Mark Dankof having a Texas Breakfast before assisting Saeb Sha'ath in discussing Israeli settlements on Press TV.
Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern makes two prescient observations about the Zionist-Central Banking-War Party’s drive to incite an American-Israeli conflict with Iran, aside from the sheer insanity and immorality of the proposition itself.
The first is that Fawning Corporate Media (FCM), as McGovern aptly tabs it, virtually never covers the real story, or gets it right. The late William Colby told me much the same thing over 30 years ago, in greater detail. Colby flatly stated in the late 1970s that Corporate Media is totally at the behest of the American National Security Establishment, Central Banks, and Multinational Consortiums. Once it is understood who the Masters of Fawning Corporate Media (FCM) are, the methodology and the game plan become clearer. Seen through these lenses, FCM’s failures in covering what the public has a right to know are no longer attributable to sheer incompetence, but to deliberate demonic design.
Any analysis of an FCM newspaper, television show, magazine, or Internet site will reveal the basics of how the game is played. FCM either: 1) fails to report the real story of any given day or week; 2) buries the real story without comment or explanatory context on the back page of the paper/magazine or in the filler section of a telecast; or 3) reports the real story with the prominent lead story status it deserves, but with a manipulation of the data and a false spin on what the data means, provided by news anchors, columnists, and editors, whose handsomely paid corporate salaries depend on serving as a conduit for the deliberately deceptive, proffered at the direction of The Masters.
The Monday, August 8th, 2011 Wall Street Journal is a classic exhibit of the FCM phenomenon. On page one, the lead stories are the economic downturn in the financial markets in the aftermath of the debt ceiling negotiation controversy, and the CH-47 Chinook helicopter shootdown in Afghanistan complete with 38 casualties. Arguably, neither story is given its real context in the larger scheme of what is happening both in the United States and globally, but the real story is on page A10. It is entitled, “Senators Press Obama On Iran’s Central Bank,” and is penned by Jay Solomon.
Mr. Solomon reports that 90 members of the United States Senate (90% of the Senate) have signed a letter to President Barack Obama pressing him to sanction Iran’s central bank, with some threatening legislation to force the move, “an outcome that would represent a stark escalation in tensions between the two countries. [emphasis added]“
The kicker is in paragraphs 2 and 3:
“Such a measure, if effectively implemented, could freeze Iran out of the global financial system and make it nearly impossible for Tehran to clear billions of dollars in oil sales every month, said current and former U. S. officials [emphasis added].
“Many Americans view the blacklisting of Bank Markazi as the ‘nuclear option’ in Washington’s financial war against Tehran [emphasis added]. Some Iranian leaders have said they would view such a move by the Obama Administration as an act of war. [emphasis added]“
The unnamed Iranian leaders cited by the Wall Street Journal are correct. It is.
But what the paper conveniently fails to contextualize is what the entire world, including the Iranians, knows.
Israel, the Jewish Lobby worldwide, the Central Bankers, and the energy/gas consortiums, are the driving force behind making this war happen. Jay Solomon’s story indeed notes that Senator Mark Kirk (R., Illinois) and Senator Charles Schumer (D., New York), are the co-sponsors of the letter, in a “sign of bipartisan support for tougher financial measures against Iran. . . .“ What the Wall Street Journal omits, of course, is that Kirk received more Israeli/Jewish PAC money for his initial election to the Senate, than any other candidate in the last election cycle, and that Schumer’s pockets have been lined historically with reams of the same levels of financial largesse for doing the bidding of the Zionist State. We might also draw the legitimate and documentable conclusion that Kirk, Schumer, and their colleagues in both houses of Congress, demonstrate the stranglehold that Israel has on both major political parties, as demonstrated each year by Hugh Galford and Janet McMahon of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs in Washington. The numbers provided annually by Galford and McMahon provide the quantitative proof of what President Obama told Ha’aretz in his last trip to Israel: that Obama himself could not possibly have been elected to the U. S. Senate in Illinois (the seat now held by Kirk, by the way), or the American Presidency, without the amount of Jewish money and political support that came his way. Presumably, the President is saying something about the larger political system and the way it works systemically. Follow the money trail. And the Bankers. And the number of Israeli assets in the GOP Presidential sweepstakes (the exception is Ron Paul) who have never met a surrogate war they didn’t like, including the one on the drawing board now they will assiduously promote if The Masters should decide that Mr. Obama needs replacing in 2012 for insufficient sycophancy.
