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News, April 2008


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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.


America Wins, Israel Loses: Chuck Baldwin over Alan Keyes in Constitution Party Presidential Sweepstakes


By Mark Dankof, April 28, 2008


There is little to cheer about for any real American conservative in the 2008 Presidential election sweepstakes.  The notion that John McCain, Hillary Clinton, or Barack Obama will celebrate a Presidential inaugural this January is an idea guaranteed to produce a tsunami of nausea for anyone associated with the Old American Right and Republic.


One thing is not in doubt:  subsequent to the January 2008 inauguration, American neo-conservatives will convince the next American Chief Executive to engage in a preemptive military strike on Iran, with or without overt Israeli involvement.  Take it to the bank.


In this present malaise, to borrow Jimmy Carter’s well chosen term for the late 1970s, there is one item fresh off the newswire guaranteed to produce at least some measure of satisfaction for those looking for an alternative to the three Zionist-controlled sockpuppets being offered as Presidential candidates by the two major parties in the coming fall of 2008:  the Constitution Party, America’s largest 3rd party in total voter registrations nationwide, has just nominated Chuck Baldwin as its standard-bearer over Zionist shill, ex-UN Ambassador Alan Keyes. 


I know Baldwin personally.  He was the Constitution Party’s Vice-Presidential choice in 2004, when Michael Peroutka of Maryland accepted the Presidential bid.  Baldwin is correct in his policy positions when it comes to virtually anything I can think of, including what he believes on globalization, the Bill of Rights, gun rights, the protection of unborn life, the insanity of Mr. Bush’s war in Iraq, and the importance of an America-First foreign policy.  Equally as important, I know Chuck Baldwin to be a self-effacing, honest man, driven to seek his fledgling Party’s top post out of sole concern for a mutually shared belief--that America is on the edge of a precipice, and fast headed for cataclysm.


I derive equal satisfaction that the voting delegates to the National Convention of the Constitution Party in Kansas City, dumped Keyes in favor of Baldwin by a count of 384-126.  The Kansas City Star reports that in the wake of this decision, Keyes’s national political director, Tom Hoefling, whined and sniffed that, “They [the voting delegates] just rejected the most qualified man to be president.”


Yes, Mr. Hoefling, if the criterion for most-qualified is defined in terms of a candidate’s willingness to serve as a front man for the Zionist enterprise and the Israeli lobby.  Keyes, it will be recalled, did the bidding of William Kristol and American neo-conservatives as a last minute entry in the 1996 GOP Iowa Presidential caucuses.  Doing so diverted enough votes away from Pat Buchanan to guarantee Bob Dole’s Iowa victory and eventual nomination in San Diego later that fateful summer.  The Catholic columnist, Joseph Sobran, observed at the time that the forces behind Keyes were identical to those who promoted the Jewish-Zionist takeover of William F. Buckley’s National Review in the 1950s.  You get the picture.


Dole, in turn, tapped the moribund Jack Kemp as his running mate.  Kemp, disqualified as George Herbert Walker Bush’s running mate in 1988 after a Penthouse magazine expose of the former NFL star’s personal life, had 3 things going for his subsequent selection by Dole in 1996.  First, Kemp, it seems, accepted Mr. Dole’s appeal to Go Down on the Ship in an assuredly losing effort.  Second, Kemp assisted Dole in brokering a deal with Clinton, Gore, and major media moguls, to make the personal lives of all 4 candidates off limits to media discussion and analysis.  The Washington Post reported this Faustian affair on page one, the day after the 1996 elections.  Third—and perhaps most importantly—Kemp was on the Board of Directors of JINSA—the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.


Additional evidence on Alan Keyes has been provided by author Michael Collins Piper, my colleague at the Republic Broadcasting Network, in the latter’s new book, “The Golem:  Israel’s Nuclear Hell Bomb and the Road to Global Armageddon.”  In chapter 11 of that work, Piper notes the existence of an organization called “The U. S.-India League,”  an organization staffed by a “virtual roster of some of Israel’s most vociferous boosters in Washington.”  These names include Don Feder, the league’s executive director and author of “A Jewish Conservative Looks at Pagan America”; Thomas Donnelly, former deputy executive director of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), founded by William Kristol.  PNAC once declared that American needed “a new Pearl Harbor” in order to begin expanding its imperial interests abroad; Kenneth R. Timmerman, author of the definitive “case” for Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction” for the Moon-owned Insight magazine, and the ex-editor of a Paris-based newsletter; Clifford D. May, former New York Times correspondent, ex-Republican National Committee official, and chairman of the policy committee of the Committee on the Present Danger---and Alan Keyes. 


This weekend in Kansas City, the Constitution Party delegates offered a choice, not a Zionist-inspired echo.  God bless them.  God bless the Old American Republic.  And God bless a Godly-man named Chuck Baldwin.  Go get, ‘em, Chuck.


Mark Dankof is a broadcaster for the Republic Broadcasting Network. A member of the Taft/Buchanan wing of the Republican Party historically, his radio show and print op-ed productions for BATR's Columnist Guild and the American Free Press warn of the dangers of a takeover of the American Republic by the advocates of globalism, central banking, and World Zionism. He is a severe critic of the Bush Administration's War on Terror, the influence of Jewish Neo-Conservatives on American foreign policy and culture, and the increasing utilization of American military might abroad as a first resort rather than the last. Like Mark Glenn and Michael Collins Piper of the American Free Press, Dankof represents a minority viewpoint within the American Right Wing in advocating an independent, autonomous Palestinian State and the serious curtailment of the domestic influence of the Israeli lobby in the government and news media of the United States.



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