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Muslim Americans News Briefs, October 10, 2008 |
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----- HADITH OF THE DAY: SEEK GOD’S GUIDANCE - TOP The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to teach his companions to perform a specific prayer, called “Istikhara,” whenever they had to make an important decision. He recommended offering two units of the normal Islamic prayer, and after finishing, saying in part: “O God! If you know that this matter is good for me in my faith, my livelihood and for my life in the Hereafter, then make it (easy) for me. And if you know that this matter is not good for me in my faith, my livelihood and my life in the Hereafter, then keep it away from me and take me away from it, and choose what is good for me wherever it is and make me be pleased with it." Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 9, Hadith 487 ----- VA: REGISTRATION FOR CAIR ANNUAL BANQUET NOW ONLINE - TOP Registration for CAIR’s annual banquet on Sunday, November 23rd in Arlington, Va., is now available online. For more information about the dinner, or to register, click here. ----- CAIR JOINS INTERFAITH
LEADERS IN CONDEMNING ‘OBSESSION’ DISTRIBUTION - TOP (WASHINGTON, D.C., 10/7/08) - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today joined dozens of national Jewish, Christian and Muslim interfaith leaders in condemning the distribution of the anti-Muslim film “Obsession” to 28 million households in presidential election swing states nationwide. A statement, issued today at a news conference held by the Interfaith Alliance in Washington, D.C., read in part: “We, the undersigned religious leaders, representing a wide spectrum of theological beliefs and political persuasions, have come together in moral consensus to voice our deep concern over the recent distribution of a deeply divisive and anger-provoking DVD called ‘Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West’ to residents across the United States. “The singular impact of this DVD is not to fight our common threat of terrorism, but to mischaracterize Islam in a way that de-humanizes Muslims... “’Obsession’ serves as a divisive political ploy that undermines the integrity of American religious pluralism. Indeed, it is the duty of every American to stand against those who would divide our common and cherished beliefs by inciting fear and furthering ignorant stereotypes.” CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad is a signatory to the joint statement, which was coordinated by the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). To read the entire statement, click here. Over the weekend, CAIR released a statement by Howard Gordon, the executive producer of Fox’s drama “24,” in which he withdrew his endorsement of “Obsession.” Gordon said that “the goal of co-existence and tolerance is not being served by films like Obsession." CAIR noted that others are withdrawing their support for the film that many commentators have called anti-Muslim “propaganda.” Even a pro-Israel think tank, the Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET), pulled out of “The Obsession Project.” Dr. Khaleel Mohammed, a Muslim interviewee for “Obsession,” now calls the production a "vile piece of propaganda." In a statement sent to the website, Dr. Mohammed said: “Sadly, it would seem that I have allowed myself to be used.” SEE: Statement of Dr. Khaleel Mohammed The “Obsession with Hate” site was launched recently by the Hate Hurts America Multifaith Community Coalition (HHA), a group of religious and civic organizations seeking to challenge hate speech in our society. A recent article in the St. Petersburg Times revealed ties between the film's distributor, the Clarion Fund, and the Israel-based group Aish HaTorah. The newspaper’s investigative report stated: “Clarion's address, according to Manhattan directory assistance, is the same address as Aish HaTorah International, a fundraising arm of Aish HaTorah. The Clarion Fund and Aish HaTorah International are also connected to a group called HonestReporting, which produced Obsession. HonestReporting's 2006 tax return uses the same address.” Based on these revelations and on the Clarion Fund’s apparent attempt to use its non-profit status to impact the presidential election in favor of a particular candidate, CAIR filed complaints with both the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Those interviewed in “Obsession” constitute a veritable who’s who of Muslim-bashers. Speakers include Walid Shoebat, who once told a Missouri newspaper that he sees “many parallels between the Antichrist and Islam" and “Islam is not the religion of God -- Islam is the devil.” (Springfield News-Leader, 9/24/07) Others interviewed in the film include Nonie Darwish, a self-styled “former Moslem" who wrote that "Islam is cruel, anti-women, anti-religious freedom and anti-personal