As I observe the vilification of Bishop Williamson occurring in the Catholic blogosphere, I can’t help but recall the gospel account of the crucifixion of Christ Himself. For with the exception of the Blessed Mother and St. John, the rest of His apostles had abandoned Him, quaking in their boots “for fear of the Jews” (John 19:38).
Fast forward 20 centuries and something eerily similar seems to be happening again. Only this time, the person being abandoned and crucified is Bishop Richard Williamson of the Society of St. Pius X. And what was his crime, pray tell? It seems His Excellency has a penchant for speaking the truth to power, something Our Lord Himself was not afraid to do, including the following flamer - right to the Pharisees’ faces (John 8:44):
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it.
Now that is politically incorrect! Good thing Jesus isn’t around in human form these days or He just might find himself in a German prison, like Ernst Zundel or Germar Rudolf, or anyone else who dares to question the Holocaust™. Because I am convinced that if Jesus were still alive on this earth in human form, there would be no shortage of Christians dutifully denouncing Him as a threat to Jewish-Christian relations! It really has become that pathetic.
Bishop Williamson is personally responsible for the fact that I am no longer a sedevacantist and that I pray day and night for the conversion of the Jews. I no longer feel that same level of toxic bitterness coursing through my veins when I think of all that we (of the post-Conciliar generation) have suffered as a result of having been thrown under the bus by those who should have protected us. I see it all in spiritual terms now, and I realize that it is not for me to understand why things have gone so wrong in the Church, and, by default, in society. But it is my duty to be the best Catholic woman I can be, to try to be a light to others, and always to speak the truth in charity. Charity is just another word for love. Thank you, Your Excellency.
And this is the man they’re persecuting! A man who for the last 20 years has brought the Traditional Latin Mass to millions of the faithful, baptized their children, heard their confessions, and maintained tradition, while staying faithful to Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. To those traditional Catholics who are now throwing Bishop Williamson under the bus, I say, shame, shame, shame! They would probably throw Christ Himself under the bus if He dared to question the Holocaust™. I don’t know definitively how many Jews died in concentration camps during World War II. But I do find it awfully suspicious that people are thrown in jail for questioning an historical event. (And even more disturbing that so many Americans don’t seem to have a problem with that, as we brag about our freedom of speech.) The Holocaust has become like a secular dogma that cannot be questioned on pain of imprisonment or shunning. But if six million Jews really were killed in concentration camps, you would think that professional investigations would be welcomed, using the latest forensic technology to verify the event. After all, I don’t know of any other group of genocide victims that refuses to allow investigations. But when even the Auschwitz museum has lowered the number of Jews killed there from 4 million to 1.5 million, and Red Cross records reveal far fewer than 1 million deaths, it does not bode well for the number six million. Unless there’s a new kind of math where six million minus any sum must always equal six million.
No one is denying that a significant number of Jews died in concentration camps under Hitler, who would not otherwise have died had they not been rounded up and placed in camps without due process of law. But there were many others who died in those camps besides Jews, and even many other Holocausts. Let’s start with the tens of millions of Christians killed in the Soviet Union under (mainly) Jewish Communists. It’s time for the truth to come out about all genocides. Let the healing begin.
By giving his honest opinion about an historical event, with no hatred in his heart, Bishop Williamson is now being shunned by the very people who should be standing beside him. But I’m convinced that many of these same turncoats wonder themselves why scientists are being thrown in jail for questioning the Holocaust, but they don’t have the ***** to say it out loud! If there’s any hope of restoring Christendom, it’s going to take men with courage and testosterone. Men like Bishop Williamson, who, despite his vow of celibacy, is more manly than the panty waists who can’t denounce him fast enough! These cowards are terrified that they won’t be able to get a rabbinic imprimatur for their next book, or God forbid, get their books published at all.
I understand what the trads are saying, that Bishop Williamson’s controversial opinions will somehow set back SSPX/Vatican relations in light of their recent rehabilitation. And I am grateful to the Holy Father for his kind gestures, namely, the lifting of the excommunications and the Motu Proprio allowing the Latin Mass. But the truth is that the SSPX should never have been excommunicated in the first place, unless all of our saints and ancestors should have been excommunicated as well. And my generation never should have been deprived of the Traditional Latin Mass in the first place, according to the infallible bull Quo Primum. So while it’s nice that they’ve (finally) acknowledged that the Latin Mass was never officially abrogated, that doesn’t do a whole lot of good for my generation whose birthright was officially stolen! How many lives and souls have been lost in the last 40 years as a result of this atrocity? Only the Good Lord knows, and we must trust in Him to enlighten the heart of Pope Benedict to turn back from this disastrous course (although I wouldn’t hold my breath). But it sure is nice to have a Catholic hero like Bishop Williamson who speaks the truth in charity, and who, history will show, was on the right side all along. As St. Paul once said (Gal. 4:16):
Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
Apparently so, in the case of Bishop Williamson. But in the words of Our Blessed Savior (John 8:32):
Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
isnt ratzinger and pope JP2 both half JEWS?
would make sense why they prostrate themselves to the AKJEWs and blasphemously say da JEWs are the Christians elder brothers. John 8:44 Rev 2:9 3:9 etc…
Bishop Williamson represented a great surge of hope and optimism for truth-seekers all over the world. It was also a chance to finally expose the deadly cabal that has power over most of the world’s governments, in essence, to expose the vampires to the light of day - thus draining them of their power to spread evil. Millions were hoping that the CHURCH would come down firmly on the side of this courageous man, and not waver an iota when then being hammered by the Seed of Satan. Alas, it seems that even those who should know are as corrupted as most of the flock. One has to wonder if they are a part of the same crowd who hounded and crucified Christ, and are part of their agenda of corruption. Their behavior certainly seems to indicate as much. The author’s statement about the Bishop being right will prove absolutely correct in the long run, when people of COURAGE instead of these wimpy cowards regain control. Many thanks to the author of this well-written and accurate article.
Ray Goodwin
Thank you my dear lady friend in tradition-we must stand behind this courageous Bishop and I’m so glad to see their are such people. You are so right, the truth should stand on it’s own if its the truth. The truth only becomes suspect when people try to hide it or keep it from public scrutiny like what is occuring in Europe.
