Bashing Venezuelan Democracy
By Stephen Lendman, January 31, 2009
In November/December 2006, Fairness and Accuracy in
Reporting's (FAIR) Steve Rendall explained that "Hugo Chavez never had a
chance with the US press." It's been a constant since his December 1998
election, and hasn't let up to this day, with language all too familiar:
-- a "would-be-dictator;
-- an autocratic demagogue;
-- a modern caudillo;
-- a divisive and demagogic leader;
-- a communist;
-- (his) increasingly authoritarian tilt;
-- (his) militariz(ing) the government;
-- (his) terrible human
rights record;
-- (his) consolidated one-party rule;
emasculat(ing) the country's courts;
-- intimidat(ing) the
-- hollow(ing) out Venezuela's once-democratic
-- erod(ing) confidence in (its) economy;" and
-- the latest accusations in the run-up to a constitutional
referendum to let presidents, National Assembly representatives,
governors, mayors, and state legislators run indefinitely for
Under Article 230 of Venezuela's Constitution:
"The presidential term is six years. The President of the Republic can
be re-elected, immediately and only once, to an additional term."
Currently, Chavez can't run again when his term expires in 2012.
Under Article 192: "Deputies of the National Assembly shall hold office
for a term of five years, with eligibility for re-election to no more
than one additional term."
Other elected officials are also
restricted to a two-term limit.
Last December, Chavez proposed
February 15 for a national referendum to let Venezuelans vote up or down
for constitutional change. He chose this date because it's when Simon
Bolivar spoke at Angostura, "in the recently inaugurated congress of the
city in 1819." At the time, presidential elections weren't held, and
Bolivar warned against lengthy rule. The opposition is using this in its
"Angostura" campaign in spite of how different Venezuela is today - a
participatory democracy where people choose and can recall their
presidents and other elected officials.
Article 72 of
Venezuela's Constitution states:
"All magistrates and other
offices (including the president) filled by popular vote are subject to
revocation. Once half (their) term of office....has elapsed, 20% of
(registered) voters (by petition may call for) a referendum to revoke
such official's mandate. When a number of voters equal to or greater
than the number of those who elected the official vote in favor of
revocation (provided the total is 25% or more of registered voters), the
official's mandate shall be deemed revoked...."
Try finding that
explanation in the dominant media or how near-impossible it is to remove
US elected officials regardless of popular sentiment. No US president
was ever removed by impeachment, and short of a national convulsion,
none likely ever will be - even one as reviled as George Bush.
Chavez supporters collected 4.7 million signatures for a national
referendum to current constitutional law. On January 14, the National
Assembly modified and approved it (156 - 6) without naming a date.
The provision reads:
"Do you approve amending articles 160, 162,
174, 192, and 230 of the Constitution of the Republic, as submitted by
the National Assembly (AN), to expand the people's political rights with
the goal of allowing any citizen, in his or her function as a popularly
elected official, to run for office as a candidate for that same office,
for a constitutionally established time period, as long as their
election is the exclusive result of the people's vote?"
January 16, AN President Cilia Flores submitted the proposal to the
National Electoral Council (CNE). It has 30 days to organize and convene
a referendum. Sunday, February 15 is the scheduled date.
Assembly representative Luis Tascon said he voted to proceed because no
suitable Chavez successor has emerged. "Given that reality, I'll stay
with Chavez." Another lawmaker explained he's for it "so that all
legally able citizens can run for election and the people can choose
from them without limitations of any kind."
After their 91st
Plenary Assembly, the (right-wing allied) Bishops'' Conference of
Venezuela asked Chavez to reconsider his proposal to be seek indefinite
re-elections. They accused him of "extending power into the future (by)
illegitimate means."
Chavez said his intention isn't to stay in
office indefinitely. "What we have here is a national independence
project that still needs more work to consolidate....They say my
personal goal is to perpetuate myself in power; nothing could be further
from the truth."
Longtime Latin American expert James Petras
agrees in his January 11 article titled: "Venezuela: Socialism,
Democracy and the Re-Election of President Chavez:"
At a time
of "world recession/depression, the collapse of the neo-liberal model
and the incapacity of capitalist economists to offer any viable
alternative, there is all the more reason to re-elect President Chavez
who backs a socialist, publicly directed and controlled economy, which
protects and promotes the domestic market and productive system."
Given today's dire state of things and no expected change under Obama,
"the world looks to President Chavez as the world's foremost
humanitarian leader, the outstanding defender of freedom, peace and
self-determination." Much more is at stake than a referendum vote. "With
its outcome rides the future of democracy and socialism in Venezuela and
the hopes and aspirations of hundreds of millions who look to (this
leader as an inspiration and) example in their revolutionary struggle(s)
to overthrow militarists and depression-racked capitalist states."