freedom in general”; and Daniel Pipes, who warned a Jewish convention of the "true dangers" posed by "the presence, and increased stature, and affluence, and enfranchisement of American Muslims." (American Jewish Congress, 10/21/2001) Another “Obsession” interviewee, Brigitte Gabriel, told the Australian Jewish News: “Every practising Muslim is a radical Muslim.” She also claimed that “Islamo-fascism is a politically-correct's the vehicle for Islam...Islam is the problem.” When asked whether Americans should “resist Muslims who want to seek political office in this nation," Gabriel said: "Absolutely. If a Muslim who has -- who is -- a practicing Muslim who believes the word of the Koran to be the word of Allah, who abides by Islam, who goes to mosque and prays every Friday, who prays five times a day -- this practicing Muslim, who believes in the teachings of the Koran, cannot be a loyal citizen to the United States of America." CAIR, America's largest Islamic civil liberties group, has 35 offices and chapters nationwide and in Canada. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. - END - CONTACT: CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-488-8787 or 202-744-7726, E-Mail: [email protected]; CAIR Communications Coordinator Amina Rubin, 202-488-8787, E-Mail: [email protected] SEE ALSO: CINCINNATI INTERFAITH, CIVIC
WITHDRAWS ENDORSEMENT OF "OBSESSION" - TOP Howard Gordon, executive producer of Fox's "24," has withdrawn his endorsement of "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West," a documentary that had been inserted in many newspapers, including the Orlando Sentinel. The Council on American-Islamic Relations issued a statement from Gordon. He said: "After being contacted by a number of people whose opinions I respect and after reviewing 'Obsession' with their criticisms and concerns in mind, I have asked the filmmakers to remove my endorsement from the 'Obsession' Web site and from any future promotional materials. While I remain committed to the film's essential message -- that the hate-mongering promoted by radical Islamism presents a real threat to Western values of tolerance and pluralism -- I also appreciate that the goal of co-existence and tolerance is not being served by films like 'Obsession.'"… But the film has stirred concerns of a backlash against Muslims. "It really promotes the current hysteria surrounding Muslims. And it's really reminiscent of the hysteria of the Cold War and McCarthyism," Hazem Bata, head of the Orlando office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, told the Sentinel last month. --- MUSLIM GROUP ASKS IRS TO INVESTIGATE
'OBSESSION' DVDS - TOP WASHINGTON — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has urged the IRS to investigate the distribution of more than 20 million "anti-Muslim" DVDs to see if the distributor, the Clarion Fund, has violated its tax-exempt status. The producers of the film, "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West," say it will "change the way you look at the world." It was delivered to homes as a newspaper insert. "Independent observers have suggested that the distribution of the DVD was an obvious attempt by the Clarion Fund to participate in campaign activities and intervene in the 2008 presidential election," CAIR said. The film was distributed after the Labor Day start of the election season, and 95% of the papers that carried the DVD were in swing states. CAIR has asked the IRS to strip the Clarion Fund of its tax-exempt status if it finds evidence of wrongdoing. "A non-profit group's tax-exempt status should not be misused to promote political candidates or to influence the outcome of an election," said Nihad Awad, CAIR executive director. (MORE) --- CAIR-MI: CONTROVERSIAL DVD
ABOUT ISLAM SENT TO KALAMAZOO-AREA HOUSEHOLDS - TOP A controversial DVD film addressing what it calls the "violent strain of radical Islam" has been arriving in mailboxes across the Kalamazoo area. About 28 million copies of "Obsession: Radical Islam's War against the West" have been distributed to households nationwide, mostly in key swing states in the November general election. The film features scenes of Muslim children uttering their desire to become suicide bombers, planes crashing into the World Trade Center and other 9/11 carnage and men dressed in traditional Middle Eastern garb burning the American flag, interspersed with montages of Nazi rallies and interviews with critics of Islam. Trent Stocking's mailbox in Kalamazoo was one of the places where the DVD showed up. The 23-year-old said he was curious about it, so he watched it. "It was pretty crazy," he said. "Even though there were disclaimers at the beginning and end, it seemed like the film was teaching you to be terrified of Muslims or even people with olive skin." The DVD's distribution was paid for by Clarion Fund Inc., a New York-based nonprofit group founded in 2006. The group