The average American reliant on FCM for information is also operating minus other information, including all of the specifics of the lies told by Mr. Obama’s predecessor and his Neo-Conservative advisors, regarding why the United States intervened in Iraq and Afghanistan militarily, and who was really behind these ill-advised commitments of thousands of conventional forces into Central Asia. Mr. or Mrs. Middle America has never learned about the laundry list of American physicists with Ph. D.s from the most famous scientific institutes in the world, who question the official version of what happened in New York on September 11, 2001. Or the related implications of the cases involving the Israeli Art Students involved in spy networks in the United States before 9-11, and the Dancing Israelis arrested in New Jersey filming the burning Towers on 9-11 prior to their mysterious release by American authorities and subsequent deportation to Israel. The name Larry Silverstein continues to go unreported in FCM in the United States, both in terms of the conditions behind his assumption of ownership of the World Trade Center (WTC) towers before 9-11, his longtime relationship with Benyamin Netanyahu and the Israeli government, or the amount of insurance profit he accrued in the aftermath of the attacks. The name of the Israeli security company operating at Logan International Airport in Boston that day has been similarly buried to public purview and examination, along with the role of Israel’s Odigo instant messaging service on the day of the attacks. What does it all really mean?
Middle America has subsequently never learned the truth about the numbers of casualties in both the Iraqi and Afghan theatres of conflict, even as the truth behind the NATO intervention in Libya continues to be withheld from the public by a Fawning Corporate Media (FCM).
And in the case of Iran, the average American knows nothing of ongoing violations of Iranian airspace by Western intelligence services, the ongoing American-Israeli-British paramilitary operations of the last decade in Iranian Azerbaijan, Diyala Province, Khuzestan Province, and Balochistan Province, not to mention targeted assassinations of scientists in Tehran clearly marked with the fingerprints of the usual players. Mr. or Mrs. John Q. Public has similarly never heard of the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK/MKO, PMOI), the Kurdish PJAK and PKK, and Jundallah, and the criminal activities of these organizations on behalf of Israeli, American, and British Intelligence, as chronicled by Dr. Paul Sheldon Foote of Cal State Fullerton, and Philip Giraldi of the Council for the National Interest. We may well ask, why are such activities unprovoked acts of war and state sponsored terror when allegedly undertaken by one of the adversaries of the American-Israeli nexus, but perfectly legitimate when employed by the latter? Is it really a case of “Heads I Win, Tails You Lose?”

Pals of the Mossad and the CIA: The Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK)'s recent murder of an Iranian Scientist. Do 90 United States Senators Behind the Bank Markazi Blacklist Proposal Consider This an Act of Terrorism?
And Mainstream America is not asking itself a most obvious question: Why is Israel, a non-signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and armed to the teeth with nuclear bombs and the most lethal arsenal of chemical and biological weapons in the region (in violation of international law), our “ally” in isolating and attacking Iran? By way of comparison, Iran is a signatory to the NPT, has the right in international law to enrich uranium to certain levels, and according to our own National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) is not pursuing a weaponized nuclear program. To make matters even worse according to Philip Giraldi, one organ of FCM, the Rupert Murdoch News Corporation, has deliberately been disseminating false stories about the Iranian nuclear program courtesy of Israeli intelligence in a classic cooperative effort between a pro-Zionist international news consortium and the Jewish State’s National Security Establishment. This of course, includes the infamous Fox News in the United States, hawking the Presidential candidacies of the Rick Perrys, Michelle Bachmanns, and Sarah Palins of the universe.
And what if Mr. or Mrs. Middle Western or Southern American knew the truth about how Israel’s own weaponized nuclear program came into existence? Will the Wall Street Journal inform us of the Zionist State’s intelligence operation that purloined the raw materials from the NUMEC nuclear plant in Apollo, Pennsylvania in the 1960s? Will it even once mention the role of Israel and the late Robert Maxwell of the UK Daily Mirror in the black-ops alteration of PROMIS software by the Israeli LAKAM, which lifted American nuclear secrets and technology from the computers of the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory in New Mexico in coordination with the Communist Chinese? Will we ever be told in the United States that the Mossad subsequently assassinated Maxwell at the order of Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir? And what was the real role of the Meyer Lansky Organized Jewish Crime Syndicate in the United States in the most secretive affairs of the Jewish State, even aside from that Syndicate’s acknowledged role in providing massive funding and money laundering operations for the Haganah and Irgun in the late 1940s, along with arms running for both in conjunction with the Sonneborn Institute? Some Hints: 1) Meyer Lansky worked for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS)[the forerunner of the CIA], and the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), in World War II; 2) As Michael Collins Piper chronicles it in Final Judgment, Lansky and his Jewish mob money, plus the brokered support of Huey Long, were the difference in the eventual nomination of Franklin Delano Roosevelt at the Democratic National Convention in 1932; 3) Meyer Lansky would become Franklin Roosevelt’s liaison to Cuban strongman, Fulgencio Batista. This began Lansky’s massive instigation of the Jewish Crime Syndicate’s criminal empire building in Havana.