I applaud Bishop Williamson for his forthrightness - many others would have succumbed to undue pressure, like, for example, David Cole.
Were we damaged by the thinking that the earth was flat?
Yes - it limited exploration of our wonderful planet.
Were we damaged by the concept of the earth being the center of the universe?
We never could have advanced if we continued to believe in such a falsehood.
False beliefs are the invisible chains by which humanity is shackled.
I found the article painful to read - as I like many Catholics have been betrayed by a Pope who is NOT an honest and truthful man. I ‘held my tongue’ until finally I could ‘make no more excuses in my heart or mind. Somewhere along the line - the Zionists made him their ultimate sock-puppet. That conclusive observation at age 70 saddens me deeply.
After watching the JEWS - PURPOSFULLY during the Christian celebration of the birth of Christ - murder in cold blood - among other totally innocent civilians - over a thousand terrified children - a good many being Christian - in a slaughter which had no parallel in recent history for sadistic barbaric animalistic sadism . Been there seen that - so no lectures from the peanut gallery please.
There was not so much as a WHIMPER or tear of sorrow from the Vatican for the victims of those ghastly MONSTROUS war crimes TO ME - THAT WAS THE LAST STRAW! I decided that the ‘Church of Peter’ - as ordained by Christ Himself had been infected with same rot which has turned my once Christian American into a morally rotted corpse.
Unlike 99.9999% of American citizens - I had spent time with the intelligence community INSIDE the occupied territories of Palestine some years ago, as well as in IsraHELL itself. I have witnessed horrors of man’s inhumanity to his fellow man in some dark corners of the world - but nothing prepared me for what I saw the Jews doing to other innocent defensless human beings - ESPECIALLY the children - in that immense concentration camp.
Ever see a 5 year old crying trembling terrorized child get his brains blown out by a sadistic grown IDF soldier - JUST because the poor kid wasn’t a Jew? You haven’t ? I suggest that before you even THINK about ANY sympathy for these cold-blooded sadistic baby killers - you take a trip INSIDE Gaza - ALONE - the THEN - if you make it back alive - we’ll have a nice long talk about it - OK?
Had I been on active duty with the militray then - I would probably expect to face a court-martial - had I had the audacity to speak these truths to anyone. Isn’t that how it works today?
I am sick to death of hearing the ‘oh veys’ and ceaseless whining from those poor mistreated Jews. The Jews in Weimar Germany had done the same thing to that nation that the Jew has done here to my America in more recent times. That is to turn it into moral decay and opportunize the victims by every cunning shoddy immoral means available.
I was an A-team Paratroop commander in the 60s and my ops Sgt. was a German national who became an American citizen. He told me what his family had to endure under the Jew when he was a child. Lying, cheating, usury, sexual indecency, perversion. homosexual activity, pornograpphy, seduction of the underage and the usual hatred of anything Christian, and all of the same that he has done to America today.
I have PERSONALLY discovered a significant gigantic lie concerning the so - called hollocaust in Germany while I was there in Dachau. There were UNDENIABLE PER-SE EVIDENT TRUTHS - but just try to get the truth out in our Zionist controlled country today. The Bishop was depicting his feelings about the matter from his reading what he honestly believes to be factual evidence. His crime - ? voicing his sincere conclusions as an educated man.
The Evidence that I possess was obtained not just from the research of others - but from my OWN DISCOVERY! The entire world should learn of these truths - and make their own conclusions - but of course in our Zionist censured politically correct USI - speaking the TRUTH TODAY - is Verboten!
Any truth - UNLESS, of course - it is a truth which is ‘not acceptable’ to the Jews who own us. Don’t believe that? Just try to get ANYTHING published in ANY mainstream news media today - that reveals the truth ragarding Jew conduct - NO MATTER IF CHRIST HIMSELF CAME TO EARTH TO PROCLAIM IT — it would be censured.
This is NOT The America that I grew up in. TRUTH was held inviolate and there is even a MANDATE FROM GOD - to speak the truth - NOT A ‘SUGGESTION’ .
Perhaps the Bishop Williamson (whom I admire for his backbone to speak the truth) should grovel at the feet of our spineless shabus goy Pope and declare himself an active sodomy practicing homosexul pervert - as did a ‘popular’ Anglican Bishop recently and be in good graces again with the church - AND OF COURSE - more importantly - the JEWS - who with INORDINATE proportion - dominate homosexual perversions in America today!
OH excse me! Did I just state another ‘umpopular’ TRUTH about the American Jew? Mea culpa - mea maxima culpa!
BRAVO BISHOP WILLIAMSON - BRAVO! Scripture says that we will expect be reviled for speaking the truth. Our Lord was crucified for speaking it, and so will I and every other man who dares to speak it.
Good for you, Bishop Williamson. Thank you for your righteousness and courage. We are indebted.
Colleagues, here are three videos of Bishop Williamson, currently available on youtube.
Bishop Williamson on George Orwell’s “1984,” and the Lies of 911, Part 1.
Bishop Williamson on George Orwell’s “1984,” and the Lies of 911, Part 2.
Bishop Williamson on the Holocaust of WWII.
Carol A. Valentine
Protocol No. 17
2. WE HAVE LONG PAST TAKEN CARE TO DISCREDIT THE PRIESTHOOD OF THE “GOYIM,” and thereby to ruin their mission on earth which in these days might still be a great hindrance to us. Day by day its influence on the peoples of the world is falling lower. FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE HAS BEEN DECLARED EVERYWHERE, SO THAT NOW ONLY YEARS DIVIDE US FROM THE MOMENT OF THE COMPLETE WRECKING OF THAT CHRISTIAN RELIGION: as to other religions we shall have still less difficulty in dealing with them, but it would be premature to speak of this now. We shall set clericalism and clericals into such narrow frames as to make their influence move in retrogressive proportion to its former progress.
3. When the time comes finally to destroy the papal court the finger of an invisible hand will point the nations towards this court. When, however, the nations fling themselves upon it, we shall come forward in the guise of its defenders as if to save excessive bloodshed. By this diversion we shall penetrate to its very bowels and be sure we shall never come out again until we have gnawed through the entire strength of this place.
6. In general, then, our contemporary press will continue to CONVICT State affairs, religions, incapacities of the GOYIM, always using the most unprincipled expressions in order by every means to lower their prestige in the manner which can only be practiced by the genius of our gifted tribe…
A great essay and accusation. This time by a Lady (with a capital L).