has not disclosed how the distribution was funded. Clarion Fund spokesman Gregory Ross said the group spent several million dollars in donations from individuals he would not name. He said running the ad in swing states was a means of drawing media attention and not meant to influence the election's result, a move barred by federal tax law covering nonprofits. "This film is a vile piece of propaganda that is attempting to influence voters in this election cycle. It's being used to make people afraid," said Dawud Walid, executive director of the Michigan chapter of the Council for American-Islamic Relations, a national Islamic civil-rights and advocacy group. CAIR has filed complaints with the Federal Election Commission and the Internal Revenue Service, asserting that Clarion has violated its nonprofit status by advocating for a political candidate. (MORE) --- 'OBSESSION' SOURCE IS STILL
UNCLEAR - TOP Since the terrorist strikes of Sept. 11, 2001, Muslims in the Triangle and across the United States have lived under a shadow, wondering whether their faith would be blamed for the acts of a few. Recently, they were reminded of just how terrorism has shaped some perceptions of Muslims when The News & Observer, along with other papers in 14 states, distributed as a paid insert a DVD called "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West." The documentary, which came bundled in the Sept. 15 edition during the holy month of Ramadan, tapped into a fear all too familiar to Muslims. Many said they found themselves looking over their shoulder, tuning in to suspicious noises, wondering if their homes were safe. "When I saw the DVD in my driveway, I got scared," said Kariman Allam, who teaches science at Cary High School. "I have a family. I don't want my neighbors to hate me." At communal Ramadan dinners called "iftars," the DVD was the hot subject of discussion. The film features scenes of Muslim children being encouraged to become suicide bombers, interspersed with those of Nazi rallies. It was produced by Raphael Shore, a Canadian who lives in Israel, and directed by Wayne Kopping of South Africa. Many Muslims wanted to know what was behind it. Some Muslims suspected it was a political ploy funded by Sen. John McCain's Republican supporters to instill national security fears weeks before the presidential election. Others wondered whether it was a smear campaign directed by Jewish zealots concerned about the security of Israel, or perhaps a little of both. Triangle Muslims say there is no good answer -- and that only increases the insecurity in which rank-and-file Muslims live. The DVD was distributed by a group calling itself the Clarion Fund. According to tax records, Clarion's mission is to "educating the American public about national security threats, including terrorism and nuclear weapons proliferation." Incorporated in Delaware in 2006, Clarion is a New York-based nonprofit organization. It has not named any directors beyond its officers, executive director Shore, whose first name is listed as "Robert," and two others, Henry Harris and Rebecca Kabat. All three recently worked for Aish HaTorah, an international charity based in New York. Aish HaTorah, which literally means the "fire of Torah," was founded in the 1970s with a mission of bringing secular Jews into the Orthodox fold. Until recently, the group was not involved politically. Tax forms for Aish HaTorah suggest neither Harris nor Kabat have the financial wherewithal to pay newspapers to distribute 28 million DVDs across the country. According to The Associated Press, Clarion spent millions of dollars distributing the DVDs mostly in battleground presidential election states. When reached for comment, the group would not reveal its backers. (MORE) ----- CAIR: FITTING WORK TO FAITH -
TOP When religious and work dictates clash, as they did in September for Muslim workers at a Greeley meat-processing plant during their holy month of Ramadan, the consequences can be devastating. Federal and state laws require employers to accommodate an employee's sincerely held religious beliefs and practices unless doing so causes undue hardship. In the Denver field office of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 3 percent of more than 1,800 complaints filed in 2007 in Colorado and Wyoming were related to religious discrimination. Those complaints included hiring practices, on-the-job harassment and accommodation of religious practices. Yet before Ramadan ended Sept. 30, more than 100 Muslim workers, most of them Somalis, were fired for refusing to show up for work in protest over JBS Swift & Co.'s refusal to allow them what they considered an adequate break for sunset prayers. Those fired Sept. 10 have the option of filing grievances, EEOC complaints or lawsuits, which are pending. In response to the firings, both national Islamic and Jewish groups, such as the Anti-Defamation League, have urged