Philip Giraldi of the Council for the National Interest: Israel Spying and Technology Theft is Threatening American National Security.
The Lansky criminal assets in Havana included Carlos Prio Soccaras, a business partner in gun running activities with one of the Lansky Syndicate’s most notorious henchman. This latter individual had been a mechanic in the American Army Air Corps in World War II. After World War II, this Air Corps mechanic resettled in Dallas, Texas, and became a part of gun running operations out of the Lone Star State for Israel through the Sonneborn Institute, operations supervised by an Israeli intelligence officer. Like Lansky, he would have provable connections to the Guy Banister–Carlos Marcello network in New Orleans linked for years to the Kennedy Assassination by authors like Anthony Summers and Jim Marrs.
The Lansky Syndicate henchman in question would later become the operator of the Carousel Club in Dallas. He would achieve notoriety for the execution style killing of accused Kennedy assassination Lee Harvey Oswald. His name: Jack Rubinstein, a.k.a. Jack Ruby. Like fellow partner in Lansky Crime Syndicate operations in Cuba, CIA and anti-Castro operative Frank Sturgis of JFK Assassination and Watergate fame, the connections of Ruby are indeed suggestive. We learn not only from Michael Collins Piper, but from Frank Sturgis’s new biography penned by his nephew and entitled, “Warrior,” that Sturgis was also in the Army Air Corps in World War II and served on General Lucius Clay’s honor guard detail in postwar Germany. Sturgis, began his clandestine career, however, courtesy of a Jewish girlfriend who was simultaneously sexually involved with a Colonel on Clay’s staff. She was an operative with the Zionist Haganah, and recruited Sturgis in the late 1940s as a courier for the underground terror organization, at the same time Meyer Lansky and the Sonneborn Institute were providing the Haganah with money, arms, and international contacts.
Taken in tandem with the knowledge we possess now about J. F. K.’s secret conflict in 1963 with David Ben Gurion over the issue of international inspection of Israel’s nuclear program at Dimona, and the Israeli Prime Minister’s relationship with Lansky, is there yet another reason why Israel continues to refuse to release Mordechai Vanunu? Is there still concern over what Vanunu has already revealed about the nuclear program of the Jewish State, or are his statements about events in the United States in 1963 what must continue to remain in relative darkness as far as the Israeli government and intelligence community and their allies in the United States are concerned?
I reiterate without apology what I told Iran’s Press TV last week in a discussion on Israeli settlements with Saeb Sha’ath and pro-Zionist London film producer Carol Gould. The entire history of Israel since 1947/48 underscores the ongoingly criminal character of the Zionist enterprise, ideologically rooted in the racial supremacist doctrines of the Talmud. That linear historical line traces from Deir Yassin and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Arab villages to Menachim Begin and the Irgun’s blowing up of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. It includes the assassinations of Lord Moyne and Swedish Count Bernadotte. One continues through the Lavon Affair; the Kennedy Assassination; the attack on the USS Liberty by Israel in 1967; the Sabra and Shatila massacres in southern Lebanon in 1982; the PROMIS affair and the Robert Maxwell murder; the Pollard spy case, including the murder of Shabtai Kalmanovich in Moscow; the Ben-Ami spy case; the AIPAC spy case; the murder of Rachel Corrie; the utilization of white phosphorus and depleted uranium munitions in Lebanon and Gaza; the Operation Cast Lead in Gaza which killed 1400 Palestinian civilians; and the May 2010 criminal assault on the Mavi Marmara Freedom Flotilla in international waters, which are only the highlights. It all began in earnest, however, with stealing the land of 750,000 Palestinians in a 51%-49% “deal” arranged by UN Partition in 1947. That 49% is now down to 9% and shrinking for the Palestinians, including the obvious attempt to purloin East Jerusalem by Israeli settlers and their financiers. But as I said on Press TV, one must contextualize all of this by reiterating the operative Zionist doctrine of “Eretz Yisrael” or Greater Israel, which stakes a claim on Jewish control of all the territories between the Nile River and the Tigris-Euphrates. This was the vision of not only Herzl, but his predecessor as the Father of Zionism, Christian businessman and Dispensational prophecy guru William E. Blackstone of Chicago. Blackstone foundationally established the political, economic, and military application of his Scofield Reference Bible eschatology to the facilitation of the actual creation of the State of Israel, in a way understood by few modern Zionists or Christians. John Hagee primarily carries the water for this ongoing effort now.
