Reply to US Congress Letter on
Iraq, Iran, and Terrorism to the Indian Premier
K Gajendra Singh
Excellencies ,
members , Committee on Foreign Affairs , GARY L. ACKERMAN ,
Chairman & MIKE PENCE, Member , Subcommittee on the Middle
East & South Asia ,BRAD SHERMAN ,Chairman ,EDWARD R. ROYCE
Member ,Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation & Trade
Introduction ;
"I saw a four-year-old boy sitting beside his mother's
body, which had been decapitated by the explosion. He was talking
to her, asking her what had happened -" a
Humanitarian worker in Iraq.
The number of Iraqi civilians killed in Baghdad according to
Reuters jumped to nearly 2,000 in May, the highest monthly toll
since the so called Surge ie a U.S.-backed security crackdown. In
the same month 127 US soldiers were also killed, the third highest
monthly total.
Number of Iraqi Civilians
Slaughtered In America's War on Iraq - At Least 665,000 plus according
to John Hopkin's Medical school report , based on July, 2006
survey , which was published by the prestigious British medical
journal 'The Lancet'. The methodology used is the same as for
famines , or in Darfur and other areas of conflict and violence .
Over 3500 US soldiers have
been killed and fifty thousand maimed and injured. Tens of
thousands of mercenaries aka illegal enemy combatants operating
against Iraq have been killed and injured.
Multiply the case of orphans like above, widows and others in Iraq
, the aggressed nation and others in USA and elsewhere. But US
President Bush repeated the obscenely low figures of 30,000 Iraqis
dead last year . No shame of disproportion!
" The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions
is a statistic:" Joseph Stalin in a comment to Churchill
at Potsdam, 1945. ( Russia was attacked by the Nazis)
US has spent nearly US $ 450
billion on its illegal war on Iraq , but still planning
missiles defence system in Europe and going for even more lethal
weapons and killing machines . Afraid of Whom ! USA already spends
over $ 500 billion on defence , the same as the rest of the world
put together and increasing it, financed by trade deficits .Some
day the people of US must face the reckoning . Never mind, the
military –industry complex is thriving. The war lords rule USA.
As for US training Iraqis to collaborate with US forces to
maintain the illegal and hated occupation, for which bases in Iraq
and a fortress like Embassy in Baghdad are being built , read ;
'What are we doing here? Why are we still here?' " said
Safstrom, a member of Delta Company of the 1st Battalion, 325th
Airborne Infantry, 82nd Airborne Division. "We're helping
guys that are trying to kill us. We help them in the day. They
turn around at night and try to kill us."
"There is no way we are going to win the war (in Iraq) and
(we should) withdraw and accept defeat because we are going to
lose on a more important level if we don't,'' said General Sir
Michael Rose , commander of the United Nations Protection
Force in Bosnia-Hercegovina from 1994 to 1995.
" Last Wednesday, following the car bomb massacre of
nearly 200 people in Baghdad, Senate majority leader Harry
Reid, a Democrat from Nevada, paid a visit to the lunatic
asylum known as the White House to inform its chief inmate that
"the war is lost". He referred to the "extreme
violence" in Baghdad as proof that US military strategy was
now bankrupt.," Prof Mike Davis in The Guardian of 21
April,2007 .
"I refuse to be silent any longer. I refuse to be party
to an illegal and immoral war against people who did nothing to
deserve our aggression. My oath of office is to protect and defend
America's laws and its people. By refusing unlawful orders for an
illegal war, I fulfill that oath today." - U.S.
Army First Lt. Ehren Watada
Lt Watada is from the top West point military academy and from a
martial family .Most GI are poor Americans from poor rural regions
of USA and end up as cannon fodder for the voracious ambitions of
the war lords. Few , if any of their children are serving in Iraq
.The US President and the Vice President did not serve in Vietnam
, nor did former President Bill Clinton , who are all ever ready
to beat war drums and send others' children in the harms way .
In 9th century when the fiery desert Arab warriors started
outsourcing fighting to Turkish mercenaries and slaves they soon
lost power and the Caliphs came to be ' protected ' by now
powerful Turkish Sultans , the sword wielders .
As Iraqis stand up in Basra ,
poodle Tony Blair stands down.