respect for religious practices in the increasingly diverse workplace. "This is a core issue for us. Everybody in our society should have the same freedom to worship or not worship as they choose without interference from the government or an employer," said Bruce DeBoskey, director of ADL's Mountain States Region. "Yet we see people losing jobs. We see people have to use vacation to celebrate their high holy days. We see people docked pay," DeBoskey said. "Most employers follow the law, but violations are still common occurrences." The EEOC, which just provided new guidelines, describes "undue hardship on the employer's legitimate business interests" as greater administrative costs, diminished efficiency in other jobs, infringement on other employees' rights or benefits, impaired safety, increased workload for co-workers of "hazardous or burdensome work," or conflicts with other laws. Christians seldom file complaints because important holy days already are accommodated by the American calendar, DeBoskey said. Worship services are on Sundays. Christmas is a national holiday. The Jewish Sabbath ends with Saturday evening prayers. Fridays are the days of Muslim congregational worship, called Jum'ah. This year, the Jewish high holy day of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, begins at sundown Wednesday and ends at sundown Thursday. For Muslims, the most difficult issue is typified by what happened at the Greeley slaughterhouse — a dispute over what is adequate accommodation of prayer in factory or assembly-line work. "That's our toughest nut to crack in terms of religious accommodation," said Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations. It's a year-round issue that tends to peak during Ramadan, Hooper said, when Muslims are perhaps more mindful of their devotional duties. During the lunar month of Ramadan, Muslims are required to fast from break of dawn to sunset, then to perform sunset prayers — one of five prayer times required of Muslims every day. (MORE) SEE ALSO: CAIR-MI: HARASSMENT SUIT TARGETS
CONSUMERS ENERGY - TOP A Detroit man is suing his employer, Consumers Energy, for $15 million, alleging he was harassed and discriminated against for years because of his Muslim faith and his superiors did nothing to stop it. An attorney for Bilal Sekou, 49, a gas technician and former champion boxer, filed the lawsuit Thursday in Wayne Circuit Court against Consumers, a co-worker, and two supervisors, alleging his civil rights were violated… Sekou contends the harassment started 14 years ago when he changed his name from Joe Louis Manley Jr. to what it is now and wore a traditional Muslim head covering to work called a kufi. He said supervisors and co-workers told him to "get that rag off" his head, blamed him for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and asked if he was a member of al-Qaida. In his lawsuit, he said one co-worker said "We need to kill all the crazy a-- Muslims" and when Sekou said he was Muslim, the co-worker said, "We need to wipe you out, too, and just take care of the problem."… Dawud Walid, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said many Muslims are discriminated against every day but they're too scared to stand up against it. He urged Arab Americans and Muslim Americans to rethink using Consumers. --- ND/MN: WOMAN CONVICTED OF
STALKING MUSLIM GETS FINE, WORK SERVICE - TOP (NEW YORK, NY, 10/06/08) - The New York chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR-NY) is calling upon New York Muslims and people of conscious to register to vote before the October 10 deadline. CAIR chapters across the nation are mobilizing the American Muslim
community to actively participate in this year’s election process by
hosting voter registration drives and educational seminars at local
mosques and community centers. 5 Reasons Why You Should Register: 1.Political participation brings about effective change for the general public good, specifically in areas of education, health care, foreign policy, immigration, and civil liberties. As Americans, our views on theseissuesshould be taken in account as we are fully invested in the development and prosperity of our homeland. 2. By voting, weproactivelycontribute to our nation's success, calling for changewhen we think there is something wrong withthe systemand encourage what we believe to be right. 3. Voting gives voice to concerns of particular interest to all people of conscious. From the war in Iraq to the Palestinian Israeli conflict, the Patriot Act to Gitmo, many American hold strong views regarding domestic and foreign policy. Constructive criticism in that regard falls on deaf ears unless gift-wrapped in a package like a ballot. 4. Acognizable presence in the political processin 2008enables the Muslims community’s to be seen as a vital constituency for future elections. 5. Standing by idly is a disservice to our community and our country. Register to vote or make sure your registration is current. Options for Registering Online include the following: National Voter Registration Form
