Mark Dankof: Perry's Financed Junket to Israel: Financed by the Doheny Global Group and Irwin Katsof's Global Capital Associates. What are the Real Implications?
“Wow! Not even a whiff of a notion of the Presidency, and his lips are already lotioned to kiss ass.”
—Iranian-American Facebook blogger on Governor Rick Perry’s Zionist-inspired impending Presidential run P. T. Barnum aptly observed that there is a “sucker born every minute.” In the case of the Tea Party activist movement, the birth rate may be one every second.
The prospects for the movement, and the country, are identically both abysmal and comedic. Perhaps tragedy is truly the flip side of comedy.
What is presently happening in 2011 in the Republican Presidential sweepstakes can be understood against the backdrop of the 1996 GOP wars.
15 years ago, the International Central Bankers, Neo-Conservatives, anti-Catholic bigots, and the ever present Christian Zionist nutcases were having collective heart failure over the prospect of a Pat Buchanan nomination. For the most part, Buchanan wasn’t rising above 30% of the vote in any given primary (save Michigan after the battle had already been decided), but in the early going those figures packed considerable clout in a multi-candidate field, resulting in a victory in the Louisiana caucus that finished Phil Grimm, and a first-round victory in the kickoff New Hampshire primary. It was clear that Tricky Dick’s ex-speechwriter was terrifying the power brokers.
It became necessary for these brokers to develop a playbook to destroy Pat Buchanan.
The playbook that successfully accomplished this purpose included the following three components: 1) enlisting Israeli-asset Alan Keyes, William Kristol’s roommate at Harvard, to enter the Iowa caucus to divide the conservative vote and ensure Bob Dole’s ensuing victory and subsequent drive to the nomination; and 2) tapping the Christian Coalition’s Ralph Reed as Dole’s liaison to the Religious Right, ensuring the Faithful that Dole was a Pro-Life Evangelical (a crock) and a 10th Amendment man (another crock).
Reed’s enlisted effort for this political fraud was successful, despite the clear voting paper trail of Dole in the U. S. Senate, and the problematically untidy issue of the Senator’s impregnation of a campaign worker while running for President in 1980 against Reagan. Conservative Caucus Chairman Howard Phillips printed the evidence on this latter scandal, compounded in damage potential by the published proof that Dole Chief-of-Staff Craig Fuller had taken the lady to an abortionist in Kansas City named Dr. William Crist.
Ralph Reed helped to insure that this information never came to light in Evangelical circles. His service to Dole and the New World Order establishment lurking in the darkness behind the senior Senator from Kansas, went a long way toward the development of the client list and the greenbacks for his current Creative Consultants operation, which has included business with such Godly people as Jack Abramoff.
Climatically, Reed’s slimy presence was augmented in the playbook by the third ingredient in the carefully devised game plan, 3) the entrance of William F. Buckley’s pro-Zionist National Review into the 1996 GOP Presidential foray, employed in a joint effort with the mainstream Time, Newsweek, and U. S. News and World Report magazines, in collectively assailing Pat Buchanan on cue as an anti-Semite whose views were totally outside the mainstream of the Republican Party.
The pivotal importance and critical significance of the William F. Buckley angle to the Israeli Lobby’s assault on Pat Buchanan is given its proper historical context by Dr. E. Michael Jones of Culture Wars, in his April 2007 essay in that publication entitled, “The Death of Conservatism.” The Jones piece is a review of the late Murray Friedman’s magnum opus, “The Neo-Conservative Revolution: Jewish Intellectuals and the Shaping of Public Policy” [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005].
There, Jones informs us via Friedman, that National Review was essentially run by the Jews who employed it and financed Bill Buckley, for the express purpose of hijacking the American conservative movement for the “ruling class internationalist establishment” and its accompanying Zionist interests, in the process destroying the careers of prominent spokesmen in the movement not co-opted by the hidden hand.
