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Baghdad's Neutron Bomb and America's Nuclear Obama
An Interview with Captain Eric H. May
By Kim Petersen and B. J. Sabri
Al-Jazeerah &, March 8, 2010
Kim Petersen is co-editor of
Dissident Voice. B. J. Sabri is an Iraqi-American antiwar
activist. They can be reached at:
[email protected].
people have heard of the Battle of Baghdad. They might remember Iraq's
information minister, Mohammad Saeed al-Sahhaf, warning of a surprise
awaiting invading U.S. troops if they attacked Saddam International Airport.
Later, al-Sahhaf claimed that the Iraqi Republican Guard had slaughtered
U.S. troops and was in control of the entire facility. His claims were
mostly true, but were countered effectively by a U.S. military-media
campaign of evasions and distortions that switched the subject from the
airport action to Private Jessica Lynch, while ridiculing al-Sahhaf as
"Baghdad Bob."
came to be called the Battle of Baghdad Cover-Up (BOBCUP) was an illegal
deception of the American people, as well as an immoral desecration of the
military men who had fought and died there, only to be pushed into the
memory hole by Big Brother Bush. Captain Eric H. May, a former U.S. Army
intelligence and public affairs officer, was outraged. He responded by
declaring himself to be self-activated on a mission of conscience, then
investigated and confirmed BOBCUP. Next, he reported it to the Army
Inspector General and to the mainstream media, only to discover that both
entities were complicit in the cover-up.
soon realizied that the entire U.S. establishment was dedicated to waging a
criminal global war and erecting an oppressive homeland state, and honored
his military oath "to protect and defend the Constitution against all
enemies, foreign and domestic" by forming and assuming command of a
cyber-intelligence group, which he named Ghost Troop to honor the
unacknowledged ghosts from the Battle of Baghdad. Before long the unit
swelled to several hundred members, including veterans of all services, as
well as a former Assistant Secretary of the Navy and a U.S. ambassador.
Ghost Troop’s mission was to penetrate the propaganda of the mainstream
media, government, and military; and to provide the American people
essential information being withheld from them.
after the Madrid bombing of 3/11, 2004, though, Capt. May and his chief
officers determined that Madrid had been a "false flag" terrorist act
carried out by the pro-war Spanish government and fraudulently blamed on
Arab terrorists in an attempt to turn Iraq War-weary Spanish people into
pro-Iraq War hawks just days before their national elections. They reasoned
that our own 9/11 attacks, which had kindled war fever in the USA, were also
false flag terrorism. Finally, they agreed that the U.S. government was
routinely telling the public that there "was going to be another 9/11"
because it meant to administer it.
grim humor, Ghost Troop began to refer to this future false flag as
"9/11-2B." Using their military and media savvy to frustrate the 9/11-2B
false flag became their second mission, and consumed most of their efforts.
who know Capt. May well consider his unique mission of conscience to be the
stuff of legend. The Lone Star Iconoclast in Texas has long
demanded that Congress investigate his uncanny ability to warn the Internet
about false flag dangers. He has forecast petrochemical refinery explosions
in Southeast Texas, each of which may have been a foiled terror attack, six
times. He exposed a U.S. WMD team that had infiltrated the Texas City
refinery area in February 2006, forcing the local politicians, press and
would-be perpetrators to collaborate on a propaganda piece with a dismissive
title -- but damning details:
Attack Warning Story Dismissed," The Galveston County
Daily News, 2/2/2006,
is a growing clamor in the 9/11 truth and patriot movements for Congress to
award him the nation’s highest military honor. Dr. James H. Fetzer, the
founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth and a close collaborator and friend of
the captain’s gave voice to many with his glowing accolade:
This is a completely brilliant and fully
justified recommendation, which I wholeheartedly support. I have not
admired anyone during my life as much as I have Captain May. He is a
superb analyst and remarkable human being.
publisher W. Leon Smith credits him with saving the Republic by his
leadership of Ghost Troop to prevent 9/11-2B. His newspaper, internationally
recognized for its boldness, earlier this month carried the editorial:
Eric H. May Deserves Congressional Medal of Honor," The
Lone Star Iconoclast, 2/2/2010,
May was a vibrant, fit man ― a martial arts expert ― when he began to lead
Ghost Troop. He was constantly under threat from the military, the FBI and
various national police and intelligence agencies. He was mysteriously
stricken with ALS, commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig’s disease, subsequent
to his dissidence. Despite the advanced condition of his illness, Capt. May,
now a paralyzed disabled veteran, was good enough to partake in the
following interview.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Antiwar Warrior?