Democratic Party Recommended Method for Registration
[email protected]. CONTACT: CAIR-NY Community Affairs Director Faiza N. Ali, 212-870-2002, 718-724-3041, [email protected]; CAIR-NY Civil Rights Director Aliya Latif, 212-870-2002, 732-429-4268, [email protected] ----- CAIR-NY, ICNYU TO HOST SCREENING OF ‘BUNKER HILL’ - TOP (NEW YORK, NY, 10/7/08) On Wednesday, October 8th the New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NY), together with the Islamic Center at New York University (ICNYU) and the United Muslim Association at NYU (UMA), will screen Bunker Hill at the Kimmel Center at NYU. This event is part of "FREE WHILE SECURE: Civil Liberties & National Security," an initiative launched by CAIR-NY to contribute to the discourse on maintaining civil liberties and national security interests. Bunker Hill is the story an apparent massive terrorist attack against America that darkens an entire town in Kansas. Fearing the unseen enemy, a group emerges that sets out to protect the town’s citizens, resulting in torture, illegal searches, even murder. The town is left to decide whether to uphold civil liberties during a time of uncertainty. For more information, please visit: The screening is co-sponsored by Association of Muslim American Lawyers, MAS Freedom Foundation, Muslim American Civil Liberties Coalition, Muslim Bar Association of New York, Muslim Consultative Network, and Muslim Public Affair Council-NY. WHAT: Screening of Bunker Hill CONTACT: CAIR-NY Civil Rights Director Aliya Latif, 212-870-2002, 732-429-4268, [email protected]; CAIR-NY Community Affairs Director Faiza N. Ali, 212-870-2002, 718-724-3041, [email protected]; ICNYU Director Khalid Latif, 212.998.4712, [email protected]; ICNYU PR Coordinator Haroon Moghul,[email protected]; UMA President Haseeb Chowdhry,[email protected] SEE ALSO: POKING FUN AT STEREOTYPES IN 'ALLAH MADE
ME FUNNY' - TOP Click here to listen to an interview with the three stars of "Allah Made Me Funny," including clips from the film. Muslim comedians Azhar Usman, Mo Amer and Preacher Moss are from different cultural backgrounds, but unite to form Allah Made Me Funny, a stand-up comedy routine that entertains audiences around the world. The trio is now hoping for the success of a new film, named for the routine. (MORE) ----- CAIR-PA PHILADELPHIA CHAPTER LAUNCHES INTERNSHIP PROGRAM - TOP (PHILADELPHIA, PA, 10/7/08) The Philadelphia chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations announced the launch of an internship program at its center city office. Internships at CAIR-PA offer undergraduate students a great opportunity to learn, interact, and grow in a friendly and diverse environment. To learn more about the opportunities available at our chapter please visit our new Internship Center webpage. SEE ALSO: CAIR-NJ SEEKS VOLUNTEERS FOR SOUP KITCHEN - TOP The New Jersey chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NJ) calls on all Muslims in the New Jersey area to assist Muslims Against Hunger by volunteering at the Morristown Community Soup Kitchen. "Muslims Against Hunger Project" has launched its "Fight Against Hunger in Our Backyard" campaign by organizing special "Muslims Serve Day" in various parts of the NY/NJ metropolitan area. Volunteers will gather to prepare hot lunches/dinners and serve the working poor, hungry and homeless at the Soup Kitchens. It is an Islamic tradition to feed the poor and needy. This time of the year the crowd in soup kitchens is larger than usual because bad economy has put many laborers out of work. Also, seniors on fixed incomes are running low on cash as the month wears down. Serving at the Soup kitchen gives Muslim community an opportunity to participate in the "Act of Righteousness" and shows the greater communities true and compassionate face of the Muslims and Islam. WHAT: Volunteer Opportunity CONTACT: Please submit your contact information for registration by email: [email protected] or by Phone: 908-364-4441 For more information: Please contact Zamir Hassan Phone: 908-364-4441 OR e-mail: [email protected] In an ongoing effort to promote volunteerism among our communities under the "Muslims Care" Campaign, CAIR-NJ Public Relations Director, Afsheen Shamsi has committed to volunteering with the Interfaith Soup Kitchen on an ongoing basis and encourages others in the NJ Muslim community to do the same. SEE: To learn more about CAIR-NJ or Muslims Care please contact: CAIR-NJ Public Relations Director, Afsheen Shamsi at 908-938-5990 or [email protected] ----- CAIR-SAN ANTONIO: MUSLIMS MARK END