But these past criminal highlights pale in comparison to launching a preemptive military assault on Iran, or inciting the United States to do so. The potential not only for massive loss of life but creating the genesis of World War III, is inherently obvious.
Ray McGovern warns us that Israel may well embody the wounded animal syndrome. Like the wounded and cornered animal who becomes irrationally ferocious in a final fight to the death, Israel’s conduct is likely to become more, not less reckless, in the days ahead. As the days count down to what may well be the UN General Assembly’s decision to unilaterally declare a Palestinian State, and as the grip of the United States continues to loosen on its own economy and its Wars of Empire, desperation may facilitate the ultimate False Flag Incident designed to deliberately frame Iran for an event in the world which rejuvenates the comatose American public’s appetite for war in the Islamic world on behalf of Israel. It is a dangerous period of time that now approaches.
With this context in mind, we return full circle to the proposal of the U. S. Senate for sanctions on Iran’s Bank Markazi. It is clear that this latest offensive has upped the ante in American-Israeli attempts to economically and politically isolate the Islamic Republic, even as black operational paramilitary actions continue to occur in conjunction with criminal terror organizations presently on the CIA-Mossad payroll in the Middle East and Central Asia. These tactics, along with continued attempts at altering the domestic Iranian political landscape with Western intelligence funding for NGOs advocating “reform“, are intensifying even as the verdict is still out on their ultimate effectiveness.
The historic context for what is happening now is seven decades past, in the days between October 4th, 1940 and December 7th, 1941, and the machinations of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the Oval Office.
George T. Eggleston’s compendium on the forces behind FDR’s war plans is but one place to turn for the beginning of the explanation of the historical context involved in what happened. But several facts are not in doubt. Roosevelt’s desire for provoking war with Japan was not simply to gain backdoor access for American involvement in the European war he yearned for, it was also a desire to protect the Soviet Union from a pincer attack on the part of both Germany and Japan. The Tyler Kent case is illustrative of what was going on, and what was being systematically concealed from an unsuspecting American public both then and now.
Roosevelt, like Barack Obama, could also read poll numbers. The American public wanted no part of another Great War in Europe. Thus, Roosevelt knew that he would have to lie the American public into the conflict. He manipulated events to insure that it would happen in a fashion designed to fan war fever from coast-to-coast. And he did so while publicly assuring the masses in the Presidential election of 1940 that he would never send young American boys into harm’s way in Europe, even as the New Deal’s vaunted economic stimulus package of programs was failing to jump start the American economy out of the Great Depression.
The Rosetta Stone, as chronicled by Robert Stinnett in Day of Deceit: FDR and Pearl Harbor, was the McCollum Memorandum. Lieutenant Commander Arthur McCollum was head of the Far East desk of the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI). His code name was F-2. He oversaw the routing of communications intelligence to FDR from early 1940 to December 7th, 1941. Every intercepted and decoded Japanese military and diplomatic report destined for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue went through the Far East Asia section of ONI, which McCollum supervised and directed. His office was an element of Station US, a secret American cryptographic center located at the main naval headquarters at 18th Street and Constitution Avenue, N. W., about 4 blocks from the White House.
The McCollum Memorandum of October 7th, 1940, provided Roosevelt’s blueprint for inciting the war he fervently sought. Point 9 of the Memorandum contained the 8 point formula for war in the Pacific sought by the President, as well as the rationale for pursuing the strategy commended by the Lieutenant Commander. From October 7th, 1940 to December 7th, 1941, Roosevelt diligently pursued them to the letter, with the endgame being the attack on Pearl Harbor. It would not be until January 24, 1995, that Robert Stinnett would discover the Memorandum in Box 6 of a special US Navy collection in RG 38 in the Military Reference Branch of Archives II.
McCollum’s direct unfolding of the pathway to war is bone chilling prose 70 years later. He writes:
“Point Nine: It is not believed that in the present state of political opinion the United States government is capable of declaring war against Japan without more ado. [emphasis added] . . . Therefore, the following course of action is suggested:
“1. Make an arrangement with Britain for the use of British bases in the Pacific, particularly Singapore.
“2. Make an arrangement with Holland for the use of base facilities and acquisition of supplies in the Dutch East Indies.