Just as great is the last comment by Joe Cortina.
These truths have to be spread.
The Internet seems to be, for the moment still, the only medium, as all TV-stations, newspapers, popular books, in the Western world, seem to be in the hands of this satanic cabal. What hope is there, when even the highest “Christian” leader belongs to them, or genuflects before them?
Thank you Bishop Williamson! We owe you a debt for your righteousness and courage.
Colleagues, here are some videos of Bishop Williamson speaking:
Bishop Williamson on George Orwell’s “1984,” and the Lies of 911, Part 1.
Bishop Williamson on George Orwell’s “1984,” and the Lies of 911, Part 2.
Bishop Williamson on the Holocaust of WWII.
After his resurrection Jesus told his disciples he had to leave them to go feed sheep in other lands before he ascended back into the Kingdom. Hard to say where all he went, all that he taught, or when?
I alway’s considered if he came back in human form he’d live with a or among the Native tribes of what is now called America as there are stories from within tribes that he lived with them long before the Europeans arrived.
Wovoca stated that Jesus visited him in this world, so Jesus was doing a little Interdimensionl Traveling tha day.
Elie Wiesel’s reaction to the lifting of the excommunication of four SSPX bishops truly encapsulated Jewish arrogance and contempt. He stated that the move by Rome “shows that their sensitivity towards us as Jews is not what it should be” He may as well have said, “They have failed on this occasion to demonstrate the pathetic, groveling, submissive , obsequious posture that we, the Chosen Ones, demand from them, as is our incontestible right”
The ugly impulse of Galileo-esque persecution lingers madly in the hearts of some.
As it’s said: All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Justly, stage three isn’t far off.
The good Bishop is correct, and honest.
It has always bothered me that the Pope has said nothing about the genocide of the Palestinians, and lately in Gaza.
These criminals continue to hide behind decent Jewish people’s skirts. They pretend to be Jews, all the while, serving some other heinous master.
To slaughter defenseless children, women, and civilians this way is a crime against humanity and a war crime. Yet, the Pope says nothing about Gaza.
So, I can only assume that the Pope is afraid of the criminals that run LIKUD, and both parties in the USA.
The whole world is scared of these special men, in high places who own everything, and control everyone and have no conscience or morals.
They murder and slaughter anyone, in their way, even our Catholic President Kennedy. They do it in broad daylight, the rest of them cover it up, and the rest of us remain mute, like slaves to the slaughter.
Our bank accounts, equity and all wealth is next. The bankers are sizing up our grandchildren for value added.
But, the Pope says nothing.
Why is that?
As for the Holocaust industry, I agree with Professor Finkelstein, it is a hyped up excuse to steal land from the Palestinians for the Rothechild state.
I Met His Excellency Bishop Williamson at St. Gabriel the Archangel Chapel in 1998 or 1999 when he came to do confirmations. Now I live in Yerevan, Armenia. I am now convinced that the last real Pope was Gregory XVII (Cardinal Guiseppe Siri) who was murdered by the B’nai B’rith Freemasons in 1989. More info on that from
John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II were all Antipopes, as is Ben-Ratz.
We in Armenia await a true Pope. Perhaps that will be Bishop Williamson.
Benjamin Netanyahu: Al Qaeda to blow up holiest Christian site§ionid=351020202
…and how is it you KNOW EXACTLY what “the toilet” is going to do, Mr. Osam Bin Netanyahu?
Never mind…we KNOW how you know. You’ll probably give the order to detonate the explosives.
Zionism deliberately causing a war between christians and muslims. 911 redeux.
Is all this a planned play to the audience?
First a grovelling Mrs. Angela Merkel before the Knesset, onion in hand.
Now a grovelling German pope, the head of more than 1 billion Catholics, trembling in fear of having offended the ”little people”, supposedly numbering very few, after allegedly losing 6 Million of their fellow Jews.
This is cowardice in action on a grand scale.
Dagmar Brenne 30. January 2009
Having met Williamson, I can tell you that he hates women and is quite vocal about it. Why such a man is in the priesthood is beyond me. How can you hate half of the people whom you are supposed to serve?
As for his claim to “traditionalism,” hating women is not traditional Catholic behavior. And neither is being consecrated bishop without a mandate from a legitimate pope, which he doesn’t have.
You can’t be a judge in our society without being installed by legitimate authorities. Williamson was not made a bishop
by the legitimate authority of the Catholic Church, the Pope, and his hatred of women is an example of his lack of authority. If he had real authority, his fault would either be corrected or he would be sent packing to a monastery for the rest of his life.
To be a Catholic Pope, a man must first be Catholic. It should be obvious to anyone by now that a man who denies basic tenets of the Catholic religion as Ratzinger does is obviously not Catholic. Ratzinger denies the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and transubstantiation, which he as a priest performed in the True Mass (see St. John’s Gospel, 6th chapter, vs. 50-60).
Therefore, Ratzinger cannot be Pope because you have to be Catholic to be a Pope. And he cannot lift ANYONE’s excommunication because he himself was excommunicated by his errors a long, long time ago.
Bishop Richard Williamson indeed is being ‘thrown under the bus’ by morally confused trads at the insistence of Zionist-Talmudic rabbis, and I grieve over this. Talmudic Zionism is just another one of what I term the Modernist Ideologies that have so divided and bedeviled the world over the past three centuries. While the many, varied Modernist Ideologies each had its own historical originators and ideologues, the Father of Lies is the originator of all of them. The Church will, eventually, purge herself of the Talmudic scourge, in Gods’ Own time, and when that occurs, even many of the then-living trads will be amazed and stunned by how much demonic baggage will have to be disgorged and pronounced anathema sit. In the meantime, the key figure upon which all hearts and souls must place their faith and to whom they must tender their devoted love is our sweet loving Savior, who is Christ Jesus.
bishop williamson has stated the truth and should be commended for it,instead he will be condemed.the pope being half jew is unlikely to say anything near the truth.that being the case then he should be removed from his position and replaced by somebody who is prepared to stand up and tell the truth.the age of the internet has given us a wealth of information,for those who can handle the truth it is a good thing.unfortunatly most people still watch the msm lies and think it’s the truth.