But why this graceless terrier on his usual lying spin around the
world ." Britain has failed to stop southern Iraq falling
into the grip of militias " wrote recently from Basra ,Ghaith
Abdul-Ahad in the Guardian; "The British officers are very
careful about their image, they are too scared to go into
confrontation. They allowed the cancer to [take over the body].
Even if the militias burn the city tomorrow, [the British] won't
go into confrontation. They know they are outnumbered and they
have huge losses if they do so."
"During a recent nine-day visit, politicians, security
officials and businessmen explained how the streets of the city
were effectively under the control of rival militias competing to
control territory, the fragile post-Saddam apparatus of state and
revenue sources such as oil and weapons smuggling. As in Baghdad,
gunmen speed through the streets on the back of pickups and the
city is divided between militias as mutually suspicious as rival
mafia families. '
The militias are freedom fighters ready to die to oust the foreign
occupiers. Time has come for a British Dunkirk like great escape .
It would be another brilliant operation! What did the British do
after that in the war. The Soviet Union sacrificed tens of
millions of its people and destroyed 80% of Nazi war machine ,
then the Yanks came and took all the credit for the victory
producing films like " The longest day " and
"Gen Patton"( in which the British Field Marshal E.
Montgomery is portrayed a clown ) The GI's raped thousands of
women in West Europe and had a very high desertion rate. So what
is new!
Former Vice-President Al Gore in his book 'The Assault on
Reason' describes the invasion of Iraq "the worst
strategic mistake in the history of the United States," and
accuses the Bush administration of presiding over a "moral
cesspool". Gore adds that "Reason, logic and truth
seem to play a sharply diminished role in the way America now
makes important decisions."
The central thesis of Al Gore's book is that America has been
lulled into a stupor, offering Bush the opportunity he craved to
bypass or seize control of institutions and to govern through an
extremist ( Neo-Con) ideology.
Lewis "Scooter" Libby, a former chief of staff and
national security adviser to the vice-president, Dick Cheney, has
been sentenced to 30 months in jail for perjury and obstruction of
justice relating to the Iraq war, thus becoming the highest-level
US official to be sentenced to jail since the Iran-Contra affair
20 years ago. He was fined $250,000 and in a judicial flourish -
got slapped with $400 in court costs. He would also serve two
years' probation at the end of the prison term. American public
must ensure that criminals are not pardoned by the President.
The Judge, Reggie Walton, not inclined to grant bail, stated that
he had to balance Libby's record of service to the country against
a need to punish those who lied under oath. He added people
occupying high office had a duty not to step over the line."
The special prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald, who recommended a
three-year sentence, emphasised. "We need to make the
statement that the truth matters ever so much." Lying has
become a second nature!
Dick Cheney described Libby as "a man of the highest
intellect, judgment and personal integrity". Whom to take
seriously? The defence counsel read out 100 letters of support
from mostly Neo-Cons including Paul Wolfowitz , who was ousted for
trying to furnish his love nest with World Bank funds .
Libby was not responsible for leaking Ms Valerie Plame's identity
as CIA covert agent but almost the whole administration appeared
involved in doing that . The sentence related to the perjury and
obstruction of justice and the cover-up. Joseph Wilson ,Ms Plame's
husband, a former US ambassador, went to Niger and found that US
claims that Iraq had been seeking uranium to build a nuclear bomb
were false. His 2003 New York Times article angered the White
House, which had used the false claim as an alibi to invade Iraq.
Wolfowitz had scoffed at Gen Eric L Shinseki assessment before the
invasion that couple of hundred thousand of US troops would be
required to pacify Iraq . A smaller number was used. The General
was also wrong .Not even half a million would have stopped the
Iraqi freedom fighters, as in Algeria after the second world war
or in Turkey after the first. Algeria lost one million in a
population of eleven million.
Wolfowitz crowed after the Fall of Baghdad that the causes belli
cited for the invasion were just excuses. USA wanted Iraq oil (
for free ) and control the regions' s rich energy resources
extending up to and including the Caspian basin under the bogus
pretext of war on terror . All claims as alibi for invasion were
proved false.