Anti-Chavez Media Rhetoric
Marc Plattner is co-editor of the
"Journal of Democracy, vice-president for research and studies at the
National Endowment of Democracy (NED), and co-director of the
International Forum for Democratic Studies. NED is a US
government-funded body that functions to subvert democracy, help oust
popularly elected leaders, and serve the interests of captal.
January 13, Plattner got Washington Post op-ed space for his article
titled: "Democracy's Competitive Edge - Why Authoritarian Economies
Could Have More to Fear From (the current economic) Crisis." His view is
that no matter how discredited global capitalism is, "the economic
crisis could bring gains for democracy (against) the emergence of
nondemocratic (authoritarian) political systems that can claim to offer
attractive models. He cites four examples: China, Russia, Iran and
Venezuela and says "until late last year (they) were riding high." No
longer as the global crisis affects all nations to one degree or other.
Nonetheless, Plattner claims that "authoritarian capitalist
regimes," not based on "a coherent ideology" with wide popular support,
will fare worst. "As long as they deliver the economic goods, most of
their citizens may be willing to accept the accompanying limits on their
political freedom."
Plattner ignores Venezuela's model
democracy, Chavez's overwhelming popularity, 10 years of social
progress, the reduction of poverty, and the uplifting of millions of
Venezuelans unlike anything ever before in the country. No nation
anywhere runs freer elections. No president better serves his people,
who directs more of his nation's resources for social needs, who's an
example for leaders everywhere, who shames America's sham democracy,
publicly denounces tyranny and repression, opposes foreign wars, doesn't
invade his neighbors, practice torture, or undermine other heads of
state. He supports human rights, seeks conciliation, rejects conflict,
and serves all Venezuelans admirably.
Yet Plattner calls
Venezuela "undemocratic" and says American-style "democracy has often
displayed a remarkable ability to reform and renew take a
punch and outlast its glass-jawed competitors (and prove its) resilience
that may (be) decisive in the competition with its more brittle
authoritarian challengers."
Plattner's NED spent the last 10
years trying to undermine Venezuelan democracy, the kind unimaginable in
The Wall Street Journal's Mary O'Grady never met a
democrat she didn't bash with Chavez again targeted in her January 12
op-ed headlined: "Dictatorship for Dummies." She's deeply disappointed
that low oil prices haven't weakened him and notes how defeating him
"remains a formidable task."
Even in today's global economic
climate, "the jackboots of the regime (are) still firmly planted on the
nation's neck (as) popular discontent with chavismo has been rising as
oil prices have been falling." Why so? Because Chavez "used the boom
years to consolidate power and destroy all institutional checks and
balances." As a result, he "has little incentive to return the country
to political pluralism even if most Venezuelans are sick of his
tyranny." Watch out - he may "become more aggressive and dangerous as
the bloom comes off his revolution in 2009 and he feels more
It gets worse. Venezuelan elections don't matter.
"Mr. Chavez now controls the entire electoral process, from voter rolls
to tallying totals after the polls are closed. Under enormous public
pressure," he accepted constitutional defeat in 2007 to "make him
president for life." With another referendum coming, he'll "repeat this
exercise until the right answer is produced. All police states hold
elections (but they) quash dissent. Venezuela is a prime example."
It's a "military government. (He) purged the armed forces" and installed
his own loyalists. He's "taken over the Metropolitan Police in Caracas,
imported Cuban intelligence agents, and armed his Bolivarian militias,
whose job it is to act as neighborhood enforcers. (He indoctrinates
school children) in Bolivarian thought, stripped the media of
independence and dominates all free television in the country."
He stirs up trouble "against foreign devils like the US, Colombia and
Israel." He lets "Iran use Venezuelan aircraft for arms trafficking and
Venezuela gets military aid in return. (Besides this), his most
effective police state tool (is his) control over the economy. The state
freely expropriates whatever it wants....economic freedom is dead....The
private sector has been wiped out, except for those who have thrown in
their lot with the tyrant."
What to say about such rubbish - so
bad, it's not even poor fiction. O'Grady is a Wall Street tool. Her
style is agitprop. Her space is a truth-free zone. Her language -
hateful and vindictive. Her tone - malicious and slanderous. Her manner
- bare-knuckled thuggishness. Her material - mendacious, calculating,
and shameless. Yet it appears weekly in her Americas column, and she
wins awards for it. Wall Street takes care of its own.
fronts for power and highlights the state of today's journalism and why
growing numbers turn elsewhere to be informed. Imagine the difference if
everyone did.