Between the collapsing death toll at Auschwitz, ground sonar elsewhere finding undisturbed soil where mass graves were supposed to be, DNA testing demolishing the “soap from Jew fat myth, technological change is unwinding the holocaust somewhat.
Elie Wiesel vs Encyclopaedia Britannica
Wiesel has been a prominent spokesman for the very sizeable group of people known as Holocaust survivors. [According to Norman Finkelstein of the City University of New York in his book The Holocaust Industry published in 2000, ‘The Israeli Prime Minister’s office recently put the number of "living Holocaust survivors" at nearly a million’ (p.83)]. Wiesel has chaired the US Holocaust Memorial Council and has been the recipient of a Congressional Gold Medal and Nobel Peace Prize (sic).
Time Magazine, March 18 1985:
‘How had he survived two of the most notorious killing fields [Auschwitz and Buchenwald] of the century? “I will never know” he says. “I was always weak. I never ate. The slightest wind would turn me over. In Buchenwald they sent 10,000 to their deaths every day. I was always in the last hundred near the gate. They stopped. Why?”
Compare this with Encyclopaedia Britannica (1993), under ‘Buchenwald’:
“In World War II it held about 20,000 prisoners.. Although there were no gas chambers, hundreds perished monthly through disease, malnutrition, exhaustion, beatings and executions.”
Statement by XXX, Professor Emeritus
University of Ulster, December 5, 2005:
“I’ve checked out Churchill’s Second World War and the statement is quite correct - not a single mention of Nazi ‘gas chambers,’ a ‘genocide’ of the Jews, or of ’six million’ Jewish victims of the war.
Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill’s Second World War total 4,448 pages; and De Gaulle’s three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages.
In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi ‘gas chambers,’ a ‘genocide’ of the Jews, or of ’six million’ Jewish victims of the war.”
Churchill and Hitler and History and Almost Everything Else..
Winston Churchill was knighted after World War 2 and buried from Westminster Abbey, perhaps the highest tribute that could be paid to him, while Adolf Hitler has been accorded the status of perhaps the most evil politician in human history.
“When I look around to see how we can win the war I see that there is only one sure path. We have no Continental army which can defeat the German military power.. Should [Hitler].. not try invasion [of Britain].. there is one thing that will bring him back and bring him down, and that is an absolutely devastating, exterminating attack by very heavy bombers from this country upon the Nazi homeland. We must be able to overwhelm them by this means, without which I do not see a way through. We cannot accept any aim lower than air mastery. When can it be obtained?” [Extract from Winston S Churchill The Second World War (Volume 2 Their Finest Hour Appendix A), Memo from Prime Minister to Minister of Aircraft Production, 8.July 1940].
ADOLF HITLER in May 1940
Britain and France declared war on Germany, not the other way around. Hitler actually wanted peace with Britain, as the German generals admitted (Basil Liddell Hart, The Other Side of the Hill 1948, Pan Books 1983) with regard to the so-called Halt Order of 24 May 1940 at Dunkirk, where Hitler had the opportunity to capture the entire British Army, but chose not to. Liddell Hart, one of Britain’s most respected military historians, quotes the German General von Blumentritt with regard to this Halt Order:
“He (Hitler) then astonished us by speaking with admiration of the British Empire, of the necessity for its existence, and of the civilization that Britain had brought into the world. He remarked, with a shrug of the shoulders, that the creation of its Empire had been achieved by means that were often harsh, but ‘where there is planing, there are shavings flying’. He compared the British Empire with the Catholic Church – saying they were both essential elements of stability in the world. He said that all he wanted from Britain was that she should acknowledge Germany’s position on the Continent. The return of Germany’s colonies would be desirable but not essential, and he would even offer to support Britain with troops if she should be involved in difficulties anywhere..” (p 200).
According to Liddell Hart, “At the time we believed that the repulse of the Luftwaffe in the ‘Battle over Britain’ had saved her. That is only part of the explanation, the last part of it. The original cause, which goes much deeper, is that Hitler did not want to conquer England. He took little interest in the invasion preparations, and for weeks did nothing to spur them on; then, after a brief impulse to invade, he veered around again and suspended the preparations. He was preparing, instead, to invade Russia” (p140).
David Irving in the foreword to his book The Warpath (197
refers to “the discovery.. that at no time did this man (Hitler)
pose or intend a real threat to Britain or the Empire.”
Although I am not Catholic, I consider myself an apostle of truth. I say CUDOES to the man!
Does Christianity, (for this post, let us include the religeous right), not understand the ramifications of allowing this type of crap from the very group that framed and murdered their Christ??!!
Who even today, ESPECIALLY today, manipulate the WORLD through their Vampyric banking and purchase of our leaders, (insert Stoker’s “Renfield”), who gladly expose our veins/arteries to the Zhid fangs for the purpose of,(again), framing and murdering our Christ in absentia?
We should ALL be poundinig the streets in support of not only THIS man but all who refuse to live the Khazar/Ashkenazi LIE of the Hallowedcaust. The biggest lie since flouridated water.
Ex-Catholic here. Why? I discovered the truth about “her”. I came out of “her”. You should too. Otherwise . . .
“Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”
Anyone wanting 100% Bible PROOFS of this need only contact me at [email protected]. The BIBLE is the LIGHT that exposes ALL DECEPTIONS of the devil, including Roman Catholicism.
Pretty good stuff. I read this by a link from Angelqueen. You know, I’m from the same generation as you are (I assume, unless you’re half a generation older) and I think yours is the first essay pointing out the ‘loss of our birthright’, as you finely put it. The only thing along this line I’ve seen is comments about children who grew up only knowing the SSPX after the consecrations, and several years ago children who had only known Pope John Paul as the Holy Father. But you are right. Many young people, even ones who like the Tridentine Mass, don’t seem to have realized this yet. I’ve felt this way before, but I think I have been the only one at my school to ‘come to Tradition’ as strongly as I have in the past few years, though there are a good number here who begin attending the Old Mass. It seems like the only people who know about the whole gamut of issues connected with such are those who’ve grown up in Traditional families.