"I would rather have free
a press and no government, than a government and no free
press." -- Thomas Jefferson ,
"A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a
people as base as itself."- Joseph Pulitzer
What about the lies manufactured for consent of the gullible herd
like US masses and cheer leading by the so called media in USA,
where five mega-corporations control 90% of the media .If the
Germans were condemned for the policies and atrocities by the
Nazis then the US people and the media are now equally guilty of
being accessories to the illegal war and other crimes in Iraq and
Then there was that despicable lynching of the Iraqi President
Saddam Hussein by a Baghdad mob, sentenced by a Kangaroo Court set
up by and under US authority and occupation. The Iraqi President
till the last moment was under US custody and care. Iraq has no
sovereignty; Listen;
"It was by force that the sons of Osman seized the
sovereignty and Sultanate of the Turkish nation; they have
maintained this usurpation for six centuries. Now, the Turkish
nation has rebelled and has put a stop to these usurpers and has
effectively taken sovereignty and Sultanate in its own
Thus declared Kemal Ataturk to the Grand National Assembly in
Ankara in 1923.
The Guardian noted last week that the White House officials
scrambled to demonstrate unified support behind its policy towards
Iran. Their task was made difficult as the International Atomic
Energy Agency chief, Mohamed El Baradei, issued warnings about the
"new crazies" in the administration who were pressing
for military action. "I have no brief other than to make
sure we don't go into another war or that we go crazy into killing
each other," he told the BBC. "You do not want to
give additional argument to new crazies who say 'let's go and bomb
Last week Amnesty International again criticised USA for its
policy of "extraordinary rendition" and treatment of
detainees, particularly at Guantánamo Bay. "The US
administration's double-speak has been breathtakingly
shameless," Irene Khan, the secretary general, wrote. The
"dark underbelly of globalisation" - discrimination and
exploitation of migrant workers and a growing economic divide -
was a concern, particularly in Africa and China.
Titled "CIA ran secret prisons for detainees in Europe,
says inquiry", The Guardian reported on 8 June that
"despite denials by their governments, senior Polish and
Romanian security officials confirmed to the Council of Europe
that their countries were used to hold some of America's most
important prisoners captured after 9/11 in secret." The
19-month inquiry by the council of Europe , that promotes human
rights across Europe, was headed by Dick Marty, a Swiss senator
and former state prosecutor. He said: "What was previously
just a set of allegations is now proven: large numbers of people
have been abducted from various locations across the world and
transferred to countries where they have been persecuted and where
it is known that torture is common practice."
"But it was impossible to save the Great Republic. She was
rotten to the heart. Lust of conquest had long ago done its work;
trampling upon the helpless abroad had taught her, by a natural
process, to endure with apathy the like at home; multitudes who
had applauded the crushing of other people's liberties, lived to
suffer for their mistake in their own persons. The government was
irrevocably in the hands of the prodigiously rich and their
hangers-on; the suffrage was become a mere machine, which they
used as they chose. There was no principle but commercialism, no
patriotism but of the pocket : " Mark Twain .Here the famous
US humourist was deadly serious. Prophetic words.
" Throughout history, Iran has radiated through Persian
language and culture its influence over all its neighbouring
countries. In Iran, therefore, we deal with not just a political
entity but also a cultural force that takes great pride in its
civilizational achievements. I think it is worth reiterating this
to ourselves when we deal with that country on difficult issues
such as security, non-proliferation, etc. In our view, Iran must
be engaged purposefully and candidly - not by demonising its
social and cultural mores but by recognizing their internal
dynamic even while we may not accept them for ourselves. For those
of us who inhabit the same region as Iran and are aware of the
richness of its history and culture, and the pride they take in
their civilization, it is axiomatic that threats against or
denigration of the country will not work.
Iran has to mindful of its international obligations, but progress
on the issues that concern us will not be possible by the use or
the threat of use of force or sanctions. It is only engagement
which will enable us to see that Iran views following its
international obligations as being in its pragmatic self interest.
