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How US-UK Create 'Terrorist' States: Yemen as a Case Study By Tim Coles Redress, Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, July 27, 2010
How to create your very own terrorist state In 2002, the Bush administration’s National Security Strategy(NSS) made it clear that America, with Britain’s help, intends to increase terrorism by chasing terrorists around the world instead of capturing them, or, better still, addressing their grievances – this is the real world, after all, which is dominated by financial interests, so there’s no time for rational solutions here.2 The NSS reads: “The United States and countries cooperating with us must not allow the terrorists to develop new home bases. Together, we will seek to deny them sanctuary at every turn.”3 “When terrorism occurs, Britain and America ... have the perfect excuse to invade, isolate, impose sanctions on and/or corrupt the given country, as we see in Pakistan, Iran and elsewhere.” The policy of giving terrorists no “haven”, rather than working to end terrorism, gives the US and Britain the excuse to “fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars”4 by chasing terrorists around the globe and, more worryingly, to actually cause terrorism.5 When terrorism occurs, Britain and America then have the perfect excuse to invade, isolate, impose sanctions on and/or corrupt the given country, as we see in Pakistan, Iran and elsewhere. Under Obama, this horrendous pretext to achieve “full spectrum dominance” was expanded.6 So, here is how to create your own terrorist State, using Yemen as an example. This will come in handy as a pretext to invade or impose sanctions on the country of your choosing later on as a continuation of your plans for “full spectrum dominance”. Step 1: Make sure you have a media and an education system sophisticated enough to omit what your country does to others, but emphasize what other countries do to you.7 This will enable your domestic population to hate the people of the
other country, allowing you to pursue your agenda without the risk of being
overthrown by your own population. In 2002-03, unprecedented numbers of
protestors demonstrated in London against the Iraq war. This could be
dangerous for future wars because the public might one day try to overthrow
you. Therefore, domestic subversion is also a good tactic if you can do it. Select a country that has suffered under your colonial rule in the past. Aden, now Yemen, was occupied by the British in 1839. In 1947, the Amir of Dhala’s son, Haidan, led an uprising which was crushed with overwhelming firepower from Britain’s Royal Air Force. In a study for the RAND Corporation, Bruce Hoffman explained: No sooner than the threat from Haidan been neutralized than trouble erupted from another tribe, in the nearby village of Al Husein... Once again punishment was applied from the air. Four Mosquitoes and three Tempests from No. 8 Squadron were ordered to destroy the village. The rocket and cannon air strike, the after-action report stated, “was most impressive and awe-inspiring, and the attack undoubtedly made an impression not easily forgotten.8 Step 3: Make sure that your selected country has a neighbour across the sea, or on its border, which has also suffered under your colonial rule. You will need to do this for Step 7 later on. In 1925, the colonial administrator, Douglas Jardine, not to be confused with the cricketer, explained the geostrategic importance of Aden and British Somaliland, now Somalia: Berbera, the capital [of Somaliland], is but 160 miles across the Gulf from Aden, and is, therefore, but 12 days distance from London and six from Bombay. It cannot be said that this proximity to our main imperial trade route has been of much benefit to the protectorate in the past; but it might prove at any time to be of incalculable value.9 Indeed, it turned out “to be of incalculable value”. Another colonialist, H.B. Kittermaster, explained: “The dry coastal climate makes the [Somaliland] Protectorate as good as Aden for the production of salt. This is already being done in a primitive way by the natives, and negotiations are now in progress with a British syndicate to develop the industry scientifically.”10 Today, the countries are more generally used along the oil trading
routes.11 Now that you have chosen a country, in close proximity to its exploited neighbour, you’ll want to ensure that the suffering inflicted upon it had continued throughout the course of, say, one hundred years. This is long enough to foster intergenerational resentment and hatred of your own country. Britain’s “establishment of the Middle East Command (MEC) headquarters in Aden in 1960 helped fuel the fires of revolution”, Stephen Dorril explained in his history of MI6. The 1962 Defence White Paper, “The Next Five Years”, stated that Britain would continue to back the local sultans in South Yemen and the Gulf, and that the Aden base would be the permanent headquarters of this strategy... Aden was to be one of the three key points in Britain’s global military deployment... Fifty thousand Lee Enfield rifles were shipped from the UK to Yemeni royalists. According to the 21st SAS Volunteers Commander Richard Pirie, the mercenaries deployed in Yemen were paid GBP 250 per month from the Foreign Office and from the MoD [Ministry of Defence].12 British and Scottish mercenaries were paid GBP 100,000 a year to launch a
chemical war against the population which resulted in the slaughter of
200,000 Yemenis, largely in defence of what was then an oil refinery run by
the British.13 Now that you have fostered enough resentment and ruined a country’s
chance of socio-economic recovery, you might want to try betraying even the
mercenary elements of that country attempting to side with you. In 1979,
America and Britain began funding, arming and training the Afghan mujahideen
in order “to draw the Russians into the Afghan trap”, to quote US President
Jimmy Carter’s national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski.14
This worked. Russia and the mujahideen ruined Afghanistan – and out of the
ashes rose the Taliban, whom Britain and America supported almost up to
9/11.15 Britain’s leading independent terror specialist,
Jason Burke, documented how many of the more fascistic elements of the
mujahideen were Yemenis who “had distinguished themselves at the battle of
Jalalabad in 1989”. By 1992, however, the US had not supported those
factions who were outraged by the intricacies of the unification of the
Yemen Arab Republic and the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen.16 Capture and torture people from all over the world in a prison such as
Guantanamo Bay. Deny them
habeas corpus: no
charge; no trial; no representation; no right to a lawyer; no right to
visits from friends, relatives or the Red Cross; and do so for an indefinite
period.17 Select people whose religion is the same as
those in the terrorist state you are looking to create (in this case Islam).