Peace be upon you - I am a muslim and i am very glad that there are christians (people of the book) who are pursuing the truth (knowledge). I pray that our similar beliefs will unite us all someday to challenge the shaytan (devil) and his evil ways to manipulate our free thinking minds. I pray that bishop williamson continue on his rightous path to expose these devils and bring shame upon them. God bless you and peace be upon you - salamualakum
This is a case of reporters refusing to do any research when a longstanding belief is challenged. Recently released records indicate significantly lower casualty numbers than original estimates. The Nazis kept records of their “work.” The most significant argument against the six million figure is the census taken right before the war. There were only 2.3 million Jews. Imprisoning people for correcting a math error seems a bit harsh. It doesn’t matter how many died. What matters is that the genocide was stopped. We mourn the losses, whatever the number.
I have written about this for over 20 years the Bishop is right, and no amout of zionist lies will cahnge that. In my book Vale, the Illuminati and their plans for the future
ISBN 0-9748502-3-3 you will find all the proof of the zionist plans.
A note on the “six million”. That figure was first run up the flagpole in 1919. Google “1919 six million jews”. Felix Warburg, brother of Paul Warburg, first Federal Reserve chairman, anounced six million had died in WWI. The six million figure is the “mystical” number of Jews that had to be sacrificed before they could return to their homeland.(better known as Palestine) The “holocaust” had been quite a cottage industry. Billions extorted from Germany for starters and guilt throughout the world. Also, google “Benjamin Freedman 1961 speech” He was a converted Jew who exposed the “plan” and explains where we are today
The problem is–3 examples i) Hillary Rodenhurst (Clinton) covers up her blood line Jewishness by calling herself Catholic. ii) Madam AlBright calls herself Catholic untill 1999 and then found she was Jewish. All along her mother and sister are Jewish and worse she at 17 years was planting explosives in Palestine.iii)French Sarkosy pretends he is Catholic and Son 22 wants to marry a Billionair’s daughter and says–”he will convert to Judism and for wealth”. A 30 year vetrain writer has been fired and called anti-semitic(arab) in reporting it.
The Church should stop Jews from using the catholic faithe as Jews in Sheep’s clothing to fleece the sheepees.
FYI: Churchlill, Hitler, Roosevelet, Stalin were Jewish bloodline Jews. Church has to stop pandering. Try converting to the Jewish faithe and see if it’s as easy–lot’s of luck–if your not a expert in habitual lying :^(
Did Bishop Williamson also allow his priests to rape children, as all the other bishops did? How can a “great” man allow devout Catholic children to be raped by their priests? Were the previous 3 popes “great” men? How do great men knowingly allow devout Catholic children to be raped by their priests?
There is a play written by Clarence Jordan of the Southern Baptist Evangelical College in Georgia, it is the story of Jesus in Georgia, Mary and Joesph don’t go to Bethlehem on a donkey, they go to Atlanta in a pickup, there are no pareses, there are TV evangelists, and Baptist preachers, and they do not crucify Jesus, The klu klux klan lynches him. Wildly funny
The moral of the story - if Jesus walked in downtown Atlanta today, they would lynch Him by dark. Because all the same people are still here, the human disease is the same.
The name of the play is ” Cotton Patch Gospel.
I listened to Bishop Williamson’s interview, and it contained not one iota or hint of “anti-semitism.” He spoke of historical scholarship. If he is factually wrong, let what he said be held to scholarly scrutiny. Truth will always prevail. However many Jews and others perished in the Holocaust, their memories are besmirched by those who use them to extort and manipulate. Bishop Williamson’s courageous act might help to put Holocaust exploitation in check. And of course it has absolutely nothing to do with the restoration of the pre-Vatican II liturgy, which shames the Novus Ordo.
It was the French Catholic writer, Charles Peguy, who penned the words
“He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomplice of liars, forgeres and murderers.”
And it was the American statesman, Fisher Ames, in the early 1800’s who made these comments regarding our national and international spiritual and moral lives
“Most American sell their souls (i.e. selling out their fellow citizens for some monetary measure as did Judas of Christ Jesus) and go off living the rest of their lives on the dividends.” and,
“There remains but one last joy for the souls of the damned, and that is going off to make others miserable.”
Given U.S. history since the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the former proves accurate the true.
Given what is taking place to the Palestinian people, the latter statement is proving accurate and true not only for the Israelis, but for so many other Christ-rejecting contemporary secular nation-states of our World.
The Jews of Israel have no choice but to do anything and everything to discredit Bishop Williamson by creating these “our feelings are hurt” public distractions and displays for what Bishop Williamson has publicly exposed in other much more important to contemporary current events and geo-politics:
Bishop Williamson 911 Lies & Truth @
Since the bogus, fake and staged 9-11 ‘Arab Terrorist’ attacks were necessary for the political Zionist State of Israel’s dual US-Israel citizens in Washington D.C. to further Israeli goals by using the U.S. Military to do its long ranged dirty deeds and dirty work:
No War For Israel
Bishop Williamson is a Bishop of the Church who is NOT an accomplice to these international crimes vs. humanity because he has spoken out and spoken the truth.
- Fr. Joseph
To understand with greater depth what is at the heart of the persecution of Bp. Williamson one would do well to read the stunning new book “Judaism Discovered,” which actually been banned from sales by It can be seen at the author’s website: The author has written a staunch defense of Bp. Williamson which can be viewed at the author’s blogspot page:
CORRECTION to my previous post. “Judaism Discovered” can be seen at
Although I left the chruch years ago, I consider the Bishop absolutely correct! He’s NOT a holcaust denier, but a Revisaitonist, as I am. Many scientists, historians and truthseekrs have checked the prison camps and seen and written about the truth.
Good on the Bishop!
A Latino Pagan
As has been said by jews themselves, there’s no business like “Shoah business.” Holocaust Revision is an idea whose time has come. I think joe 6-pack is good and tired of being called “anti-semite” every time the jews are criticized. Every time any one dares to protest the murders and genocides israel/jews commit.
I for one, don’t care, go ahead, call me : anti-semitic, jew-hater, when I speak the truth, and protest slaughters like the Palestinian Genocide.”
The terms *”Anti-Semitic” and “Jew-hater” are so lold and over used, that people are sick and tired of them, the terms are worn and no longer have the same effect as before. And mddy answer now to this accusation is: “No! Jewish are “anti-human lives.” YOU are the against valued lives!
