Cross-Cultural Understanding |
Opinion Editorials, March 2008 |
How to Survive the Recession
By Abbas Bakhtiar
“Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.” (Woody
By now it should be clear to all but the craziest of optimists that we
are in a recession, at least in US. What is not clear, however, is the
severity of this recession and if this will turn into a depression. A
technical recession is defined as the economic decline in two or more
consecutive quarters. This means that the real economy instead of
growing, contracts. This economic decline may involve a general decline
in employment, investment and corporate profits. Recessions can be
accompanies by inflation or deflation.
Sometimes when people are uncertain about their economic security, they
tend to save, or at least moderate their spending. When the consumers,
that are you and I, refuse to spend money, demand falls below the supply
putting a downward pressure on the prices. This is called deflation. As
an example one can think of housing prices. Today the demand for housing
has suddenly dried-up, putting sever pressure on supply side (sellers)
resulting in a marked reduction in prices (US,
Now if millions of people lose their jobs or think that they are going
to lose their jobs and reduce their spending, the resulting decline in
prices becomes circular. This means that as prices fall, so do the
corporate profits which result in laying-off more people which results
in more unemployment and insecurity which reduces consumer spending.
This downward spiral if goes unchecked results in a depression. The
depression of 1920s was deflationary.
One of the most recent deflationary recessions occurred in
Other times, a recession can occur for a short period of time followed
by very low economic growth and high inflation. This combination of
mediocre growth and inflation is called stagflation (stagnation plus
inflation). Stagflation was a major problem around the world, especially
What is coming?
So what should we expect? In general a recession, especially a severe
one is deflationary in nature. But if the government tries to stop the
recession or severity of it by pumping money into the economy,
especially the money that is not backed by anything and depreciating in
value (internationally), it increases inflation which will lead to
stagflation. Many economies, the
The government policies in many countries such as US,
Economic bubbles always start with some rich people seeing an
opportunity to make a quick profit. The speed by which the profit is
made encourages the continuation of that activity. More importantly,
other rich people join in. After a while, the rest of the population
catch-on and want a piece of the pie. But by this time, the bubble is
fully blown and is about to burst. Just when the average Mr. Smith
thinks that he has discovered the sure way of beating the system, the
bubble bursts. By this time the real wealthy have taken their money and
left, leaving the majority of the population and the government to
clean-up the mess. Cleaning
will take time, sweat and tears.
OK, we are going into a recession, so what should we do as individuals?
The first thing that you should realise is that the world’s population
is increasing while natural resources are either static or decreasing.
For thousands of years human population was either static or increased
very slowly. As a matter of fact this growth was so slow that the human
population did not reach the 1 billion mark until ca 200 years ago. But
suddenly it began to increase almost exponentially. In a relatively
short time, 123 years, the population doubled to 2 billion. In the
following decades this accelerated growth continued, so much so that it
took only 33 years for the number to reach 3 billion (1960), and only 15
years (mid 1970s) to reach 4 billion. Today (2007) we have crossed the 6
billion mark, and if the current trend continues, by mid-century we will
be close to 10 billion people.
While the population is growing rapidly the main source of our energy
(i.e. oil reserves) is depleting fast. In addition we are running out of
fresh water. Fresh water reserves are being depleted much faster than
they are being replenished. Water, energy and land are the main
ingredients of our food production. A few years ago the world’s total
irrigated agricultural land began to shrink. If you combine the effects
of the increasing population, diminishing water, food and energy, you’ll
get the indication of how things will develop. In the long-term
inflation is a given.
Ok. We now know where we are at and where we are heading; so how can I
take advantage of this knowledge.
Things to remember
Before one can talk about investment opportunities, one should bring
one’s economic situation under control. To start with get rid of your
credit card debts. Credit card companies (including banks that support
them) are the worst shylocks that ever existed. They entice you to spend
the money that you don’t have and then charge you unbelievable interest
rates. So minimise your exposure there.
Try to stay healthy. Healthcare companies are number two in my list of
vampires (after credit card companies). This of course applies to
countries where healthcare has been privatised. In Scandinavia, Germany
and other places people are automatically insured so healthcare costs
are not a big problem.
Get rid-of your gas guzzling car. Petrol prices will continue to
increase and transportation costs will become an important part of your
budget. Similarly, pay attention to your utility bills. We use more and
more electricity, prices of which are rising and will continue to rise
for foreseeable future. And if you are going to buy home appliances, pay
attention to its energy rating. Change all the light bulbs to energy
saving types. Don’t use dryers so much; not only they use a lot of
electricity; they also wear-down your cloths.
Keep away from multi-level marketing, and other such things. In the end
you will lose not only your money but your reputation and friends as
See how the recession will affect your company or your job. In hard
times, the government jobs are fairly safe. So if you are offered a job
in city or federal institutions then take it; even if it pays
considerably less than the private company. Remember that long-term
financial security is more important than the short term rewards. And
while we talk of jobs, let us look at employment development during the
great depression.