“3. Give all possible aid to the Chinese Government of Chiang-Kai-Shek.
“4. Send a division of long range heavy cruisers to the Orient, Philippines, or Singapore. [emphasis added]
“5. Send two divisions of submarines to the Orient. [emphasis added]
“6. Keep the main strength of the U. S. Fleet now in the Pacific in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands. [emphasis added]
“7. Insist that the Dutch refuse to grant Japanese demands for undue economic concessions, particularly oil. [emphasis added]
“8. Completely embargo all U. S. Trade with Japan, in collaboration with a similar embargo imposed by the British Empire. [emphasis added]
“Point 10: If by these means Japan could be led to commit an overt act of war, so much the better [emphasis added]. At all events we must be fully prepared to accept the threat of war.
“[Signed] A. H. McCollum
Fast forward to August of 2011. The American government continues to rhetorically threaten Iran, as does the Netanyahu-Lieberman phalanx in Israel. Overt military preparations ranging from base acquisitions and arrangements in Central Asia to aircraft carrier task force deployments and military exercises continue. Covert black operations inside Iran procede apace, along with the adjacent American conventional military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz watch for signs of overt American or Israeli naval actions.
In an impending election year, the American economy continues to flounder courtesy of national debt, overreaching military commitments, ballooning federal budget deficits, a moribund manufacturing economy, burgeoning foreign trade deficits, fractional reserve banking, an unemployment rate close to 22%, and a dollar perhaps soon to be history as the world’s reserve currency. No one in power has any answers, just as Roosevelt had none in 1940. Like the political scene then, the poll numbers now indicate an American public sick of never ending wars of occupation and counter-insurgency in Central Asia, even as more Americans are beginning to sense that their government’s monolithic support of the Jewish State and its policies in Palestine is creating more enemies exponentially, and arguably the most hostile international climate faced by the United States in its entire history. Zionist Neo-Conservative zealots criticize this turning of public opinion tide against spending 10-12 billion a month in Afghanistan, a total of 1 trillion thus far in both Iraq and Afghanistan with the meter running, and 10 billion in year in subsidizing Israel. Thanks to an Internet technological era not seen in previous epochs in history, more Americans are finding out about the real truth of past and present. It may be harder for the War Party to raise the curtain as effectively this time.
But try they will. Obama is faced with a dilemma. He must either revitalize his sub-40% approval poll numbers and his flagging economic program with action approved by The Master Plan of His Masters, or risk replacement with a GOP mannequin more than willing to do The Masters bidding. Bona fide American populists and a declining middle class are caught in the crossfire of the Hegelian dialectic, with options in 2012 fading and time running out.
The next phase in this escalation by The Masters is clearly the Bank Markazi blacklist proposal being foisted upon Obama by the U. S. Senate. But this is not the endgame. The endgame is war. The preferred method of starting it is to do what General George Patton advocated in post-war Europe [against the Soviet Union], to “. . . get us a war with those sons of bitches and make it look like it was their fault.”
Who will win this war? Will it be the Central Bankers, the Israeli Lobby, the Multinational Energy Consortiums, and the armaments manufacturers? Or will the American public finally wise up and reclaim their own country again? Does the spirit of Charles Lindbergh still live?
Who are the wild cards? One is clearly an Iran more resilent than those who consistently misunderstand and underestimate it in the West. Two others are China and Russia. What will the Chinese do with American debt instruments on the open market if we undertake the most catastrophically idiotic preemptive war in history? Will the Chinese and the Russians merely standby militarily? How does the larger Islamic world react to these events as they continue to reach a climax?
One thing is clear. Israel needs a diversionary event to refocus attention away from Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem, while jump starting their flagging domestic political support in Europe and the United States. The American government needs one to jump start domestic support for their Imperial Wars and to divert attention from an economy in free fall. It is Winner-Take-All for the Central Banks and the Federal Reserve.
The creation of an external enemy, followed by a manufactured incident with The Masters behind the curtain, is one of the oldest tricks of the trade in history. When you hear a new version of Remember Pearl Harbor playing on the radio after an American-Israeli war with Iran commences, either before November of 2012 or after a Presidential inauguration in 2013, remember the warning you are reading this day.
As for the American people, if they want a real war the enemy is not Iran and the Iranian people. If there is a fight worth fighting, it is in reclaiming our nation’s political, cultural, and economic landscape from the same sorts of thieves who have been robbing Palestinians blind since 1948. They have been robbing Americans of their Old Republic throughout the 20th century, with nary a domestic uprising.
Will The Masters pull it off again?