The Jews are NOT the only worthy ones of respect. The lives of other Peoples are JUST as valuable!
*DNA data has CONFIRMED that Palestinians are Semites. Maybe even the TRUE Semites.
You write:
“I no longer feel that same level of toxic bitterness coursing through my veins when I think of all that we (of the post-Conciliar generation) have suffered as a result of having been thrown under the bus by those who should have protected us. I see it all in spiritual terms now, and I realize that it is not for me to understand why things have gone so wrong in the Church, and, by default, in society. But it is my duty to be the best Catholic woman I can be, to try to be a light to others, and always to speak the truth in charity. Charity is just another word for love.”
These words made my day. Exactly right. Dead on. And love means resistance to evil. I don’t know whether many things asserted in the comments here are true or not, but what is clear is clear. Bishop Williamson is being persecuted for a thought crime and that must chill any normal person to the bone.
You came from one direction and I came from another, but we have arrived at the same spiritual spot by grace.
We have been warned about the subversive aims of international finance:
And now they are saying brazenly in the daylight what has largely and confusingly hidden until fairly recently
So precisely because we are Catholics we will resist, for our children’s sake who must inherit I fear great tyranny to come.
And we will circle the wagons against those who in the very name of “freedom of speech” and “diversity” seek in fact to crush these through political correctness, flattery, bribery and as we have seen in Iraq and gaza brute force. The poor of this world too are under dire sentence through “population control”
We cannot be afraid anymore, come what may. We need not and I believe should not exaggerate or say more than we know. But what we know has now brought us beyond confusion to where the great fight is on.
“…welcome or unwelcome, insist on it. Refute falsehood, correct error, call to obedience…” St. Paul to Bishop Timothy - 2 Timothy 4:2-3
Bishop Williamson is doing a good job. Period.
- Fr. Joseph
It is really too bad that the author of this article abandoned her positon on sedevacantistism, the only honest response to manifest heresy according to Canon Law and the consistent teaching of the Church. It is simple: a pope who is a heretic can not be head of the Catholic Church.
Dear Bob Hamrick,
Open your Bible and read Matthew 26:26-29, Mark 14:22-25, Luke 22:14-20, John 6:28-71, 1 Corinthians 11:23-27 and then Acts 2:42.
Go to Google and YouTube and type in ‘Eucharistic Miracles’.
God your Father in Heaven and your Spiritual Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, want you Home. You’ve missed Dinner.
- Fr. Joseph
Thought crimes are as ancient as Jerusalem itself,
“We gave you a formal warning’ he (the High Priest) said, ‘NOT TO preach in this Name, and what have you done? You have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and seem determined to fix the guilt of this Man’s death on us.’ In reply Peter and the Apostles said ‘OBEDIENCE TO GOD comes before obedience to men…’ - Acts 5:28-29
‘And there is nothing new under the sun.’ - King Solomon - Ecclesiastes 1:10
- Fr. Joseph
I am not a Catholic, but a pragmatic person who is aware that you’ll never find any two people who totally agree on absolutely everything. So Bishop Williamson’s different religious beliefs don’t bother me, hurt me or anything along that line.
Frthermore, I fail to see why he should bow down a religion opposed to his. After all, being a Jew is not a matter of ethnicity but religion (though these “Jews” love to confuse us). I wouldn’t do that either, as it is anti-natural.
He is a fellow human being and as such has the natural right to speak up and say what he believes. I might not agree with his (religious) beliefs, but just like that famous Frenchman, I do defend his right to express them.
What is continuously bugging me is the tepid approach when dealing with all those Jewish atrocities, lies, etc.
- They are not Jews, but a satanic sect.
- They are not Askenazim (Hebrew for “Germans”) but Khazarians.
- They are not Semites but Magogites (read the Bible about Magog).
- Their homaland is not Palestine (or “Israel”, as they prefer to call it) but Birobidzhan (there should be one document about it left on Google).
As long as we don’t insist on these truths to be honored (with all the consequences) will there be no peace in this world. And I guess that’s what all mentally sane people want - just like Bishop Williamson and me.
You write “thought crimes are as ancient as Jerusalem itself”.
Very true. And bribing payoffs to lie about the Truth too:
Matthew 28: “When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money, 13telling them, “You are to say, ‘His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.’ 14If this report gets to the governor, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble.” 15So the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed. And this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day.”
“Judaism entered and laid siege to Christian society, assaulted it, upset it, and to a great extent, overtook it. What is today manifesting itself, amid the universal stupor in which Europe finds itself, is that the diffusion of political-irreligious ideas are now sweeping the nations. This is almost totally due to the power of the Jews…” La Civilta Cattolica, vol. VII, no. XIV. 1890 (Oct, Nov, Dec)
“The rejection and dispersion of the Jews was the work of God, not of the emperors. It was done by the wrath of God and because of His absolute abandonment of the Jews. Thus, the Jew will live under the yoke of slavery without end. God hates the Jews, and on Judgment Day He will say to those who sympathize with them., ‘Depart from Me, for you have had intercourse with My murderers!’ Flee, then, from their assemblies, fly from their houses, and, far from venerating the synagogue, hold it in hatred and aversion. ” St. John Crysostom
Bishop Williamson was and is right in his effort to expose the truth of the fraudulent “Holocaust Industry”, for it is this “Industry” which has allowed the Jew to amass enormous amounts of monies and affords them a cover from serious inquiry and investigation, all the while, by intrique, fraud, usury, and deception the Jew has acquired control of the governments and finances of the world. With his wealth and power then does the Jew attack every vestige of Christianity. You will find that abortion, contraception, pornography, pedophilia, the slave trade of humans and women in the world, and all the attacks on liberties and virtue are initiated by and filled with Jews.
So then Bishop Fellay was very wrong in censuring Bishop Williamson with the comment that opinions of history are not the the purpose or domain of the SSPX’s mission. Rather, to Bishop Fellay I would say, is not the salvation of souls the mission of the Church? Is not the recognizing and exposing of the enemies of the Church and of their means of undermining Catholic social and religious principles, a concern of the Church? We must surely pray for the conversion of the Jews to Chrisitanity. We are taught, as Catholics, to pray for the conversion of all to the True Faith of Jesus Christ and also to pray for our enemies. But that does not mean to let our enemies rule over us, or to lay down our arms while they attack in mass. No, defeat your enemy first, then you are obliged after he has been defeated to offer mercy.