It is a country of tremendous natural and human resources and the
development of these resources will make Iran a factor for
regional security. The threat or the implied threat of use of
military or economic force will not. " Pranab Mukherji ,
India's External Affairs Minister's at the ASEM Meeting in Hamburg
on 28 May ,2007
US reaction to 911 was that of an old bull suddenly castrated
,enraged it goes mad on a rampage of destruction treating Afghans
and Iraqis and all comers like US treated Red Indians ie genocide
The Western attitude is inherently racist and inhuman. It is again
re-emerging after having reached its climax as Nazism and
extermination of the Jews , gypsies and others and the Holocaust
.Were the Jews blameless ! .How would their treatment of
Palestinians now be described ie like apartheid or like they were
subjected to as racially inferior .Jews should look themselves in
the mirror everyday before talking of the Holocaust .
Just look at the contrast between Western Christian treatment of
human beings as slaves with that of the Arabs and Muslims, where
slaves were treated as members of the family, many accepted
formally with some even becoming rulers and Sultans .
Bush said before the current G-8 Summit in Germany , "The
cold war is over, it ended. Russia is not the enemy," He
added, "My message will be: you shouldn't fear a missile
defence system. As a matter of fact, why don't you cooperate with
us on a missile defence system" .The world is not made up of
dimwits who can be misled as the US population . But even they
trashed his Republican party in the last November elections but
there is little policy change .USA is ruled by corporate interests
and energy cartels .Even the elections, after 2004 judicial fraud
,are meaningless now.
Bush's nauseating prattle about liberty, freedom (for
Russians) and independence is just load of rubbish . How USA
established democracies in pre-Castro Cuba , Philippines , Iran in
1950s or helped Gen Yahya Khan's democracy in Bangladesh ,and all
over Latin America ?.Have some fear of God's wrath for such
blatant lies .Seventy percent Russians support Putin and his
policies where as Bush has support of just 30%. This is the talk
of a man under the control of an irrational man with high blood
pressure , trying to divert attention from the Iraq Quagmire ,
with little purchase now from off and on threats of bombing Iran ,
which if carried out will be catastrophic for western interests .
It is the US economy, stupid . Bush must attend to that too now .
US had also talked about cooperation between Russia and Nato in
the wake of the Soviet Union's collapse .But Nato then extended
the north Atlantic Ocean to inside Russia's near abroad , entered
into South Asia ie Pak occupied Kashmir following the earthquake .Nato
sailors , invited by the US puppet President Victor Yushchenko of
Ukraine ,even went to Crimean for military exercises but were
shoed away by the Parliament and a very hostile population which
is predominantly Russian.
I saw a four-year-old boy sitting beside his mother's body,
which had been decapitated by the explosion. He was talking to
her, asking her what had happened -a
Humanitarian worker in Iraq.
Look at your hands dripping with blood of more than a million
Iraqis including earlier under US-UK enforced sanctions against
Iraq from 1991, which flows down every day .The above is one
example of man made human tragedy .If he were an American child, a
Christian Child, a Western child ,how would you react .It can be
seen on all western TV channels when it concerns the death of a US
soldier or a western hostage. This is pure and simple racism . Who
are the barbarians, from the days of Alexander the small town
homosexual and his Macedonian hordes .Those barbarians were
civilized by the Persians but after Darwin and des Cartes West has
reverted back to animalism and barbarianism .
Excellencies , you are very much responsible and
accomplishes in the unholy mess in Iraq, death and devastation
brought on the hapless people of Iraq and the quagmire in which
USA has got itself into.
Let me remind you Excellencies that on 10 October , 2002 the US
House by a vote of 296-133, and the Senate on 11 October , 2002 by
a vote of 77-23, authorized 'Use of Military Force Against Iraq
Resolution of 2002 '(Public Law 107-243, 116 Stat. 1497-1502) ,
sought by US President George Bush , which came to be known as
"Iraq War Resolution" .It was signed into law by the
President on 16, October ,2002. The military invasion in March,
2003 was codenamed 'Operation Iraqi Freedom'.
Did the Congress did a due diligence study before authorizing the
invasion of Iraq against UN Charter as pronounced by Kofi Annan
and against the will of the international community
Did not Hamilton of Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group (IDG) chide
you that you did not do your work properly , then or later
It took the US Congress 3 years, after the invasion to establish
on March 15, 2006 , a bipartisan Commission, ISG to salvage
something from the bloody Iraqi quagmire. There is now a full
fledged civil war with Iraq slipping towards breakup, under US led
But most of its eminent recommendations have been set aside if not
forgotten. Are you showing due diligence now. Eyes are on the next
election .Presidential contenders are auctioning themselves to the
highest corporate bidders and on being elected would follow the
dictates of their masters .Where are the interests of the American
people ?