B.J. Sabri: In a 2004 email to Susan Elan
of The Journal News you wrote, "I am pleased see that the antiwar
is joining the infowar." You sound like an antiwar activist. Are you really
an antiwar military man? If you are antiwar, why did you take part in such
war that you may have been privy to as being based on pretexts?
Captain May: I was no longer a serving soldier at the time of 9/11,
or the ensuing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. For the most part I accepted
the official propaganda. It wasn’t until realizing the cover-up of the
Battle of Baghdad that I became interested in analyzing the wars or the
policies behind them. I was never an antiwar military man until after I
examined the post-9/11 wars in the Middle East.
War Crime and Punishment
BJ: You say, "War is just homicide on a
national scale." Homicide against whom: U.S. military personnel, who are the
aggressors, or the Iraq nation -- military and civilians -- who were
attacked without a casus belli? Still, homicide sounds ordinary in these
circumstances, why not use a precise term such as premeditated mass murder,
in which both aggressors and aggressed suffered unnecessary death? In
addition, whether homicide or mass murder, it seems that the criminals who
planned and carried it out will go unpunished. Does this mean the United
States government and military are above the law? Capt. May:
I realize that my phrase "war is just homicide on a national scale" is
cold-blooded, but it is a professional military man’s first premise in
understanding or discussing the phenomenon. I accept your objection that I
don’t offer human judgments as to who is involved in self-defense and in
aggression. I agree with you that such judgments must be made, and I’ve been
forthright elsewhere in my moral evaluation of the "Global War on Terror,"
admitting that we Americans have been duped into war crime, and calling for
punishment of our leaders:
vs. Rumsfeld: Geneva Conventions now, Nuremberg Principles later,"
Al Jazeerah, 7/3/2006,
Whistleblower Jesse Macbeth
Kim Petersen: I first became acquainted
with you when you responded to Dissident Voice pulling an article
on damning revelations about U.S. military atrocities in Iraq made by a
purported Army Ranger, Jesse Macbeth. However, Iraq Veterans Against the War
disavowed backing Macbeth, and the veracity of Mr. Macbeth’s claims of
service in the U.S. Army were questioned. Lacking substantiation of Mr.
Macbeth’s claims DV pulled the article. Other media outlets followed suit.
You decried this as a "hideous failure of American journalism." Do you still
see Macbeth as a victim of "swiftboating"? Capt. May:
In a word, yes. Jesse Macbeth is a perfect example of a crucial dissident
voice who had both courage and a vital message. An Arab-American TV show
host, Dr. Hesham Tillawi of Current Issues asked me to review the
Macbeth tape just before the swiftboat attacks began, and it seemed
absolutely credible to me, a veteran of four decades of military service.
Macbeth was specific in terminology, tactics and training. He was also
specific about Middle East geography, lifestyle, habits and attitude. There
had already been two local Arizona mainstream media stories about him —
neither previously challenged — as a war veteran. He had already been
drawing benefits from the Veterans Administration without difficulty,
meaning that the military considered him much more than a training washout,
the story with which they later attacked him. When Iraq Veterans Against the
War failed to support him, it was because an IVAW administrator, Amanda
Braxton, a lifelong civilian, had been buffaloed by the best swiftboating
attack since the presidential election of 2004. It was led by men whose
records in special operations, propaganda and Republican war rallying made
them seem more like mercenaries than media. When I interviewed Braxton, she
admitted that she had been frightened into turning on Macbeth. Further, she
mentioned that his IVAW cohorts had never doubted that he was a war veteran.
