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Israeli Nazism, Not Anti-Semitism, Is the Real Issue By Khalid Amayreh in occupied East Jerusalem PIC, November 15, 2010
Israel's fanatical supporters insist on behaving and acting like mad dogs by disregarding any consideration for honesty, rectitude and moral consistency. They nearly completely overlook Israel's Nazi-like behavior as if such behavior were taking place in a distant galaxy, not in this world. Instead, they constantly focus on essentially mundane matters such as anti-Semitism and try desperately to link such secondary issues with the growing rejection in many countries of Israel's decidedly fascist and criminal conduct in Occupied Palestine. In fact, it is manifestly clear that Israel uses, or more correctly, misuses the issue of anti-Semitism as its ultimate red herring to distract attention from its affronting criminality in occupied Palestine. This week, the so-called Inter-Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism, a Jewish-funded Canadian parliamentary bloc, is holding a two-day conference in Ottawa. According to inside information, a few Zionist or Zionized officials, who apparently have sold their souls to the devil by embracing Israeli Nazism and terrorism, stand behind the conference. These include Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and Irwin Cottler, a notorious Israel firster, who seems to believe that racism is wrong unless practiced by Israel. The aim of the new Zionist feat is to try to suppress criticisms of Israel and attempt to criminalize such criticisms. In other words, the conference is trying to legislate Israeli fascism and terror into law in Canada. Needless to say, we are talking about a few Zionist tycoons who are trying to take Canada away from its erstwhile humane principles of opposing racism, apartheid, and bigotry and make it embrace Israeli fascism despite the ugly realities in Occupied Palestine. In fact, if Canadians make some meaningful efforts to discover the truth about what Israel is doing in Occupied Palestine, they will certainly find out that nearly every thing done by Israel to these helpless Palestinians is antithetical to every value and virtue the Canadian people hold dear. Well, for those who don't know what is going in occupied Palestine at the hands of the Zio-Nazi regime in Israel/Palestine let me remind them of some of the latest crimes perpetrated by the Israeli government.
There are hundreds of other criminal or racist acts done by the Israeli authorities or with the consent of the authorities, which have taken place recently. Unfortunately, Israel continues to behave as a state above the laws of humanity. This posture of insolence and arrogance of power is further emboldened by the refusal of governments in countries like Canada and the United States to hold Israel accountable to the crimes it commits in broad daylight. In fact, the obsequious approach by the Canadian government toward Israel emboldens Israel to adopt even more scandalous policies pertaining to human rights in the occupied territories. If the organizers of the pro-Israeli conference were sincere about knowing the truth, they would realize that Israeli barbarianism, which is watched on TV screens around the world, is the main generator of anti-Semitism in our time. It is really beyond the pale of understanding to see people try to ban criticisms of a state whose modus operandi is based on murder, ethnic cleansing, land theft and lying. Perhaps this is an allegory of the time in which we living. In the final analysis, countries fall down when the level of their morality goes down. Canada ought to wake up before it is too late.
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