Which German debt? If the Germans
owe anyone then it is the Palestinians, not the Israelis
By Andrew Winkler
ZioPedia.org, March 4, 2008
The German people has enough of preferential treatment for Israel. "We
have paid our debt to the Jewish people", a group of German university
professors recently told their shocked Israeli hosts.[1] “Germans paid
nothing compared to damage,” was the swift answer back by the
Holocaust industry.[2]
Which debt to the Jewish people, is my question? If the Germans owe
anyone then it is the Palestinians, not the Israelis. There wouldn't be
a Jewish state in the Holy Land, if it wasn't for Germany. The horror
stories spread by Judeo-Bolshevik commissars, the confessions coerced in
the Stalin style Nuremberg Trials, the gruesome propaganda pictures of
piles of typhus victims made it impossible for world opinion to say no
to the Zionists’ wishes.
The Nazis and the Zionists were working hand in hand for the same
political goal: the relocation of ALL European Jews to the future Jewish
state. That’s precisely why Germany’s Jewish banking elite brought
Hitler into power: to make the unwilling Jews pack and leave. Why else
did the Nazis get along so well with America’s ruling elite, the Bush’s
and their Jewish bosses? All this information is freely available in
books and on the Internet. Most people just don’t pay attention.
And spare me that bullshit of the six million murdered Jews. Fair
enough, the Nazis did a bloody good job at scaring the hell out of the
Jews. That’s what they got paid for by their Jewish bankers. The Jewish
media also did their part to fan the hysteria. The fact is that not six
million but two hundred thousand Jews died in the concentration camps.
That number is confirmed by both the official International Red Cross
report and the immaculate German ‘death book’ records.
Most of the Jewish prisoners have died from typhus and not from gas. If
they had stayed where they were, probably more of them would have been
killed by the Allieds, together with the 3.5 million slaughtered German
civilians. Those Talmudic phantasies about gas chambers and six million
murdered Jews have been debunked for decades. No heresy law and
organised bullying can make that undone.
I can hear some readers asking about the countless witness stories. But
has anyone actually seen a gas chamber? Nobody has. Even the Polish
staff of the Auschwitz concentration camp has admitted on video that the
gas chambers shown to tourists have been built after the war for
‘educational purposes’. Educational purposes, yeah right! [3]
Elies Wiesel, the Holocaust industry’s most prominent eye witness, has a
different story altogether. According to his ‘autobiography’, the
victims got burned and not gassed.[4] How reliable are eye witness
stories that differ so profoundly in the description of the same event?
And let’s not forget about the third of the Holocaust victims who were
supposedly gassed with the exhaust fumes coming from the diesel engine
of a captured Russian tank.[5] Ever tried to kill yourself with the
exhaust fumes of a diesel car? It didn’t work, right? Unless you are an
asthma sufferer. Because it doesn’t contain any carbon monoxide like the
fumes from petrol cars.
Of course Satan’s little helpers won’t admit that the Holocaust story
was a big fat lie. They know that they are in trouble if more people
find out. All the money they extorted in reparations. All the hardship
they brought onto the Palestinians under the pretext of a safe haven.
All the crimes they got away with because the world felt guilty about
what happened during WWII. The world would knock on their shoulders and
say, “It’s pay back time.”
No more preferential treament for Israel
Survivors: Germany paid nothing compared to damage
The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz
Elie Wiesel: A Prominent False Witness
One Third of the Holocaust
Andrew Winkler is the editor/publisher of Sydney based
dissident blog ZioPedia.org and founder of
Jews Anonymous. He can be
contacted on [email protected]
. You can find more of his articles in the
Editorial Section of the ZioPedia.org site.