This was the best evidence of all that he was on the level. Given my
familiarity with the military system, I made calls all the way to the top
level of the Army requesting confirmation from the official record
supporting swiftboater claims that Macbeth had never seen the war — and
found that the Army was trying to dodge any comment about him. Yes, Macbeth
was swiftboated because his message was that we were using SS-style tactics
against Middle Eastern Muslims — something the Middle East is well aware of.
The alternative media chickened out on a crucial story, allowing the
mainstream media and political establishment to cover it up. I wrote an
article about it before moving on to other critical stories:
a War Crime Witness: Jesse Macbeth," Political Research,
6/5/2006,[email protected]/msg04031.html
The Battle of Baghdad
KP: I had heard about the Battle of Baghdad
at the airport from my colleague BJ Sabri, where reportedly U.S. troops had
suffered many losses, but you are the first person I know to have reported
about it online. You wrote that it was kept from public consciousness,
"hidden under the distraction story of Private Jessica Lynch." The Battle of
Baghdad still has not emerged into public consciousness. Why do you think
this is so? Capt. May: In Ghost Troop, we never left
the cover-up unchallenged. In early April of 2007, as the fourth anniversary
of the Battle of Baghdad approached, The Lone Star Iconoclast
published an interview with me updating my research on the cover-up. A few
days later Al Jazeera published an interview with Iraqi General Al-Rawi,
who had commanded Saddam’s forces at the airport. A few weeks later the U.S.
Congress held hearings about media and military failure to report the truth
from Iraq and Afghanistan, especially in the cases of Pvt. Jessica Lynch and
Cpl. Pat Tillman. I believe that Ghost Troop and the Iconoclast
gave Al Jazeera and Congress the encouragement they needed to do as much as
they did.
believe that the continuing cover-up by the mainstream and alternative media
goes far to demonstrate that they are in large part controlled by the same
pro-war establishment that has orchestrated everything from 9/11 to the
present to turn the American dream of security into the Muslim nightmare of
Neutron Bombing Baghdad
BJ: There were many published emails that
you wrote where you defend the right for information and to find out the
truth, at least about the Battle of Baghdad; now, if that is the case, and
since you were a material witness to history, and since many accounts
confirm that the United States used a neutron bomb to the end the battle
that cost the U.S. military dearly, I ask you a very precise question: Did
the United States use such a neutron bomb in Iraq? Capt. May:
When the Battle of Baghdad occurred, I was at home in Texas, my
active duty military days behind me, watching events on CNN. At that point I
knew that something catastrophic had happened in Saddam International
Airport, but I had no idea that it was something nuclear. Over the next
couple of years I received many reports from both Arab and Western witnesses
that we had used a neutron warhead. It wasn’t until I reached the antiwar
Camp Casey outside George W. Bush’s Texas headquarters in Crawford in 2005
that I spoke with numerous witnesses together. They included Army and Marine
veterans of the Battle of Baghdad, Arab witnesses and journalists. All their
accounts, taken together, convinced me that the neutron warhead was
employed. Gen. Al-Rawi confirmed the nuke in his Al Jazeera interview:
accused of using neutron bombs," Al Jazeera,
Bushmen and Zionazis
BJ: In your "Philippic
contra George W. Bush," from your 2003 report to Congress, Ghost Troop,
you suggested that he should articulate this message to the nation after the
Battle of Baghdad began:
We will not rest until the mission for
which they gave their lives is accomplished. We will not stop until we
have vanquished tyranny and terror abroad, and brought our heroes home.
That will be our tribute to the fallen. God Bless America, Garry Owen,
and goodnight.
To me, you kept George Bush’s essence, but just embellished
the rhetoric. Can you explain? Capt. May: It’s likely
that Bush himself read my words, since I interviewed with his team about
becoming his speechwriter before he became president, when he was still the
governor of Texas and we shared some acquaintances. In the philippic, I
attacked him as a lying coward, and to drive the point home I wrote the
words that I would have written for him had I been his speechwriter at the
time of the Battle of Baghdad. At that point I still had no judgment about
whether or not the war in Iraq was legal or illegal. I was chiding him for
not having enough guts to admit facts.
