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The Obama Change, Only More Power for Israel

By Phillip F. Tourney


January 20th was to bring a day of “CHANGE” for our country, the beginning of the halt to the war in Iraq. We shall wait and see.

“CHANGE” - more jobs for the American people.

“CHANGE” - a more stable and prosperous economy.

“CHANGE” - a safer, more secure country.

“CHANGE” - a more transparent and open government beholding only to the voters of America.

“CHANGE” - to stop the home foreclosures to qualified Americans.

I know we are only a few days into the Obama administration, but so far “CHANGE” is the farthest thing I have ever witnessed in my life. So far it appears that the “CHANGE” we are getting from BHO is nothing more than more of the same we got from GW Bush in that the only one benefiting from it is the Government of Israel, giving them more power than any time in history. Is there real


Look at Obama’s Cabinet. Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, has said she is in favor of nuking Iran and protecting Israel at all costs.

“CHANGE” - Chief of Staff, Rahm Israel Emmanuel, President Obama’s right-hand man who served in the Israeli Defense Forces, not the American military, and his father is a known Israeli terrorist.

“CHANGE” Senator Mitchell, Special Middle East advisor. How many special envoys have there been since 1967? None of them have achieved one ounce of success, much less any “CHANGE”.

“CHANGE” - Mr. Axelrod, an Israeli-firster forever. Whatever is good for Israel, not America is certainly great for him. No “CHANGE”

“CHANGE” in our foreign policy to other countries. Obama spouts peace but just yesterday fired missiles on a sovereign country, Pakistan killing and maiming innocent civilians. After that, his vice president Joe “I am a Zionist’ Biden announced to that the American people should “prepare for more casualties in Afghanistan.”

“CHANGE” - there is no “CHANGE” in the Obama Administration. It leans so heavily on protecting Israel and making sure they have plenty of money and arms with borrowed money we give them for free.

“CHANGE” - the members of the US Senate and Congress voted in one of the most lop-sided votes in history, all in favor of Israel. I have never seen such a vote on any issue so lop-sided. “CHANGE” - in our legislature (bought and paid for by 5th column groups such as AIPAC & ADL) elected officials are more favorable to Israel’s position than any time in history. No “CHANGE”. All you see is more of our government following Israel’s marching orders from the Zionist State.

“CHANGE” - the USS Liberty survivors want a full and fair investigation into the deliberate slaughter of Americans on the high seas by the Government of Israel. No “CHANGE” in policy. The government of the United States has been covering up war crimes against the crew and America for almost 42 years.

“CHANGE” - our fellow Americans are fighting wars for Israel and have been for almost 8 years. No “CHANGE”. America’s blood is not as good as Israeli blood so we fight their wars for them thanks to the president and congress. If Israel wants war let them fight their own wars, spill their own blood, not the blood of our children. “CHANGE” is never going to happen in this country until we cut this blood sucking leach, Israel, off our backs.

When and if that “CHANGE” ever happens then you will see the greatness of America return. We cannot afford Israel’s demands and arrogance a day longer. Our country is crumbling beneath our very feet and she can’t take much more. If our children and grandchildren are allowed to live the American dream, “CHANGE” must come now. A very wise man, George Ball, once said if Israel can get by with murdering Americans on the USS Liberty, then they can get by with almost anything. Well the truth is this–THEY ARE. Look at the heavy loss of life in the Gaza, all with American arms, money, and support. That’s not “CHANGE”.That is out and out complicity to murder. I, as a patriotic, combat wounded veteran who loves America, want “CHANGE” now as all Americans deserve. No more wars for Israel, not more money, no more arms.

Phillip F. Tourney, USS Liberty survivor

Three time president of USS Liberty Veterans Assoc

Co-host of The Liberty Hour with Mark Glenn, American Free Press reporter

Saturdays 11:00 EST




Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. Sam Says:

    Keep up the good work.
    Let us face it, the Zionist could if they wanted have Mickey Mouse elected to the highest office in the land. So, the only change an election produces is a new facade! As for Congress, the electorate don’t even know that they elect servers of an alien entity!

  2. Manfred Says:

    Dear Mr. Tourney,
    I am glad you used BHO to identify the new president.
    BO would be a bit too much on the nose.