The US used the 'Shock and Awe" tactics of destruction in
2003 March in Iraq to try out its latest weapons of destruction
including with millennia lasting ill effects of depleted Uranium
bombs you employ merrily , against a hapless people already
grinded by the sanctions which the US and British leaders had
declared would continue unless there was a regime change .
The UN watched impotently having been emasculated by your
government's cowboy tactics, further sought to be implemented by
the likes of John Bolton who even the Congress would not confirm
and now a slick sly diplomat Afghan Zalmay Khalilzad , who has
left Afghanistan and Iraq in total ruins .Now is it UN's turn .UN
resolutions are meaningless unless it conforms to 2007 political
and strategic realities and not of 1945.
"The present system for preventing the proliferation of
nuclear weapons is at an end , is bankrupt." Mohamed
El Baradei , head of IAEA at Davos last year.
The Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty (NPT) an iniquitous
,non universal thrust down regime is dead and the major
violators of NPT ,the five recognized nuclear weapons powers (NWP
s) , who also occupy the permanent seats in the UN Security
Council want this unethical and immoral regime to continue.
There is an unholy gang-up by the NWP s , against the majority of
the nations and people of the world , the non-nuclear weapon
states and others ,who watch impotently this dangerous theatre of
the absurd and brinkmanship, in trepidation . Something is
seriously wrong with the political, economic and environmental
health of planet Earth.
India should never sign the agreement US Congress is offering
.India has been a nuclear power since 1974 when that greatest of
Indian leaders Indira Gandhi ordered scientific validation.
Israel is also a ' hidden' nuclear power with hundreds of Nukes
.There are no sanctions against Israel .It uses nukes to blackmail
its neighbours and even USA. It is US ally Pakistan which
regularly blackmails India and obtained missiles for passing on
Nuke technology to north Korea . India unlike most of the NWPs and
Pakistan has followed the self imposed nonproliferation regime.
Nice boys finish last.
Excellencies ,
A Feb 07 poll carried out by Zogby International, revealed that
39% of the American public "agree" or "somewhat
agree" that "the work of the Israel lobby on Congress
and the Bush administration has been a key factor for going to war
on Iraq and now confronting Iran." However, a similar number,
40%, "strongly disagreed" or "somewhat
disagreed" with this position. Some 20% of the public, or
more than one in five, were not sure. The disagreement is caused
by almost total domination of US media by the Israeli Lobby . The
poll's details show that 46% of Democrats tended to believe that
the lobby was influential in the decision to go to war in Iraq
while 45% of Republicans tended to believe it was not.
Israeli Lobby has full control
over US Congress . Period ;
To say that the Israeli Lobby controls the US government and the
Congress would be an under statement, it lords over it. Noam
Chomsky commenting on the" Israel lobby 'in US article by two
respected US university professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen
Walt pointed out that US and Israel interests coincide in the
West's policy to control hydrocarbon energy resources ie petroleum
and gas, ever since the emergence of its importance in warfare and
economy. It is only partly true .
But as many rightly say ,it is the Israeli tail which wags the US
dog .Like a henpecked husband in this US-Israel marriage , the
husband can not even complain as can be seen from the virulence of
the attacks against well established and reputed scholars and
others who wrote about the Lobby . Like Holocaust no questions
asked .Period
The main excruciating instrument which makes most Congress members
lose the next elections, sure as hell , and makes them tremble at
even involuntary infringement of what the Lobby wishes and desires
,is the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
.It is the blunt bludgeon employed to keep you gentlemen on a
tight leash in " its primary mission is to work with
America's leaders to strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship.
" It is a sick and sickening relationship
AIPAC sends regular notes or rather commands to the members of the
Congress , who then vote accordingly .It saves so much labour for
the Congressmen , some of whom can then devote attention to a page
boy or two .
At AIPAC's 47th annual conference in Washington in February a
majority of the Senate and a quarter of the House members , along
with dozens of Administration officials were in attendance .
