Cross-Cultural Understanding

Opinion Editorials, March  2008



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Arab Gulf Pro-Gazans support 

By Ali Al-Hail, March 5, 2008

Arab Gulf Region And The Giant Powers, Part XI

I. Summary of Part X:

    In part XI, I studied and analyzed the US-led-Western-well planned to have the Arab Gulf region drowned into a ocean of Western settlers and outsourced businesses. I warned against another Singaporean paradigm in the Arab Gulf region. In this part, I will read into Arab Gulf region's resentment of US-led-Western-pro-Israeli-occupation of Palestinian and Arab lands. In particular, I will look into Arab Gulf region's support of Gazans against Israeli occupation and US-led-Western silence towards Israeli occupation's almost daily massacres in Gaza.

II.  Why is the US-led-Western-presence opposed to by Arab Gulf Region?

   Many argue that, US-led- Western military bases in the Arab Gulf region along with other types of presence, exist in the GCC states of the Arab Gulf region, beyond the real will of the GCC's governments.
   This apparently, observed conjecture has lately, been evidenced by blind-eyed turn by the GCC's states to the active role of Arab Gulf region's charities at Gaza as soon as the Egyptian-Gazan's borders collapsed open by the end of last year. Undoubtedly, as many believe this initiative was governmentally, blessed.

III. The British Involvement:

   Al-Resala satellite TV that is financed by Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal, and managed by Dr. Tareq Soweidan, has for the past three months been lobbying in favor of Gazans' daily suffering. An important component of its lobbying, Al-Resala TV appealed to its audience to donate for Gazans via the London-based-Islamic relief, since his organization enjoys a wide range of acknowledgement from the UN, the UK-led-EU. According to its president, the British Ambassador at Al-Quds (Jerusalem) regularly, makes frequent visits to Gaza to supervise the relief.

One presumes, as do may that, the UK, under British universities-led-public opinion's pressures, has been obliged to give this Islamic relief organization the green light to perform, despite the US-led-global ban on Islamic charities' roles.                                                     
Professor, Dr. Ali Al-Hail, Professor of Mass Communication, Consultant To Qatar Radio and Television Corp. Twice Fulbright

Award Winner, Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Vice-President Of Qatar Fulbright Group,    and Board Member of AUSACE, ASC,
IABD, NEBAA, BEA, IMDA and EAJMC American Associations.
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