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Opinion Editorials, May  26, 2008


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Sixth Al-Awda Convention: A Major Step Forward for the Right to Return Movement

By Zahi Damuni, May 26, 2008

"Palestine: 60 Years of Forced Exile - Time for Return!" was the guiding
theme of the Sixth Annual International Al-Awda Convention on May 16-18,
2008 in Anaheim California. Thirty organizations came together to host this
historic event as well over 1000 Palestinians and their supporters converged
from various parts of the US, Canada, Europe, and Palestine. The largest
Al-Awda convention in the US to date marked the 60th year of the Nakba and
reaffirmed its unity, commitment and dedication to the struggle to Return.

Participants took part in a week-end of commemoration, education, discussion
and organizing, resulting in a  plan of action to carry us through the
coming year and beyond. The convention culminated with a mass rally in
solidarity with Palestinians in the homeland and the shatat (exile) around
the world.

We have emerged from our coming together united, stronger, and eager to
carry out our goal of realizing the inalienable Palestinian Right to Return.
The convention once again reaffirmed its commitment to Al-Awda's
points of unity.

Convention Opening

The high pre-convention anticipation opened to a full house of members and
supporters on Friday May 16, 2008 with a minute of silence in honor of
Palestinians who were martyred in the 1948 era and since. This was followed
by welcoming remarks by Dr. Zahi Damuni on behalf of the convention's host
committee .

A screening of the "Sons of Eilaboun" By Hisham Zreik was received
enthusiastically and the entire convention was deeply moved by the voices of
Palestinian refugees demanding justice and the right to return.

"Life Under 60 Years of Occupation" was a special presentation by three
Palestinian women, Lena Meari, Himmat Zu'bi, and Haneen Zoabi in which each
speaker discussed a different aspect of the ongoing racist Zionist policies
and practices related to land, housing, education, marriage, movement, etc.

Oral History readings featured actors Lucy Der-Tavitian and Nasser Faris,
who were able to bring to life the narratives, histories, and lives of
Palestinians before, during and after the Nakba.

One of the highlights of the evening was the world premiere of the Video
Quilt to Mark 60 Years of Palestinian Nakba. The Video Quilt, a project of
Al-Awda Media Center, is a unique interactive video presentation. It shows
Palestinians and their supporters from around the world reaffirming the
Palestinian right to return to their original homes and lands.  It is an
ongoing project of the Media Center. The film was greeted with vigorous
applause and great pride. The first edition may be viewed at

Powerful statements of solidarity were presented by Richard Becker of the
A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, Paul Hershfield of the Campaign to End Israeli
Apartheid, and John Parker of The International Action Center.

Sana Ibrahim, a student at California State University at San Bernardino,
addressed and welcomed the attendees on behalf of the students who have been
active with the host committee.

The opening events of the convention were concluded with a speech, followed
by a question answer session and book signing, with Exeter University
historian Ilan Pappe. Pappe emphasized the importance of the right of
Palestinians right to return to their homes and lands and the necessity to
dismantle the racist nature of the Zionist state.

Saturday May 17, 2008

The first full day of the convention began with a brief critical assessment
of activism for the return presented by Dr. Jess Ghannam where he described
a re-birth and renaissance of activism for Palestine and Palestinian justice
since the creation of Al-Awda in 2000. He discussed the progressive
emergence of a global coalition in support of Palestinian Right to Return
and to self-determination since the inception of Al-Awda.

This was followed by discussions of Youth Organizing for the Return with
Ziad Abbas from Dheisha refugee camp, a Prisoner campaign by Addameer
attorney Dr. Anan Odeh, and a discussion of Culture and Resistance by
community organizer Michel Shehadeh.

Ramzy Baroud, Palestinian-American journalist, former Al-Jazeera Producer
and author of the "Second Intifada", discussed the issue of Palestinian
unity as a prerequisite to any debate on the future of Palestine and the
direction of the Palestinian struggle. This was followed by speeches
entitled "Toward a Democratic, Secular, Multicultural State" by Professor of
English and Comparative Literature Dr. Saree Makdisi and "One State: A
Solution Whose Time Has Come Again" by Dr. Ghada Karmi. Both speakers
discussed their views on the significance and relevance of their vision of a
one state solution. Each presentation was followed by lively discussion. The
morning session ended with book signings.

