MOSQUE PLANS - TOP Fox 19, 8/4/10 View the video. Plans to build a mosque in Kentucky are coming up against resistance and the Council on American-Islamic Relations is speaking up. The proposed site is on Cayton Rd., between Mall Rd. and Hopeful Church Rd., right in the heart of the city. Anonymous flyers are being circulated throughout the city vehemently opposing the mosque. These flyers include quotes like, "Americans need to have this stopped" and "We are the United States of America not an Islamic nation." Karen Dabdoub, the President of CAIR, is outraged. "What we are is a pluralistic nation both ethnically and religiously and every religious group has a right to have their own space to worship," says Dabdoub... SEE ALSO: MOSQUE RILES POLITICIANS IN TENNESSEE - TOP By Hillary May, The Washington Times, 8/3/10 Mosques aren't roiling just New York. Plans to build a Muslim worship center in Murfreesboro, Tenn., have taken a front seat in two major political races that Tennessee voters will decide Thursday. The Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, Tenn., intends to build a $5 million mosque on a 15-acre plot it purchased last winter, which has sparked intense debates between candidates in the Republican primaries for governor and one of the state's U.S. House seats. Lou Ann Zelenik, who seeks the nomination in the Republican-leaning 6th District, strongly opposes the plans and has garnered national attention for calling it an "Islamic training center" and highlighting its links to the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. "Religious toleration is the bedrock of our freedom, but no nation is required to extend toleration to religions that preach against public order and safety," she said. "The two professional politicians in this race are either completely out of touch with our community or too worried about [political] correctness to care." (More) ----- FLA. MAYOR CALLS 'BURN THE QURAN' CHURCH AN 'EMBARRASSMENT' - TOP With mounting news coverage about a Gainesville church's plan to hold a Quran burning on Sept. 11, Mayor Craig Lowe released a statement Monday condemning the church, dismissing it as a "tiny fringe group and an embarrassment to our community." "They are opposed (to) Gainesville's true character as a place that values every person," Lowe said in a news release. "We may be of different religions, sexual orientations, races, genders, national origins, or ages, but all are welcome here in our efforts to build a better community both locally and globally." In an interview, the mayor said he issued the statement to respond to the amount of attention Dove World Outreach Center's "International Burn a Koran Day" has gotten. (More)
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