“The Jews are enemies of God and Foes of our holy religion.” - Padre Pio
God Bless Bishop Williamson for his courage to express the truth of what has been the result of scientific and expert investigation on the question of the camps. No question that many died in the camps, both Jew and non-Jew. Many suffered, including my mother who spent two years in the concentration camp, captured as a member of the Dutch Resistance. But the numbers and stories of the camps atrocities are exaggerated beyond reason and evidence, to the point of affording the Jews an unheard of opportunity to accumulate wealth and power fraudulently, by which they in turn attempt to establish their One World Order, and attempt to destroy Christianity - by their own testimony.
Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years by Professor Israel Shahak
So happy and encouraged that someone has the conviction and courage to speak truth about the propaganda of the Bolsheviks and Zionist media that the Holohoax killed ? millions. The Soviets say 1.5, the jews originally said 4 million, the Red Cross can account for less than 300,000. They never mention the holocaust of 50 million Christians in Russia or the holocaust that has occured for the last 65+ years in Palestine. They make sure to keep the so called gas chambers and 9/11 foremost in your minds to give them cover to pillage what is left of the wealth of Gentile nations.
How would Jesus discuss the Holocaust stories? That’s a good question. So, what else grows on this tree where the stories come from? That brings up 1951 and the X-ray overdose ethnic cleansing of Jesus’s own people, the Sephardic Jews.
Okay, the righteous man has his son sodomized and strangled. What is his reaction to this pain? What is the reaction of the greedy and wicked man to such a horror? One is concerned for others while the other is only concerned what he can get from others. Jesus would clearly ask you “who doest thou trust? No one goes to the street pimp seeking a physician nor does anybody nourish themselves on stones. Verily, the fruit fly has more sense than many!”
God bless you. You said exactly what has been in my heart, seeking to make itself heard, but I’m too clumsy with words.
To Fr. Joseph, you put it so well to that poor decieved soul who has fallen away. What a good lesson in charity that is.
Perez says ‘Israel kills for democracy’. With regard to questioning the ‘Holocaust’, exercising the democratic freedom to do so, Israel is apparently not there yet. Or, Israel has not killed enough people. For we are to believe that the blood lust demonstrated with each Israeli massacre against non-Jews will someday bring into fruition an expansive democracy and the freedoms we all so desire.
God bless Bp. Williamson. I’m proud I was confirmed by him..The holocaust industry has taken lice spraying ( for health reasons ) and turned it into a gassing myth…Along, of course, with the shamelessly ridiculous figure of ” 6 million”..
And, largely due to this myth, they ( most of whom are non-semite, non-Middle Eastern Khazarian converts to Judaism, circa 740 A.D. ) have been allowed to take control of the Holy Land through invasion, terrorism, massacres, wholesale ethnic cleansing and targeted assassinations ( such as UN Envoy Count Bernadotte who was working for a just peace ).
And what of the hypocrisy? The Jewish Bolsheviks and Mensheviks and their financiers ( such as Max Warburg, Jacob Schiff, etc ) are most responsible for the murder of the Czar and his family and the creation of the USSR..They ran the Gulags, the NKVD Secret Police, murderous “work projects” such as the White Sea Canal” project and killed 20 million people before the odious Hitler built his first camp.
Dear Stephen Hand,
I’m a U.S. citizen, served honorably in her Armed Forces, and live amongst millions of both my ‘fellow’ US citizens and my ‘fellow’ non-US citizen members of our Human Race here next to New York City.
It grieves me daily in having to accept as ‘Gospel Truth’ the observations and statements of the American statesman, Fisher Ames’ back in the early 1800’s (that’s two centuries ago!) who had this to say about US citizens and our Human Race:
“Most American sell their souls and go off happily to live out the rest of their lives on the dividends.”, and
“The last remaining joy of the souls of the damned is this: making others miserable.”
To be sure, in my own human nature, it angers me that so many evils are allowed to run amok throughout my US nation and US society as well as throughout every last nation-state of our World. But we’ve all been betrayed from that One Thing each and every last one of us six billion human souls for which we are all in desperate need.
And our Need is God’s Compassion, God’s Mercy and God’s Benevolent Outpouring of His Holy Spirit upon our dying nations on earth and the dying peoples of the World over.
We need that public and solemn Collegial Consecration of Russia by THE BISHOP of His Church which the Mother of God and our Spiritual Mother instructed to accomplish in her 1917 A.D. Fatima Portugal Apparitions and Instructions!
“For THE LORD…upholds the Rights of a Mother over her children.” - Ecclesiasticus 3:2
- Fr. Joseph
Dear Theroseofsharon,
I can only wonder just how many vehemently anti-Catholic cults, sects and ‘bible-based’ congregations throughout our contemporary World are, in fact, started and funded by those with Masonic, Rosicrucian, Hermetic, Kabbalistic, Zionist and these global usury charging, fractional reserve banking, fiat currency issuing and controlling Central Bank private owners.
‘The Bible’ exists simply for the SERVICE of the Liturgy of the Word of the Catholic Mass or the Divine Liturgy of the Eastern Church.
To be sure, we are ALL charged with ‘knowing the Scriptures’ but those same Scriptures and the same Lord BOTH call all of us 6 billion human beings to His Table so as to receive the Divine Graces of His Holy Spirit to form the global Family of God.
It distresses me greatly to see so many launching off to get their Internal Revenue Service ‘tax exempt’ certificates so as to start their own ‘church’ in order to collect tithes and to promote whatever personal doctrines and dogmas they want others to accept and believe.
Soreen Kierkegaard, that Danish theologian, himself cried out these words after studying Church history, the Scriptures and Apostolic tradition and teachings:
‘O Luther, Luther! How great is your responsibility!’
Crying over centuries old spilled milk isn’t going to help the six billion human souls of our contemporary World. Six billion human souls WILLING to obey God and doing what He instructed/instructs them to all do NOW in 2009 Anno Domini is the only real, true and plausible Solution to our Human Race’s manifold contemporary dilemas, problems, dangers, etc.
- Fr. Joseph
I miss something, what did the bishop say? Was he questioning the holocaust number or something else.