The following is the list of fastest growing jobs in US during the
period 1929-1933 (Source: Historical Statistics of the United States).
Persons engaged in gasoline service stations 34%
State and local government employees: 3%
Persons engaged in repair services: 18%
Federal employees: 6%
College faculty: 32%
Persons engaged in legal services: 12%
Persons engaged in liquor stores: 335%
Public school teachers: 2%
Persons engaged in second hand stores: 35%
Physicians: 6%
The following is the unemployment rates for 1929-1939
Year Receipts
Growth Rate
3.2% < Hoover era,
Great Depression begins
1930 4.2%
- 9.4%
1931 3.7
- 8.5
1932 2.9
1933 3.5
- 2.1 24.9
< FDR, New Deal begins; contraction ends March
1934 4.9
+ 7.7
1935 5.3
+ 8.1
1936 5.1
1937 6.2
+ 5.0
14.3 <
recession begins, May
1938 7.7
- 4.5
19.0 <
recession ends, June
1939 7.2
+ 7.9
Investment in stocks
Remember, NEVER invest in stocks with borrowed money unless you are 200%
sure of success. Right now the stocks look cheap. There are some who are
urging people to buy stocks before they go up again. Well it all
depends. First, the bottom has not been reached yet. But if you have
cash and would like to invest, then you have to pick stocks that have a
future; that is to say the companies that you are investing in are going
to make money. Investing in a car company that keeps making gas guzzling
cars is a mistake. On the other hand investing in utility companies,
especially those that generate electricity is a good one. We have to
look at the world and see what will be in short supply and which
companies will solve our problems; then invest in those companies.
I have already explained that our population is growing rapidly while
our food supplies along with oil and water are diminishing. From this
you can see that investment in sources of food, energy, water and
related industries is a good investment. Stocks in the Russian energy
giant Gazprom (
) is worth every penny, since it has direct access to vast Russian
reserves, is investing in pipelines to Europe and is getting into the
Iranian oil sector as well. On the other hand Shell Oil Company is not
as hot as Gazprom, since it simply doesn’t have the same access to the
energy reserves.
But energy is critical to our survival. Our societies need some sort of
energy to function. If it is not oil, then gas; if it is not gas the
nuclear, if it is not nuclear then solar or wind generated electricity.
The fact is that all these are good investment opportunities; all that
is except bio-fuel. Turning corn into fuel is just madness, especially
when we are facing food shortage. In addition, irrespective of what kind
of agricultural product they intend to use, any available agricultural
land should be used for growing much needed food and not fuel.
So if you are an investor and are interested in energy then you should
focus your attention on nuclear power and possible alternative energy
companies. But how do we know which alternative energy will become the
norm. Well one thing is clear; whatever that can produce electricity
cheaper than fossil fuel will be a success, be it wind power,
hydro-electric, hydrogen cells, or what not.
I have tried to minimise my own risk by going after companies that
produce products that are needed in many different sectors. I chose a
Swedish company called Morphic (
that produces Fuel Cell Components, Wind Power, Energy Technology, Ship
Propulsion, Contract Production and Automation Technology. You can
search in your country for similar companies, companies that are highly
innovative, lean and are in the process of rapid expansion in a rapidly
growing market. The future belongs to these companies.
Food producing companies are also prime candidate for investments.
Nestle ( for example
is a very good and safe investment in the packaged food industry.
Water distillation companies or
those companies that have access to fresh water or technologies for
purifying water are also good. Medicine manufacturers’ stocks have
always been called defensive stocks, since they are less likely to be
affected by the recession than others. They also present a good
Besides looking at the stocks, you should be aware two things: in
deflationary period cash is king and in inflationary period asset is
king. If you see that inflation is rising, invest your money in
real-state and stocks. If deflation has taken hold then save your money,
it is worth more tomorrow. In periods of stagflation invest in some
other country where inflation is lowest.
In these turbulent times people tend to rush to gold; if you haven’t,
don’t. There is a bubble forming around gold that if people are not
careful will burst. If you see that your currency is under pressure
along with inflation, invest your money abroad. Don’t just rush and buy
In conclusion I should mention that it is rather difficult (at least for
me) to explain the economic situation and answer all questions in a few
pages. I have received a lot of e-mails from concerned readers about
what they should do and where should they invest and even which degrees
they should take. I have tried to answer all these questions in a few
pages. I hope that this article has answered at least some of those
questions. In addition I have directly answered some e-mails and if time
permits, I shall answer the rest. Meanwhile, I hope this article
provides those concerned with some answers. Thank you.
Abbas Bakhtiar lives in Norway. He is a management consultant
and a contributing writer for many online journals. He can be contacted
by e-mail at:[email protected]
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