On January 12, Patrick Esteruelas' Foreign Policy
Magazine article headlined: "Hugo Chavez rolls the dice." He says 2009
may prove tough for Chavez with low oil prices "sap(ping) the country's
economic strength and compromis(ing) the president's ability to maintain
the lavish spending that buttresses his government's popularity."
"This is a crucial moment for Chavez and Venezuela, because (he's) about
to put his popularity to a crucial (and very public) test. He called a
national referendum (most likely for February to win voter approval to)
remove presidential term limits." Earlier he failed. "Chavez will
probably lose again. Most Venezuelans like their president (but not
enough to make him) president for life....So why is (he) doing this now?
(It) may be (his) last chance to extend the life of his presidency."
"If he loses, he won't recover easily." His hold on power will be
weakened enough to give the "opposition an opportunity to gain new
political momentum. But the larger worry is that a 'no' vote (will
threaten Chavez and) could undermine Venezuela's democracy. If he loses
(he may consider) more radical and authoritarian" measures.
Esteruelas isn't O'Grady, but his article is painfully inaccurate about
Venezuela and Chavez. Chavez wants to strengthen democracy and enhance
Bolivarianism, not be "president for life." He's also gracious in defeat
and showed it December 2007. When his constitutional referendum failed
to pass, he said: "To those who voted against my proposal, I thank them
and congratulate them....Venezuelan democracy is maturing (and) I
understand and accept that the proposal was quite profound and intense."
Changing 69 constitutional articles in one bite proved too much and too
easy for opponents to attack.
This time is simpler. The National
Assembly approved a single question referendum asking voters up or down
on whether to end term limits for presidents, National Assembly
representatives, governors, mayors, and state legislators.
January 9, the Miami Herald's Andres Oppenheimer headlined: "Chavez,
allies manipulating anti-Israeli views." Chavez and Hamas' "main state
sponsor," Iran, are exploiting the Gaza conflict for political
advantage. Why so? "He is in trouble because of falling oil prices, and
needs a conflict with Washington to justify his increasingly
authoritarian rule."
Oppenheimer berates some Latin American
journalists for "failing to remind their audiences that Hamas is waging
a religious war that officially calls for the annihilation of the state
of Israel, constantly launches rockets into Israeli territory and
triggered the latest conflict by breaking a cease-fire....Unlike Israel,
Hamas terrorists intentionally target civilians....and then use the
civilian population as human shields...."
This type rhetoric
mirrors much pro-Israeli agitprop. It mischaracterizes Hamas, supports
Israeli war crimes, and in this case, accuses Chavez for condemning the
aggressor, not the victims.
Francisco Toro is a Caracas-based
contributor to The New York Times, Washington Post, Financial Times, and
was editor of the English language version of Veneconomy, a leading
Venezuelan bilingual business magazine. Last December, he headlined an
article titled: "Why Chavez Wants To Be President for Life" in which he
sounds much like O'Grady.
He calls Chavez a "narcissist-Leninist
president, (but) 14 years (isn't) long enough to crush
capitalism....Will Venezuelans (give him what he wants) the second time
around? It's not at all clear (as he's) genuinely popular," but polls
show he's vulnerable. Most voters like him, but far lower numbers
"express confidence in his ability to solve the country's problems.
Majorities dislike his endless televised rants, question key parts of
his socialist ideology, reject the Cuban model (and criticize him) on
all kinds of bread-and-butter issues. (They also) get a serious case of
the heebie-jeebies (about) this enormously volatile and endlessly
pugnacious leader potentially run(ning) the country for life..."
Anyone who disagrees with him "is instantly identified as an agent of
evil: a fascist running dog of American imperialism, and more than
likely, a traitor on the CIA's payroll. Chavez's basic MO is....dissent
= treason." Yet, he's "clearly popular and keeps winning elections. What
could possibly be so undemocratic about that?"
For Toro, it's
not about democracy or dictatorship but rather an "old fashioned cult of
personality....something that doesn't have a name yet....(a combination
of a) leader's megalomania and his followers' atavistic drive to submit
to his tsunami of histrionics....for the benefit of a political sect
masquerading as a revolutionary movement (calling itself) a democracy."
Now they want "open-ended re-election." Their "worldview" only holds as
long as Chavez stays president and continues "this mad experiment."