Fr. Williamson has spoken what the majority has been thinking all along. He has defied the Zionist Thought Police. More of us should follow his example. To speak of what we know to be true, and never back down.
Excellent article. I felt like applauding. You should write for a publication.
Father Joseph, what you say is so very true. I look at my small grandchildren and feel no little trepidation to contemplate the world they will inherit. Sometimes it makes me shudder. But then I remember, “where sin abounds grace does much more abound” and Our Lord said “In that day do not worry what you will say for the Holy Ghost Himself will give you the words,” implicitly suggesting he will give them the courage and strength and even joy also.
So yes, most certainly, without question the answer must be supernatural, not political, even if I think we must engage the spying Powers of this world (amazing synchronicity that we even can!) and let them know at least we know what they are up to. Meanwhile many who are unconverted are watching and weighing also.
I think of something else. Just when it looked soooo dark in the midst of the clergy sex scandal, Mel Gibson made the whole world see and focus on The Passion of the Christ again, a movie which to this very day is being smuggled into forbidden lands on DVD and tapes, and circulating from there (until the Second Coming?). It infuriated the Jews who gnashed their teeth; and many gentiles saw then what these fulminating people were really all about even if they could seldom speak of it openly.
So what is impossible for man is possible for God.
Dear Fr. Joseph,
are you sure you know your Bible?
What do you say to the newest post by Carol A. Valentine:
“Moses Was A War Criminal (The Bible Tells Us So)” and her detailed proof through the Pentateuch? How come all these “Christians” from the Popes down, haven’t found anything wrong, even before the Council of Nicea. Which Lord or God do you mean? G-d or the Lord God? Yahweh or God, the Father of Christ? Didn’t Christ call Yahweh indirectly Satan, the father of the Phariseans?
Have you maybe studied in vain? Or because you are a Believer?
As you can see, I ‘m not a “believer” in any
religion”. An atheist? No, but there sure is a Creator. Stupid people just need a label to “whore-ship”. Why did the Creator give us a Mind, and in this Mind the facility to reason?
Questions about questions.
But back to the Bishop. According to the latest TV-report from the German TV-news, “Deutsche Welle”, he is already partly correcting his unspeakable (for Germans) comments.
A faux pas he will be sorry for the rest of his days - unless it was the straw the broke the camel’s back.
Private or public—I have an article on the Moses war criminal bit. Anyone who would like to see it can email me
I wanted to say thank you to Joe Cortina, for opening my eyes. I have read many articles linked to the website, and this one rounds off my instincts that, of the many things wrong in our world, most can be traced back to the Jews. Not wanting to believe that such evil persists in our world, the events in Gaza brought tears to my eyes. And made me realize that Isreal is a threat to humanity. And sadly they are achieving thier goals in broad daylight. Today the Jews are being exposed for what they really are, I never imagined it , but the comment about Bishop Williamson is something every Christan should read..
Dear Manfred,
Let me see if I can’t spiritually minister to your mind and heart as a Priest in the Lord’s Church Militant here on earth. I’m relying on the Divine Graces of God the Holy Spirit afforded me by virtue of the Lord’s call to accept Ordination via the hands and Apostolic powers of my Metropolitan Archbishop Athanasius.
Manfred, we are ALL living in a ‘I said, he said, she said, they said, I want, he wants, she wants, they want’ World currently populated by 6 billion human souls ALL created in the Image and Likeness of God Himself. Each one of them are endowed with a human spirit which has life and being for ALL OF ETERNITY. In 100 years from now, every last man, woman and child currently living and alive on planet earth will have left their bodies behind in DEATH…a death experienced one way or another - natural causes, natural catastropies, wars, famine, plague, accidents, murder, the list of the ways on can and WILL die just goes on and on.
Upon the DEATH of an individual, the individual undergoes a Divine Judgement which irrevocably seals that individual’s Eternal Destiny since it will be the Creator God Himself Who will employ His Divine Supernatural Powers as GOD.
Now “Heaven” IS “Heaven” precisely on account of an All-Good and All-Loving and All-Loveable Creator God’s Own DIVINE WILL is done by everyone in ‘Heaven’. They DO God’s Will in Heaven precisely because the souls in Heaven experience and endlessly partake in God’s Blessings and the Ineffable Blessing of being in the Actual Presence of the Source of All Possible Infinite Loving Goodness.
If we six billion human beings ever expect ANY amount, sort or degree of the Divine Blessings here ON EARTH, then we need AT LEAST a majority of the world’s population here ON EARTH doing GOD’S WILL here on earth AS it is in His Heaven.
So it matters very, very little what so-and-so says, thinks, aspires to, desires to cause to happen here on earth IF it is not akin to and aligned with the Will of God.
Now GOD took on our human nature in the womb of a Woman who many in our World know as ‘The Blessed Virgin Mary’ 2,000 years ago.
God Incarnate = Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, the Prophet spoken about by MOSES HIMSELF in the Book of Deuteronomy.
Now if Jews or Gentiles the World over DO NOT listen to, obey and implement the Will of Christ Jesus, God Incarnate, then we six billion human souls have ZERO CHANCE of attaining and possessing God’s Blessed Life here on earth. Period.
If the Will of God isn’t seriously undertaken by the peoples and leaders of the nation/states of our World, then what will result in a LIVING HELL here on earth.
Have I made religious-spiritual-biblical sense to you?
- Fr. Joseph
Excellent piece–this reporter understands the issues! Taking it a little further, Zionism is the problem–after having been displaced from the land twice due to unbleief, are we to support the Zionist movement that restores them to the land in unblief? Note that they are largely athiestic Khazars with no ethnic Jewish blood (”Synagogue of Satan”)–what claim do they have to the land? Yes, ethnic Jews will be restored fully in the future, but only in belief that Jesus Christ is LORD! Instead, the Zionists are resuming the conquest of Caanan (Gaza) and creating their own holocaust–it is in reality Satan’s bid to fake the return to the land and to set up his own New World Order (capital Jerusalem) and return as the messiah (antichrist)–Satan has already corrupted virtually all other sacred institutions including the church. Never fear–I read the last chapter and know the outcome–sit tight, pray and do not deny the faith.
Bishop Wiliams is a man all Catholics should look up to and emulate. He speaks the truth and that is what Jesus did. What greater man is there?