Last July after the Israeli brutal invasion of Lebanon the Senate
unanimously approved a nonbinding resolution "condemning
Hamas and Hezbollah and their state sponsors and supporting
Israel's exercise of its right to self-defense." After House
majority leader John Boehner removed language from the bill urging
"all sides to protect innocent civilian life and
infrastructure," the House version passed by a landslide, 410
to 8. Israel lost the war and its aura of invincibility since 1967
primarily based on nuclear blackmail , but a hundred thousand
Lebanese civilians were recklessly killed and civilian
infrastructure was wantonly destroyed .Dear Congressmen you are
all responsible for giving carte blanche to the Israel's inapt and
callous leadership .Those killed were not American civilians but
Lebanese , those Arabs –the other .They do not have the Congress
by braces and bracelets (Bs & Bs) like the Israelis have.
AIPAC continues to enjoy deep bipartisan support in the Congress
even after two top AIPAC officials were indicted a year ago for
accepting and passing on confidential national security secrets
from a Defense Department analyst. The new House Speaker Nancy
Pelosy is so popular with AIPAC.
Last time Jews , Gypsies and other were victims of the Holocaust
,but if US continues policies framed and influenced by Zeo-cons (
Zionists and Neo-cons ) then the whole world would become a victim
of an even bigger catastrophe if not a Holocaust .
British MP Galloway shuts up the
US senate;
All the US law makers can do is to spin and spew untruths which
are faithfully reproduced by captive US media .Last year ,the U.S.
Senate committee released documents saying Saddam Hussein gave
British MP George Galloway the rights to export 20 million barrels
of oil under the humanitarian program .Smoking a forbidden Havana
cigar inside the Capitol building , he described the accusations
as the mother of all smoke screens and claimed the Committee's
report was false with wrong facts .He accused that the Senate had
little sense of fairness or rule of law . He delivered a broadside
against US policy and its system, challenged them to back up their
claims against him . He then walked out leaving by now empty
committee room stupefied .
So what credibility do you have .There are many such examples.
Tom Lantos
Tom Lantos had found Indian foreign minister Natwar Singh's
reported statement on Iran -- "literally sickening, this
Stalinist rhetoric which we don't accept." And "if New
Delhi did not support Washington's efforts to ostracise Iran,
"the goodwill will dissipate." "They will pay a
heavy price for a total disregard of US concerns vis-a-vis Iran.
It just will not fly in this body and they need to be told that in
plain English, not in diplomatic English and I know there are
people in this room who will carry this message."
One fully sympathizes with the state of mind of Lantos, a
Hungarian born Jew, who was in a concentration camp. Reportedly
his wife, also a Holocaust survivor, and two daughters left the
Jewish faith and are practicing Mormons. But Lantos's outburst
against India shows more than symptoms of Holocaust suffering but
his belief that Iran might be a threat to Israel, to which country
he has a right of return and has apparent loyalty . One wonders if
people like Lantos represent USA, or look after Israel's
in quotes from the Congress letter to Indian Premier Sardar
Manmohan Singh .
"It is difficult for us to fathom why India, a democracy
engaged in its own struggle against terrorism, would want to
enhance security cooperation with a repressive government widely
regarded as the world's most active state sponsor of terrorism.
The poorly drafted letter adds "Regarding Iran, we are deeply
concerned by India's increasing cooperation with that country,
including the exchange of visits between high-level officials,
enhanced military ties, and negotiation of agreements to establish
closer economic relations."
"Such cooperation raises renewed questions about the possible
diversion of sensitive technology to Iran, -- We are also
concerned that broadened economic relations between India and Iran
are being pursued. -- the agreement reached earlier this year for
the construction of a major natural gas pipeline from Iran to
Pakistan and India that will provide the government of Iran with
billions of dollars of revenue. --We must point out that these
ventures could be subject to U.S. action under the Iran Sanctions
"Far more serious recent steps by India to enhance its
economic cooperation with Iran will undermine the international
community's efforts to impose financial and other constraints on
the Iranian government to persuade it to stop its program to
acquire a nuclear weapons capability.
