Cross-Cultural Understanding

Opinion Editorials, July  2008


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Open Letter to Home Land Security Asking About Ahlam Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Jabouri

By Bronwyn Roe, July 6, 2008

To Whom It May Concern:

      I wish to appeal to you on behave of Ahlam Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Jabouri to whom I am greatly concerned. It has come to my attention, through a mutual friend, that Mrs. Al-Jabouri has recently been arrested due to her work and advocacy of the human rights of fellow Iraqis. Despite her struggles with poverty, she remains compelled by a sense of duty to aid those who without her would remain powerless and to stand up against all odds to protect her and other's fundamental human rights.

      Mrs. Al-Jabouri and her two children, Abdulah (9 year old son) and Ruqayah (11 year old daughter,) were recently approved by IOM to resettle to the United States. Her arrest has jeopardized her and her family's long awaited-hope for resettlement and for the hope of beginning again a normal and proactive life.

      I have gotten to know Mrs. Al-Jabouri through my documentary work as editor to a film shot in Syria a year back. Emerging from hours of footage, a story of insurmountable tragedy, grief, passion, and personal will has weaved together before the screen and into my life. After hearing her stories of kidnapping, torture, altruism, and valiance in the face of death or obscurity, I felt compelled to contact her. We held up an email correspondence and although brief it was just enough to secure my belief in her utmost kindness, beauty, and compassion as a human being.

      Not solely is her captivity a violation of one person's fundamental human rights but rather those of an entire nation of forgotten people as well. I strongly urge that Mrs. Ahlam Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Jabouri be immediately and unconditionally released. Until her release, I ask you to assure the physical safety of Mrs. Al-Jabouri while in detention and guarantee that she is not subject to torture and/ or other ill treatment.

      Finally, in light of the above information, I urge you to act quickly to help correct this situation and to incite the release of Ahlam Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Jabouri (A File # 212048727, Case # SY-100616 for Homeland Security and UNHCR). It would greatly be obliged if you could inform me of the outcome of your investigation and actions.

Thank you for your time and concern,   -

Bronwyn Roe

5 The Trail Hampton Bays, NY 11946





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