was writing rhetoric, of course, by putting the best face on the facts as I
then believed them to be. Please bear in mind that I was also writing a
historic document here by slamming the most powerful man on earth at a time
when he had shown himself to be tyrannical and murderous. People who write
philippics -- which can only earn the name "philippic" when published to a
murderous tyrant -- have good reason to worry that the bold act will cost
them their lives, and I believe it nearly cost me mine. A couple of days
after I wrote it, political dissidents in the U.S. and UK began to be
assassinated, which was the topic of a recently published article about them
and me:
Courageous Witnessed: Dr. Kelly Assassinated!," The
Lone Star Iconoclast, 12/10/2009,
BJ: What do you think now about the endless
wars of what many experts contend is a Zionist-controlled United States
government? Capt. May: I guess I would have to call
myself one of the cynical experts. The United States has become a golem,
mindlessly carrying out proxy wars for Zionists. Until we awaken as a nation
to Israel’s machinations and manipulations against our own interests, we are
in great danger ourselves, and represent a great danger to the rest of the
Nuclear Obama and 9/11-2B
KP: 9/11 provided a pretext for the so-called
War on Terror, and Ghost Troop has been vigilant in defending against
another 9/11. Does an Obama government affect the need for such vigilance?
Capt. May: Not in the least. In his first
year in office, Obama has demonstrated conclusively that he is a puppet for
the war cabal. He needs another 9/11-style event to re-energize the
dictatorial Homeland and the imperial Global War, which are nothing more
than euphemisms for "Vaterland" and "World War.” In Ghost Troop we
use an operational codename for this required next 9/11: We call it
"9/11-2B” — the 9/11 that the establishment assures us is going "to be.”
Just a month ago Obama’s intelligence officials were projecting 9/11-2B in 3
to 6 months. The way we look at it, that means this puppet president wants
to set up such an attack before the Congressional elections of next fall.
His recent emphasis on beefing up our cyber security is an indicator that
9/11-2B will entail an attack on the Internet, the sole remaining free
media, and the greatest impediment to totalitarian rule of the United
Tyrants and Terrorists
BJ: Do you really think that these wars are
about tyranny and terror? In wider sense, do you think it is about time that
the American people stop following what their rulers incite them to do in
the names of causes that actually do not exist except on a propagandistic
Capt. May: I do think that these wars are
about tyranny and terror: the tyranny and terror of Western psychopaths who
have taken over the reins of power. They intend to do far worse deeds than
they have done. The only way we can stop them is by doing what you suggest:
awakening the American people to the perils of being misled by perfidious
leaders and an evil establishment. I am proud to be, like you, among the
dissident voices engaged in this historic struggle, in which we have
transformed the Internet into the printing press of the New American
* * * * * * * * * * *
To learn more about BOBCUP and 9/11-2B, or to join Ghost
Troop Cyber Militia, refer to the unit's homepage:
* * * * * * * * *
For further reading:
The online
Mission of Conscience
Trilogy by Maj. William B. Fox provides a historical
overview and analysis of 9/11, the Madrid 3-11-2004 bombings, the London
7-7-2005 attacks, and other false flag events. It also explains the
background and modus operandi of Capt. Eric May and his cyber militia called
Ghost Troop that tries to anticipate and interdict repeat false flag
attacks. Lastly, it diagnoses the deepest social and political dimensions of
America's crises in order to recommend effective action. The summary table
of contents, found
here, outlines the chapters of each of the following
three books:
Book I:
Waking Up to the Ultimate Mission. Of particular
Chapter 12 describes strong evidence that Osama Bin Laden has been
dead since December 2001.
Chapter 7 "How September 11th Became the False Flag Rosetta Stone"
Chapter 8" 9/11 Patterns As Future False Flag Indicators" explain
why false flag attacks tend to coincide with major anti-terror
Book II:
Defending Freedom, One False Flag Threat at a Time.
This covers repeated threats against Portland, Oregon as well
as Chicago, Texas City, Texas, and other cities.
Book III:
Changing the Mask, And the Continuing Cyber Battle Against
False Flag "Predator" and "Alien" Larger than Books I
and II combined, this takes intelligence analysis to the highest level
by examining a wide range of social, political, and economic issues
--with the gloves off.
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