Before a sell-out attendance, lunch keynote speaker Dr. Salman Abu Sitta,
founder and president of The Palestine Land Society and former member of the
Palestine National Council, discussed his recollections of the Nakba and the
critical importance of rebuilding the Palestine National Council as a
representative body for all Palestinians including those living in the
shatat (exile). Dr. Abu Sitta's speech was followed by a book signing of
"The Return Journey" atlas which he authored, as well as the updated map he
provided to the convention and which shows all the villages and towns
destroyed with the occupation of Palestine from 1947-48 to the present
(including the 1967 occupation). Copies of this map may be obtained from
Al-Awda at

The Saturday afternoon lecture sessions began with an incisive and
analytical discussion by professor of Political Science at California State
University, Stanislaus and visiting professor at UC, Berkeley, Dr. As'ad
AbuKhalil on the 60th year of al-Nakba.  He spoke about new dangers in the
Arab world, including how Zionism has won allies among Arab regimes.
He was followed by Ta'ayyush al-Watani al-Dimocraty party politburo member
Haneen Zoabi on the role of Palestinian women in the struggle to return.

The afternoon session was concluded by an Al-Awda activist panel which
reviewed progress, showcased achievements, and presented proposals for
further growth and development, with requests for donations and other

Discussion of the Al-Awda Media Center project was presented by Dr. Ahlam
Muhtaseb. The Palestine Library project was presented by Al-Awda member
Freddie Santistevan and Dr. Jess Ghannam discussed Al-Awda's Refugee Support
programs. "Twenty Five Thousand Tents - Maybe More", which focuses on the
narrative of Palestinians stranded in no-man's land in Tanaf detention camp
between Syria and Iraq was then shown. The production of this film was
supported in part by Al-Awda's Media Center and Refugee Support Programs. It
highlighted the importance of the integrative nature of Al-Awda's Media
Center and Refugee Support Projects.

A photographic exhibit, by Naim Farhat and organized by Dr. Fayeq Oweis,
entitled "Waiting to Return" depicting life in Palestinian refugee camps in
Lebanon was on show throughout Saturday.  Film viewings were also presented
throughout that day including: the premiere of "Forced Exile and Odyssey"
about the work of world-renowned Palestinian artists Ismail Shammout and
Tamam Al-Akhal; "The Presence of Absence in the Ruins of Kafr Bir'im"
(2006) followed by discussion with film-maker John Halaka; "Confronting the
Wall: Art and Resistance in Palestine" (2006 - Alan Craig); and "Driving to
ZigZigland" (2006, feature film) which was followed by discussion with its
maker Nicole Ballivian.

A discussion of "Palestinian Embroidery" was presented by Nisreen Malhis.

Saturday Banquet

The Saturday Banquet and Fundraiser drew more than 600 participants who
heard Bishop Atallah Hanna and Chief Justice Dr. Sheikh Taiseer Al-Tamimi
give passionate speeches about the Right to Return and the unity of the
Palestinian people in their struggle to return. Both speakers received
spontaneous standing ovations from the attendees. An excerpt of Bishop Atallah Hanna's speech may
be viewed at

Each table at the banquet had a listing of some of the villages and towns
that were destroyed and/or occupied in 1948. Many of the attendees showed
their support for Al-Awda's work by donating to Al-Awda in the name of a
Palestinian village or town of origin. A listing of all such donations will
soon be posted to and in the next issue of Until Return -
To be added to this listing, simply donate to Al-Awda in the name of a
destroyed and/or occupied Palestinian village or town by following the
directions posted at

Sunday May 18, 2008

The last day of the convention began with a members' meeting where a number
of decisions were taken by the attendees for the coming year. These
decisions included holding a youth training conference; developing and
enhancing connections internationally to other Al-Awda and Right to Return
groups; working toward a meeting to be held in a refugee camp in Palestine
or neighboring Arab country; and extending the work of Al-Awda's Media
Center (for example by working to develop a weekly television program);
Palestine Library by accumulating more books, recruiting support from
Palestinian authors and donors; and Refugee Support by
increasing the material and broadening the educational aspects of these

The convention culminated with a historic mass rally to mark 60 Years of
Palestinian Nakba and Struggle to Return in the "Little Gaza" district of
Anaheim. Speakers included Dr. Sheikh Taiseer al-Tamimi and Bishop Atallah
Hanna as well as several of the organizational representatives of the host
committee. All of the speakers passionately urged the
continuation of the struggle to return.


The message of the Sixth International Al-Awda Convention was resolute and
powerful.  Together more than 1000 members and supporters marked the 60th year of the
Nakba and reaffirmed their unity, commitment and dedication to the struggle
to return - Until RETURN!

For convention photos, see:
First edition of the Video Quilt:

Al-Awda Sixth Convention Host Committee
The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
PO Box 131352
Carlsbad, CA 92013, USA
Tel: 760-685-3243
Fax: 360-933-3568
E-mail: [email protected]

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition (PRRC) is the largest
network of grassroots activists and students dedicated to Palestinian human
rights. We are a not for profit tax-exempt educational and charitable
501(c)(3) organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of
the United States of America. Under IRS guidelines, your donations to PRRC
are tax-deductible. To make a donation, please go to

Support Al-Awda, a Great Organization and Cause!
Become an Al-Awda Sustainer:





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