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11,000 Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israeli
Occupation Prisons
By Mazin QumsiyehAl-Jazeerah,, April 19, 2010
Prisoners Day in Palestine
Friday, we had demonstrations in a number of locations in Palestine
mostly in honor of prisoners (11,000 kidnapped Palestinians held in
Israeli jails). The demonstration in Al-Ma'asara went smoothly even
though the night before the Israeli army came in at 1 AM to raid and scare
the family of Mohammed and Hassan (their brother is in an Israeli jail).
The demonstration was joined by scouts from Sur Baher and other areas in
Jerusalem (a sign of Palestinian unity). It was a chance to honor
families of prisoners and remember all the political prisoners. It was a
chance to remember martyrs like our friend Bassem Abu Rahma who was
murdered one year ago in a nonviolent demonstration in Bi'lin. On this
anniversary this amazing video is produced in four languages:
(ÚÑÈí) (עברית)
(English) (Français)
(the Israeli occupation forces declared recently that they found no
reason to investigate the murder as a wrong-doing!)
Here is a video
of Al-Ma'asara demonstration today: Israeli authorities used
violence in other towns today (Al-Walaja, Bil'in etc) and there were several
The demonstrations today in many locations were also wa
chance to denounce the renewal of the illegal orders that would make 70,000
Palestinians in the West Bank to be considered by the fascist Israeli laws
as "infiltrators" in their own country. These orders are of course a
violation of International and humanitarian laws. Abbie Lipschutz, who
volunteered in the Israel 1948 war, wrote to me: "Those deportation orders
are Nazi orders. At least there is a wave of protests by Israelis. I hope
and think the orders can be cancelled. But with that fascist Netanyahu in
charge, we can expect anything. By euphemisms and subterfuge, AND official
acts he is trying to foreclose ANY peace agreement. He tries to ethnically
cleanse the occupied West bank so that he can replace the deported
Palestinians with Hebrew Talibans."
As if to show this, the
government demolished a home in Bethlehem area yesterday. See the
heart-wrenching images at
And this blog from an American Jewish young man who joined the
"Birthright" program but then chose to come spend time with us in the real
Palestine is amazing. Buddhists list the big three sins as hatred, greed,
and illusion. The settlers depicted here illustrate this more than anything
Considering the above, we find it contemptible that the Zionist
movement is pulling its big gurus in the US, people with loyalty to racist
ideologies rather than their own country (Elie Wiesel and Ronald Lauder) to
regurgitate discredited myths about Jerusalem and Israeli "security" on
pages of biased newspapers like the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal.
Fortunately the internet had made finding the facts far easier and within
reach of millions who no longer bother reading discredited newspapers.
But I sometimes wonder about the mental status of people who continue to
justify ethnic cleansing. But then again, the Israeli army are
still imprisoning the donkey and a horse from Bethlehem arrested on charges
of entering Jerusalem illegally!! How more loony can this tribalistic crowd
get and how far will the world let them continue to indulge the fantasy and
racism of being God's chosen people while enslaving others.
Does U.S.
Policy on Israel and Palestine Uphold Our Values? Chicago Hearings Sunday,
April 18, 2010, from 1:15 PM to 5:30 PM CST. Mock congressional hearing. All
you need is an internet connection, a computer, a projector and a screen.
And a protected password guaranteeing you a spot on the live bandwidth
[email protected] to reserve). Bring your friends together
to watch a live mock Congressional Hearing. Critical for US citizens who pay
for Israeli aggression Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD A Bedouin
in Cyberspace, a villager at home
Popular Committee to Resist the Apartheid Wall and Settlements-Beit
Sahour Professor, Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities Chairman of the
Board, Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People,