This will create a sense a kinship among those you are turning into enemies.
This will make the enemies seem more closely knit, yet from varying
countries, giving your country the excuse to invade country after country.
Also, use your media to dehumanize the captives, making them seem guilty
without evidence.18 Once you have traumatized those
prisoners of the same religion – which your education system regards as
incompatible with modernity19 – release them to the
country you wish to turn into a terrorist state. They may all get together
and plot revenge which you can then use to justify attacking the country. In
2009, Barack Obama began releasing former Guantanamo Bay hostages to Yemen.20 Destroy the stabilizing government of the neighbouring country. In 2006,
Britain and America supported Somali warlords, such as Abdullah Yusuf, who
invaded Somalia in order to overthrow the emerging government (the Union of
Islamic Courts) and replace them with a fascist government nobody wanted
(the Transitional Federal Government, or TFG). The TFG then launched a
campaign of famine, torture and violence so extreme that hundreds of
thousands of Somalis fled across the sea to seek refuge in Yemen, with tens
of thousands fleeing each year.21 Once you have ruined the
neighbouring country, poor, displaced, oppressed, Muslim refugees will flock
to the country you are trying to turn into a terrorist state (Yemen). Here,
clerics in madrassas [religious schools] will have a constituency of
desperate people whom they can radicalize and turn into future terrorists,
as happened in Pakistan in the 1980s when millions of Afghans fled from
Soviet troops and the mujahideen (as we saw in Step 5), many of whom became
the Taliban in the early 1990s. Murder people without charge or trial in both countries with new,
super-weaponry, such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (drones). This will
terrorize and radicalize the population of the country you are trying to
turn into a terrorist state. Hopefully, your media will attempt to vindicate
the drone attacks by either not reporting them or else uncritically quoting
officials who claim that the drones target terrorists. Without journalists
challenging these official statements, the public may assume that they are
correct. (This is happening in more and more countries: Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Iraq, Palestine, Yemen, Somalia and possibly even Haiti). Omit as much of the previous steps as you can from public knowledge via
the media and education system of your own country. This will make any
action from the country you are trying to turn into a terrorist state seem
unprovoked, giving you the chance to invade as an act of self-defence. It
will also allow you to carry on without your public overthrowing you (as
mentioned in Step 1). Also, get your media to make meaningless statements
about the country you are trying to turn into a terrorist state, such as
“Osama Bin Laden’s grandfather was born there”,22 or “the
failed Christmas underpants bomber (Umar Farouk Abdulmuttallab) was
radicalized there by the cleric Anwar al-Awlaqi” - even though
Abdulmuttallab’s father informed the FBI of his son’s radicalization months
before, which the FBI ignored23 – or, “Nidal Malik Hasan,
the major who killed several of his colleagues at a US base, was radicalized
there”24 – even though this was not terrorism because they
were military targets. Wait for a terrorist attack to occur, in the country itself, against a
British national stationed there, such as an ambassador who had previously
worked in another country you helped to destroy. Now sit back and wait for the country to boil over into extreme violence,
making sure you poke the bear with sticks, such as increased drone attacks
and security raids by the puppet government being armed and trained by your
own. In the years ahead energy security, economic security and national security will be inextricably linked. If we want to ensure that we can keep the lights on in Britain then we need to develop a comprehensive energy strategy. It is simply a matter of risk management. Such a strategy will need to have three components: diversity in the type of fuels we use; diversity in the geographical sources of those fuels; and the security structures that will guarantee the safe transport of these fuels.
1. Ahmad, E., 2002, Terrorism: Theirs and Ours, NY: Seven Stories Press.
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