  3. Edward Allen Says:

    It’s amazing our only friend in the middle east has quietly taken control of the American government and no one has realized. What do we do is the question. Sad to say I believe America is gone and I’ve wept over it. The only way I see out of this mess is only by the grace and mercy from God. He didn’t keep the U.S.S Liberty afloat for not. Our father in Heaven save our country, Lord hear our prayers. Amen

  4. Mahmoud El-Yousseph Says:

    Mr. Tourney,
    Thanks for a very well argued piece.I wish you would also submit it to othermainstream media, if you not have done already.
    Just do it for the victims, survivor of the USS Libertyand their children and grandchildren.

    Do it for the life of the 241 Marines killed in Beirut, andwhose life could have been saved has Israel who know in advancecould have tipped off America.

    Do it for the memory of the two Marines who will killed by minesleft behind the IDF at Beirut airport.

    Do it for the memory of brave American, Rachel Corrie who was killedin called blood in Rafah, Palestine by an Israel army bulldozer, becauseshe wanted to uphold the international law against collective punishment.

    Do it for those of us who proudly wore the uniform and serve with honor, so the rest of America could be free and safe.

    Do it for the veterans who came back, unable to find a job, treatments, and some became homeless. Simply because our resources has been shifted andand our billions of our tax dollars are being generously handed to dictators in Egypt and war criminals in Israel.

    Do it for those who were promised changed by the one who repeatedly said, Iwill treat everyone with dignity and respect even if they were different, then throwout two young ladies from a national stage, because of their distinct attire.

    Do it for those of us who claim ignorance, or simply afraid they might lose their job or get unwanted attention, if they were raise their voices.
    Do it for the news editors who may still care about the future of America and its best interest, but just needed a bush or a pinch at their tender part.

    Do it for the sake of MLK, who once said, “life begins to end when stop caring aboutwhat matters.” Thank you again for being an inspiration for others, for caring about the well being and the future of America.

  5. Mahmoud El-Yousseph Says:

    Mr. Tourney, Thanks for a very well argued piece.I wish you would also submit it to othermainstream media, if you not have done already.

    Just do it for the victims, survivor of the USS Libertyand their children and grandchildren.

    Do it for the life of the 241 Marines killed in Beirut, andwhose life could have been saved has Israel who know in advancecould have tipped off America.

    Do it for the memory of the two Marines who will killed by minesleft behind the IDF at Beirut airport.

    Do it for the memory of brave American, Rachel Corrie who was killedin called blood in Rafah, Palestine by an Israel army bulldozer, because she wanted to uphold the international law against collective punishment.

    Do it for those of us who proudly wore the uniform and serve with honor, so the rest of America could be free and safe.

    Do it for the veterans who came back, unable to find a job, treatments, and some became homeless. Simply because our resources has been shifted andand our billions of our tax dollars are being generously handed to dictators in Egypt and war criminals in Israel.

    Do it for those who were promised changed by the one who repeatedly said, Iwill treat everyone with dignity and respect even if they were different, then throwout two young ladies from a national stage, because of their distinct attire.

    Do it for those of us who claim ignorance, or simply afraid they might lose their job or get unwanted attention, if they were raise their voices.

    Do it for the news editors who may still care about the future of America and its best interest, but just needed a bush or a pinch at their tender part.

    Do it for the sake of MLK, who once said, “life begins to end when stop caring aboutwhat matters.” Thank you again for being an inspiration for others, for caring about the well being and the future of America.

  6. Dr. Dan Says:

    We have a TAXPAYER FUNDED “holocaust museum” in Washington DC, and photos of the Ethnic Cleansing of Concentration Camp GAZA should be the first thing one encounters at the front door…………… If they refuse, they are DISCRIMINATING ……….
    IF, Israel wanted peace, it would FLOOD Concentration Camp GAZA with food and healthy economic activity. Did America massively shoot Black Americans dead in the streets and use Jet Fighters and launch Artillery and Missiles into CIVILIAN areas? NO! Israel does so because Israel wants Ethnic Cleansing, NOT peace. Where is the serious “Conflict Resolution” attempt, where is Israel’s Recognition of the PALESTINIAN’S RIGHT to EXIST!? Israel demands the Palestinians “repudiate” this and that …Does Israel REPUDIATE the TORAH???? Israel was APARTHEID South Africa’s ONLY ally, trding weapons, torture techniques, ILLEGAL NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY, with them. Today Israel carries on APARTHEID with it’s wall, and laws such as Palestinians must have different colored ID cards and license plates, use separate roads, be subject to constant bigotry.