Toro lives in Caracas and can follow Chavez close-up. But he hasn't a
clue about Venezuelan democracy and a decade of impressive social
achievements. Its why Chavez stays popular, not about "megalomania,
histrionics, (or an) old-fashioned cult of personality." His new
referendum may pass this time because Venezuelans support Bolivarianism
and the leader they trust to pursue it.
Students Rally to
Support the Referendum
On January 22, thousands of university
and high school students marched in Caracas and other Venezuelan cities
to support passage of the February 15 referendum and against anti-Chavez
provocations. Higher Education minister Luis Acuna joined them.
Student leader Andrea Pacheco said re-asserting the student movement was
also at issue. The Chavez government "swapped repression for
scholarships, inclusion, and new universities." Everyone has access to
free education. Millions of Venezuelans want to keep it and have Chavez
remain president. Opposition groups have demonstrated violently against
him with more likely planned in the run-up to mid-February.
Chavez's 2008 Annual Report
On January 14, Chavez presented it
to the National Assembly and a national television and radio audience.
He laid out the nation's progress and future plans:
-- since
1999, 2.7 million Venezuelans no longer are impoverished, 437,000 in
2008 alone; extreme poverty stood at 42% earlier in the 1990s; today
it's 9.1%;
-- in 2008, 62.9% of Venezuelans bought subsidized
food from the Food Market Network (Mercal);
-- in the past year,
important agricultural progress was made; seven laws passed for
development, including for food sovereignty and integral agricultural
health; in addition, the percent of large landowners declined 32% since
the early 1990s; over two million hectares were recovered from them, and
Chavez sees ahead to "when there isn't even one large landowner in
Venezuela;" the government is increasing production of numerous crops
and other food products; livestock breeds have been brought in from
Cuba, Argentina and Nicaragua; in the past three years, the National
Seed Plan created nearly five million kilos of seeds for planting;
tractors were distributed across the country;
-- under
Venezuela's "Sowing the Oil Plan," 55 additional billion barrels of
crude were certified as part of the nation's reserves; Chavez predicted
that Venezuela's will soon be the largest in the world; according to the
US Department of Energy, they already are, including 1.36 trillion
barrels of extra-heavy oil (90% of the world's total) plus over 80
billion proved light sweet reserves;
-- in May 2008, Oil
Minister Rafeal Ramirez said proved reserves totaled 130 billion
barrels, including heavy oil; in January 2009, reported
Venezuelan reserves at 152.56 billion barrels in December 2008
(including heavy oil) with a target to reach 316 billion barrels by
-- the National Electric Corporation was created in 2007;
billions have been invested in equipment, centres, transmission,
distribution networks, and maintenance; 98% of Venezuelans receive
electricity, up 4.3% since 2007;
-- new polyurethane and other
factories created 6000 jobs; 11 others are under construction; the
government took control of three gold mines; Chavez predicts gold
production will almost double this year and said takeovers
improved working and living conditions for miners and their families;
diamond mines and other nationalizations were made;
international currency reserves quadrupled in the past ten years to $43
billion; at the same time, public debt decreased 70% as a percent of
GDP; Venezuela's per capital reserves are among the highest in the world
at $1700; and
-- 2008 GDP growth was 4.9% at a time most world
economies were faltering; social services increased 9%; for 2009 - 2013,
$125 billion in oil-based investments are planned as well as another
$100 billion in others; Chavez said no economic adjustments are planned
in response to the global economic crisis, and unlike America and the
West, high finance interests won't get millions or billions in aid; no
banks in Venezuela are insolvent; no housing bubble exists; and
financial institutions aren't supported by "garbage paper."
Final Comment
For 10 years under Chavez, Bolivarianism has
flourished, and the greater its success the harsher it's critics.
America flounders in corruption, economic chaos and decline. Venezuela's
star is rising. One man made it possible:
-- its model
participatory democracy;
-- its free, fair and open elections;
-- respect for the rule of law and human rights;
using the nation's resources for the people;
-- providing
essential social services to the needy;
-- promoting global
solidarity, equality and social justice;
-- advocating peace
and denouncing wars;
-- working cooperatively with his
-- building socialism in the 21st century based on
"solidarity, fraternity, love, justice, liberty and equality;"
-- rejecting exploitation and capital interests over people; and
-- pursuing a Bolivarian vision that works.
Imagine a future
America like Venezuela today. Imagine a caring, not a predatory nation.
Imagine a leader in Washington like Chavez. Imagine a groundswell enough
to get one.
Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the
Centre for Research on Globalization. He lives in Chicago and can be
reached at
[email protected]
Also visit his blog site at and listen to The Global Research News Hour on Monday through Friday at 10AM US Central time
for cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on world and
national issues. All programs are archived for easy listening.
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