OF RAMADAN WITH VISITS - TOP [Sarwat Husain is the head of CAIR’s San Antonio chapter.] The Eid al-Fitr, the festival of breaking the fast, is a holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the ninth month of the lunar calendar that Muslims follow. Ramadan, one of the “five pillars” of Islam, is the month in which Muslims fast from the break of dawn to dusk. During this time they restrain themselves from food, drink, smoking, sensual pleasures, fighting or arguing while also focusing on giving a lot in charity. The goal is that every practicing Muslim will be transformed. (MORE) ----- TX: ISLAMIC CENTER SEEKS HELP
HANDING OUT SUPPLIES - TOP Volunteers with the Galveston Islamic Center will spend the coming weeks dispensing hurricane supplies to the needy, but members of the organization say they will need some help. Katie Huff lost everything in her home to Hurricane Ike’s storm surge, but the Galveston resident was busy Saturday handing out supplies across the street from the Islamic center. “I came up here for some soap one day and they asked me if I could help,” Huff said. “I decided to help by volunteering.” (MORE) SEE ALSO: FL: ISLAMIC CENTER MEMBERS DONATE
FOOD TO POOR - TOP As they wait, church bells ring in the distance to the tune of "America, the Beautiful." A few minutes go by and then a steady stream of men and women stroll out from the downtown Ocala shelter. They form a moving line where they are greeted with handshakes, smiles and friendly hellos from the teens. Some of the people talk with the kids for a minute. Others say thank you and escape from the sun to eat their food on a concrete bench in the shade. But these kids are used to the heat. For months, they have pounded the downtown streets every Sunday to hand out free food to the homeless. And for weeks, they've been feeding the poor while their own stomachs sit empty. They are members of the Islamic Center of Ocala. As part of their Muslim faith they fast - no food or water - from sunset to sundown for 30 days as part of Ramadan. The holiday ended last week, but on this hot day, when a big gulp of cold, refreshing water would satisfy anyone, the teens give it to those who need it more. (MORE) ----- FL: NSU LECTURE EXPLORES
ISLAMIC, HISPANIC CONNECTION - TOP Yusuf Mendez had a message about his heritage he wanted to share and he got the opportunity during a celebration of cultural unity at Nova Southeastern University in Davie. While Mendez, who is from Costa Rica and a convert to Islam, spoke to an audience of just about a dozen people -- he was competing with a film series on diversity just a few doors down -- his message was of unity as well: the place where Islamic and Latin cultural history come together and the impact the Islamic world has on today's Hispanic culture. (MORE) SEE ALSO: NC: SHE'S PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN, AND
MUSLIM - TOP It's two steps forward, one step back for Rose Hamid. When you are an American and Muslim, loyal to your country and devout in your worship, it can be tricky. "I love this country," says Hamid. "I'd rather be a Muslim in this country than any other country in this world." But as the holy month of Ramadan ends, Hamid has reason to worry. In this country she loves, one that has no religious test for a political candidate, her faith has been used to attack a presidential hopeful. Barack Obama is a Christian. But e-mailed rumors that he is Muslim are considered smears - effective ones. Candidates visit churches and synagogues. But Hamid says she realizes that any candidate who visits a mosque or any gathering of Muslim-Americans could have that used against him or her. Hamid has also spoken out against the DVD "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West," that was inserted as a paid advertisement in newspapers across the country. In her opinion, the film is "hate speech." (MORE) ----- BANK ROUT IMPACT ON SHARIA FINANCE IS
LIMITED - TOP KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 7 (Reuters) - Islamic finance has not felt the full brunt of the global credit crisis that has rocked conventional banks, thanks to its profit-sharing requirements and insistence that assets underpin transactions, Malaysia's central bank chief said. Malaysia, along with the Middle East Gulf, is a leading hub for Islamic finance, which shuns interest-based lending and investments in gaming, alcohol and pornography in favour of profits reaped from partnerships and ethical investments. "Islamic finance has, thus far, remained positive, despite the current challenging global financial environment," Zeti Akhtar Aziz said in a speech at a sharia banking congress in Boston on Monday. The text was released on Tueday. "The sharia injunctions require that the financial transactions be accompanied by an underlying productive activity thus giving rise to a close link between financial and productive flows." Islamic banks are also required to share profits and losses arising from projects, prompting lenders to undertake the necessary checks to ensure that a venture is sound, Zeti said. (MORE)
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