--. As you are aware, --. American military personnel in Iraq have
been targeted and killed by extremists trained and armed by Iran,
and Tehran is actively working to defeat U.S. and coalition
efforts to stabilize Iraq. More broadly, Iran is seeking military
domination of the Persian Gulf and continues to arm and support
terrorists in Iraq, Lebanon, and other countries. "
India is an independent
sovereign nation and your
very idea of questioning our right to have relations with Iran or
any other country is infantile and absurd in inspiration . These
objections are jejune . .India is not poodleland like England or
Anglo-Saxon outpost like Australia , a former penal colony .
Before proceeding further let it be clear that this is not a reply
to your note verbal, which cannot be accepted as it is scurrilous
.In protocol only oral unofficial comments can be given . The
author who spent 35 years as a diplomat half as ambassador to 9
countries is amazed at the audacity and the temerity of such a
Mother hen of all
terrorism- America brings death and destruction.
"I saw a four-year-old boy sitting beside his mother's
body, which had been decapitated by the explosion. He was talking
to her, asking her what had happened -"a
Humanitarian worker in Iraq.
Who established the nurseries of terrorism in Afghanistan and
Pakistan in 1980s ? It was USA and west Europe , Pakistan, Saudi
Arabia and most Muslim countries , CIA and Pak ISI and other spy
agencies and even China to defeat Soviets in Afghanistan .Who
contributed over 8-10 billion US Dollars and recruited and
contributed militants .Then they left behind billions of dollars'
worth of arms in Afghanistan from which the region around it
continues to suffer? India suffered and continues to even now
.Only Pakistan is not responsible for proliferation of terrorism
.USA is the mother hen .
Then the chickens started to come home to roost. In USA 9/11 and
Talebans and Al Qaeda attacks on US missions in Africa and
elsewhere . Now Al Qaeda provides its free franchise and training
manuals .After having thoughtlessly helped create the monster of
Islamic fundamentalism, the United States has now succeeded in
arousing it further by attacking Afghanistan and worse Iraq , thus
ranging the might of Islamic people and their faith against
Studies all around the world even in by non-Zeocons thinktanks in
USA and in UK have showed that Iraq is an excellent on the job
training field for new terrorists enraged by US led Western
policies and actions ..The terrorists need not follow US
withdrawal from Iraq but many home grown indigenous groups will
take to arms against Western nations .
Earlier, the poor and the deprived could find solace and action in
communist and leftist ideologies and programs, but after the
dismantling of the Soviet Union, many in the Islamic world have
also taken to extreme religious movements. This will increase as
long as US led West with its US-Saud Dynasty –Wahabi nexus
exploits Arab energy and other resources and supports Israel , the
apartheid cancer in the Middle East .
Danger to the US from
The danger to the US "way of life and stability"
could come from within , from black American Muslims who now
number 3 million to 5 million. Black Americans joined the armed
forces in large numbers after the compulsory military draft was
The black community and Muslims remember many historic wrongs done
to them. Of the 2 million Americans in prisons, two-thirds are
non-white. Many feel oppressed by the white power structure and
sentencing disparities, which too often fall most harshly on
minorities. Islam offers brotherhood, dignity, and a sense of
pride and solidarity, especially for non-whites. But many,
alienated and disfranchised, are prime targets for radical
Islamists who preach a religion of violence, of overcoming
oppression by jihad. Many black Americans have experienced
maltreatment and dehumanization. Conversion to Islam increased
after September 11, even among Hispanics.
Some of the alleged security alerts in US ( and UK) are to keep
the American public in a state of fear and exploit it to dilute
democracy, but like US- franchised street mob revolutions in
Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine and other countries, in the wake of your
policies in the Middle East and elsewhere , many self -franchised
Al Qaeda outfits, are springing up in countries colluding with
Washington and in USA itself. The danger comes from them. From
melting pot of nations as you claim ,USA could easily morph into a
meltdown with so many social inequities and tensions kept in check
by sheer brutal power of the ruling Wasp along with ruling Jewish
wealth. The moral of 911 is that it can be repeated. it is
possible and with so little expenditure. And US is unprepared !
