Cross-Cultural Understanding

Opinion Editorials, March  2008



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Islam and the New Dutch Film

By Minhaj Qidwai, March 29, 2008


It was appalling and disappointing to note that the new Dutch Film on Islam has been released. With the intent of its production to demonize Islam, it should prove to be a bust. Even it could not reach the mostly seen website for being viewed. The film maker appears to just taken the lead in producing this film, for the sake of lead. The film is based on isolated verses from Quran and images as per the desire of the producer to satisfy the ulterior motives. The film has not taken into consideration the lessons a human being can learn from the Holy Quran for the betterment of humanity. The name of the film is based on an Arabic word that is itself demeaning in Islam, and has a negative connotation. So, what could be the possible motives behind this film:

-         Earn money

-         Earn name and fame

-         Establish the producer as the leading anti-Islamic voice

-         Ridicule Islam

-         Send a subtle message to Muslims to see the writings on the wall

-         To make an attempt to:

o       gauge the reaction of Muslims on the film

o       stop the surge in Europe’s Muslim population

o       appease the masters of the producer

o       establish the link of terrorism and Islam

o       gain empathy of the other faiths and their followers

There could be many more that we may not know, and only the time will reveal them.


What could be the possible reactions?


Prior to release:


People and governments had shown their reservation prior to the release of the film. They included:

- The movie was first mentioned in the Dutch media on November 2007 The Dutch government almost immediatly expressed great concern about the film release.It has made emergency evacuation plans available to all its consulates and embassies worldwide. It also hardened security measurements around military installations abroad. On its embassy website in Washington it has also posted an explanatory note for the people who have demanded for any action at the government level. However, they have avoided taking any direct action against the producer till the film is not released.

- Dutch Prime minister was worried about possible repercussions for Dutch citizens and economic interests.

- The publication of the film was investigated by the Dutch Ministry of Justice to find out whether the release of the film could be prevented, but this could not be done. "-------- Taking into account the Dutch constitution the government sees no possibilities to prohibit the film before broadcasting. After the film has been broadcast, the government will investigate the possibility that the producer has committed criminal offences and the Public Prosecution Service will take a decision whether or not to prosecute."

- In February 2008, Pakistani regulators internally banned YouTube for several days due to a "blasphemous" video clip one report claimed to be a trailer for the film.

- On March 6th 2008, the Dutch government raised its national terroristic threat level from the status 'limited terroristic threat' to 'substantial terroristic threat' because it fears Muslim terrorists will launch attacks against European targets, with the film as one of the causes.

- Public protests have occurred in Amsterdam, Kabul, Islamabad etc.

- NATO said it feared that the consequences of filmwWould affect the safety of troops in Afghanistan

- The producer is the subject of a fatwa, calling upon Muslims to assassinate him in the name of Islam.

- Iran had threatened to review its diplomatic stance with The Netherlands, should the film be aired. The reaction needs to be seen as the film has been released.

- French President officially declared that France would provide every necessary support to aid the Netherlands in the suppression of any Muslim violence that would result from film’s release.

- On March 22, 2008, the hosting provider of the website, the Internet company-Network Solutions, replaced the page with a message stating that the company “is investigating whether the site's content is in violation of the Network Solutions “Acceptable Use Policy” and that “Network Solutions has received a number of complaints regarding this site that are under investigation. The shutdown was swiftly followed by criticism of Network Solutions' alleged hypocrisy in hosting the domain of Hezbollah, an entity that America and the Netherlands (along with four other countries) designate as a terrorist organization.

After the release of the movie:

-         If the news does not circulate as that of cartoons, there would be less damage on a personal basis for a common man than seen previously. However, there may be some sporadic reactions. In the other case, there may be as usual loss of life and property.

-         Muslims may start giving explanations to the Quranic verses mentioned in the film.

-         The Dutch Dutch Ministry of Justice may review the film and take any action against the producer for defaming Islam.

-         A global anti-Islamic/anti-West movement may get initiated.

-         People may start studying Islam in-depth.

-         The film becomes a history.


Looking at the film, its possible motives and the reaction pre and post release, makes us to conclude that compared to the cartoons, the response may be muted. This could be due to the proactive measures taken by governments and others to avoid damages. However, this will not be the last attempt to ridicule Islam in the name of “Freedom of Speech”.







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