    Anti-GENTILISM is the problem. There was no such thing as “anti-semitism” until the Old Testament of the Bible, especially the Torah created it. They codified hatred of all NON-Jews (GENTILES) in their religion, and now wonder why Gentiles are “anti” them. So-called “antisemitism” is not “hate”, it is the normal reaction of any SANE person to a Group, Society, Organization, that openly preaches IT’s hatred of You. Judaism has been preaching it’s Hatred of NON-jews for thousands of years, and THAT is why any NON-jew with self-esteem, opposes it .
    Show me some SEMITES in the Israeli government. The SEMITES are the PALESTINIANS.

  7. LOKIS Says:

    methinks there is a position for Mr. Bush in this admin given the lack of any change. Maybe he could advise BHO on how to make the war on terror even half as successful as the war on drugs has been. Power to the Correct People!! The skinny on 911 is that Emmanuel is open to discussing a new study done by his office to avoid any talk of corruption and put to rest the silly mutants who question the real story of Iraq and its Al Queda buds spanking NYC.

  8. Craig Says:

    There will be no change until there is revolution… and even then, we may not get a real change (look at our own American Revolution, where we traded one moneyed interest thousands of miles away for thousands of related and intertwined moneyed interests one mile away… no net change there)!

    Israel is just the latest in a long string of these sorts of things, and the moment Israel stops being valuable to those *actually* in charge is when we will see a new “holocau$t,” or a new World War. But even that won’t really change anything.

    What we need for real change is a global revolution; anarchy on a global scale. Governments are instituted among men to secure certain rights… and when all governments in the world have forgotten this, the only solution is to elminate them all… at the same time. Otherwise, you’re just chasing the cancer from organ to organ.

    Who am I kidding… we as a species are insane. We will never return to any sort of personal responsibility (and therefore no real need for any invasive government) until American Idol and its ilk goes off the air… or a full-scale nuclear exchange.

  9. Bruce Says:

    The time is fast approaching for a strong leader to come along, unify the country and get us on track. Think it’s not possible? Remember post WWI Germany suffering with economic and spiritual devastation due to the draconian measures imposed by the Versailles Treaty, and what one strong man accomplished in a matter of a few years?

    It’s possible. It’s been done.

  10. “THE OBAMA CHANGE - ONLY MORE POWER FOR ISRAEL” « E Verteta’s Weblog Says:

    [...] “THE OBAMA CHANGE - ONLY MORE POWER FOR ISRAEL” January 26, 2009 Posted by verteta in Israel, POLITICS/ELECTIONS/CORRUPTION. trackback Full Link : HERE [...]

  11. ian Dalziel Says:

    well put sir,
    keep on chipping away at this edifice of artifice
    we can rebuild on the rubble

    And lest we forget president Obama is Zbigniew Brzezinki’s golden boy, and he (ZB) basically created Osama Bin Laden in the 70s, with the Mujahideen / CIA / ISI “Freedom fighters” in Afghanistan. * (and why exactly is the US still in Afghanistan anyway?)

    The USA appears to be a country where they create billions
    of dollars out of nothing (the Federal reserve system) - and then spend billions on electing corporate figureheads, bailing out greed-driven corporations - and what do the beggars at the bottom (formerly known as workers/voters) get - change!
    small change! chump change! if any…
    1998 interview

    *Q: And neither do you regret having supported the Islamic [integrisme], having given arms and advice to future terrorists?

    Brzezinski: What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?

    consequences - intended or unintended?
    too many back seat drivers…
    stay alert …

    money is over…
    information is a finished and corrupted currency…
    transformation is all that will save humanity now

    forget the power of dimes
    and embrace a new paradigm
    it’s simple - I learned it as a child
    “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”
    a simple decent contract or yardstick
    start measuring your reality now.

    Ian Dalziel

    PS did you know that an Israeli firm “protects” the USA’s nuclear arsenal!
    lead in: “American supporters of Israel were delighted to learn that an Israeli company, Magal Security Systems—owned in part by the government of Israel—is in charge of security for the most sensitive nuclear power and weapons storage facilities in the United States.
    Power plant security The largest perimeter security company in the world, Magal started out as a division of Israeli Aircraft Industries (IAI)—which was owned in part by the government of Israel. In recent years, however, Magal evolved into a publicly-traded company, although IAI (and thus the government of Israel) still holds a substantial share in the highly successful firm.”

    PPS: this above info is shared not as an anti-jew stance,
    it is an anti the current extremist zionist regime in Israel stance. Israeli regime change is the only solution … sounds familiar doesn’t it!

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