Cross-Cultural Understanding

Opinion Editorials, February  2008



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Genocide and Holocaust would not sway our people away from constants, a Hamas statement

[ 02/03/2008 - 12:30 PM ]


The Hamas Movement on Sunday held the Israeli occupation government fully responsible for the crimes in Gaza Strip and their consequences and held the "Muqata'a gang" also responsible for giving the "Zionist enemy" the green light to target the Palestinian people.

Hamas in a statement said that the "enemy" should know that it would not bear the consequences of its crimes and it should be ready for the resultant "wrath" of the people.

It said that the "Muqata'a gang" in reference to the PA leadership in Ramallah encouraged the "Zionist enemy" to wage its massacre through condemning resistance and its weapons especially the Qassam missiles.

The Movement asked those who "despise" resistance and extend assistance to the enemy in its psychological warfare to "shut up", adding that they practice deception and lies through their media and their misleading statements.

The statement castigated the Arab rulers' silence towards the bloody events in Gaza, and appealed to the Arab and Islamic masses to raise their voices up high in condemnation and to support the Palestinian people.

Hamas asked the Arab and foreign media to focus on the Israeli-inflicted holocaust and daily massacres, and "our message to some Arab satellite channels such as Al-Arabiya: if you don’t want to side by our people and its struggle then don’t stand against it and alongside occupation".

Hamas said that the world today is at a crossroads either it would support right and back the besieged people who are under daily land, air and sea bombardment or it would allow occupation to continue in its genocide, "which is the worst in history of mankind".

The Movement asked religious scholars and Islamic satellite channels to focus on what is happening in Palestine.

The statement asked the Palestinian people to go on general strike and to call off classes out of protest over the Zionist holocaust, and urged the Arab and Islamic peoples to express solidarity with the people of Palestine.

Hamas finally hailed the Palestinian resistance that confronted the superiorly equipped invaders.

For its part, the Islamic Jihad Movement on Saturday issued a statement, describing the Israeli aggression on Gaza as a "war of annihilation".

It regretted that the Arab governments were still fast asleep despite all those images of Zionist brutality, and affirmed that the Israeli atrocities would not force the Palestinians to surrender.






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