Cross-Cultural Understanding

Opinion Editorials, March  2008



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Silence Toward the Israeli Genocide in Gaza

A Statement of the Gaza Union of Health Work Committee, March 6, 2008


"Our lives begin to end the day we become Silent about the things that matter."

                                                                                  Dr. Martin Luther King

Urbanicide, term used to describe the destruction of cities. In Gaza, the Israeli violence has targeted the entire landscape. A trail of devastation stretches as far as the eye can see to establish a buffer zone allegedly to prevent shelling from local missiles by Palestinian activists; a jumble of demolished buildings leveled hillsides and flattened forests. This barrage of concentrated damage has been wrought not only by the bombs and tanks of traditional warfare, but also by industrious, vigorous destruction equipment, the Bulldozer. All that remains in North Gaza Cities is a no-man’s land topped by watchtowers.

Genocide, term used to describe the killing of innocent Palestinians. In the last 48 hours more than 32 people were killed, seven of them were children under 14 years old and one infant aged 6 months old, either by shelling of Israeli F16 Jets or by Helicopter missiles. Three Out of the seven killed children were from DARDOUNA family from Jabalia refugee camp.

The 6 months infant MOH'D EL BURAI from Beach refugee camp was killed while he was preparing a home-made missile to hit the Israeli cities!!!!!!. The entire world is witnessing these scandalous and outrageous acts, and yet no concrete step has been taken!!!!

Unless the international community puts pressure on Israel to stop the mass killing of civilians and the willful destruction of property and infrastructure, the people of Gaza will again be forced to suffer the humiliating and crippling dictates of Israel's military rule. It could also lead to the re-occupation of the entire Gaza Strip. Union of Health Work Committees (UHWC) asks you, to issue a strong Last Appeal Statement condemning Israel’s human rights violations against the Palestinian people and to demand a cessation of this military offensive. Israel's persistent unilateral attempts to change by force the situation of some 1.5 million Palestinians blatantly contravene international law and all human rights conventions. Furthermore, they are morally reprehensible. There are no political considerations which can justify the silence of the international community any longer


May we jointly continue to challenge the hypocritical silence,
because we believe in a just cause and seeking justice at all time,
but without pitying or begging for rights, as these rights are

Internationally recognized, and are valid for Palestinians too! 

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