A diplomatic reposte from
Shashi Tharoor;
Former UN Under Secretary General Shashi Tharoor while addressing
recently in Washington the US-India Business Council and the US
Chamber of Commerce on 'The Ascent of India and the Opportunities
for America: A Look Ahead' said, "I am not one of those who
is particularly offended by the affrontry that some in India have
seen in that letter." ( He knows how uncouth and uncivilized
the Americans are)
"I am a bit surprised at that position because it seems to me
to reveal a certain lack of imagination on the part of those who
are suggesting that a country like India should in every one of
its actions be pleasing to its good friend and partner in this
wonderful capital."
"First of all," he addded, "to put it very bluntly,
a country like India will never, by definition, ever do something
principally because it is in the interest of a relationship with
another country."
"When I hear people -- including in think tanks in this city
-- talk about India being a counterweight to China, I feel sorry
for them because India will never see its international policies
as a function of its relationship with a third country -- and that
is normal."
"You wouldn't expect that of any large country you dealt
with," he told the packed audience of leading company CEOs,
representatives of think tanks, senior Congressional aides and
Bush administration officials "But the second thing is that
it is probably in America's interest to have a good friend, a
democracy, a country with several strategic interests in common,
having a good relationship with a country it can't otherwise talk
to," he added.
"I mean, surely, the United States is going to need friends
to talk to Iran and to deal with Iran in other ways. Why would you
get your friends to stop talking to a country you don't have any
other access to talk to?" Tharoor argued. "So it seems
to me the policy prescription embedded is fundamentally flawed in
that approach," he said. .
Post script;
USA does not want allies or have global strategic relationship
with India , you want poodles like Tony Blair or a watch dog like
John Howard of Australia. Even Pakistan is bucking off. Nato ally
Turkey shouts back with interest. Only Australians can beat the
Americans in uncivilized behaviour whether politicians, diplomats,
newspaper editors or cricketers.
A learned and sensitive American professor said about Americans ,
"What can you expect from a people who have jumped from
genocide ( against Red Indians ) to high-tech ( weapons of
destruction ) via Klu Klus Klan like subjugation and exploitation
of blacks from Africa."
As for the charges of espionage against India , a priory US has
very little credibility left with its accusations against every
one ,e,g all the false accusations against Iraq and now against
Iran. US is known to break all international regulations and
conventions .Only Israel's Mossad beats CIA in ruthlessness and
illegal behaviour .
A number of senior personnel from India's external agency have
been subverted by US mission in New Delhi, the most famous case
being that Ranvir Singh of Director General level in India's
external intelligence agency . He was even spotted in USA . You
will deny it as you deny CIA's 'rendition' for torture all around
the globe. Some years ago a top man from India's internal counter
intelligence Rat Sehgal was enticed by a US honey trap and had to
be dismissed.
It was estimated 25 is ago that it would have cost USA 25 billion
dollars to train Americans to replace those Indians who had
migrated to USA. Such an estimate would now run into hundreds of
billion of US dollars with over 1.5 million people of Indian
origin in USA. They are the best brains from India and USA would
have been hard put to locate this number so highly proficient in
mathematics and science.
Generally Indians are law-abiding and God-fearing but if suspected
and badly treated, Indians occupy many key places in all branches
of American many technical and other set ups .A wrong step could
unsettle the whole structure of mutual benefit , more to America.
The lands and wealth of Red Indians grabbed after their genocide
can not be kept by the whites alone and they need Indian brains to
multiply the wealth.
When I established the diplomatic training
academy for India's Ministry for Foreign Affairs 20 years ago the
fresh entrants were introduced to forms of protocol behaviour and
correct modes of communication inside India and outside with
foreign authorities. The Indian Parliament too organises such
training modules to the new some uncouth and uncivilized members
How would you like if some members of Indian parliament wrote
similar uncouth letters infringing on US sovereignty to the US
President .There should be some sense of decorum and decency in
interstate relations. Perhaps some protocol officers from the US
State department could be deputed to train the likes of Tom Lantos
and others. Otherwise
United States of America
would become known as Uncivilized States of America.
K Gajendra Singh, Indian ambassador (retired), served as
ambassador to Turkey and Azerbaijan from August 1992 to April
1996. Prior to that, he served terms as ambassador to Jordan,
Romania and Senegal. He is currently chairman of the Foundation
for Indo-Turkic Studies. Copy right with the author. E-mail: [email protected]