These careers included the late Joe Sobran and Sam Francis, and, of course, Patrick J. Buchanan. Jewish activists like Frank Meyer, Frank Chodorov, Morrie Raskin, Willi Schlamm, and Marvin Liebman were the power behind the emerging William F. Buckley persona on the national political scene, especially Schlamm, who drew up the publication’s financial plan, and Liebman, the guru of subscriber recruitment and financing. Jones notes the specifics of the Marvin Liebman biography for the purpose of contextualizing The Lobby’s unfurling plan of deployment of both Buckley and his flagship magazine over the decades to follow:
“What conservatism lacked in philosophical coherence, however, it made up for in effective political organizing techniques which its ‘founding Jewish fathers’ remembered from their days in the Communist Party. Or from their days in Zionist terrorist organizations.
“In terms of organization, the most influential of [William F.] Buckley’s ‘circle of Jews’ was a former communist who came to conservatism via Zionism, in particular via the terrorist organization known as Irgun Zvai Leumi. His name was Marvin Liebman and in addition to serving as publisher of National Review, he created the fund-raising technique known as direct mail, which would play a major role in the political movements surrounding Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan.
“In 1946 Liebman was captured trying to smuggle Jews into Palestine and held in a British detention camp on Cyprus for 15 days. . . .”
Buckley’s National Review thus became the prototype of other front publications and outlets making their appearance on the American Right in the years that followed, including William Kristol’s The Weekly Standard, Christopher Ruddy’s NewsMax, Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News, the Unification Church’s Washington Times, Human Events, and Joseph Farah’s Internet-based World Net Daily.
Along with the Israeli-controlled American Religious Right print and broadcasting operations, ranging from the Scofield Reference Bible to John Hagee’s syndicated television show, these opinion makers have enabled the Zionist State and its domestic American power brokers to effectively gain a stranglehold on the promotion of Republican political candidates who reflect Tel Aviv’s interests exclusively, even as Israel’s real record of performance since 1948 is systematically withheld from unsuspecting grassroots American conservatives who vote in Republican primaries.

Pat Buchanan: The Anti-Defamation League Inspired Hit Job of 1996 is Joined by Buckley's National Review
Now fast forward to 2012. It is clear that the only candidate in the GOP Presidential field not totally co-opted by multi-national corporate interests, the New World Order, and the Christian Zionist zealots being used skillfully by the first two constituencies, is Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX/14th Congressional District).
Paul’s strong suits are the ability to raise money, and the role he plays as the sole candidate in the field talking about the dangers of a Federal Reserve-run monetary policy and an interventionist foreign policy. His weaker points involve less strength than desired as a television media candidate, and his advancing age (75).
There is another vulnerability, noted in my op-ed of last week: the fact that the Congressman has finessed the eternal question of the Zionist State of Israel, and its accompanying American domestic Jewish lobby, despite the fact that his expressed views on major topics would seem to lead, inexorably, to an inevitable public discussion of this matter in the developing Presidential primary campaign in the Republican Party.
How The Lobby and its Neo-Conservative agents of influence handle the Paul candidacy in the coming months will make for one of the more interesting stories of the 2012 campaign for the American Presidency. With a primary campaign season that is deliberately front-loaded, one may anticipate the early nomination of an internationalist Republican Presidential candidate by Super Tuesday next year and the quick fade of a Ron Paul candidacy that is now in its third cycle since his initial run on the Libertarian ticket in 1988.
But if Paul surprises the pundits and achieves early electoral successes akin to those of Pat Buchanan in 1996, he needs to get ready for an assault similar to that launched on Nixon’s speechwriter 15 years ago. Arguably the Congressman makes a far more difficult target for slander and character assassination than Buchanan did at the hands of Abe Foxman and the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith (ADL), but this fact will not preclude what will come if the Representative of Texas’s 14th Congressional District confounds conventional political wisdom and gets out of the starting gate early as a contender for the Presidential nomination of the GOP. As Iran’s Press TV reports, Ron Paul’s enemies already plan to gerrymander him out of business. The playbook’s gameplan in 2011 will escalate well beyond that beginning venture, if future circumstances dictate. Watch your back, Good Doctor.

The Rev. John Hagee of San Antonio's Cornerstone Church and "Christians United for Israel" (CUFI): A $150 Million Empire Courtesy of the ADL and AIPAC.
This then begs the obvious question. If The Lobby is successful as usual in preempting the candidacy of a candidate who threatens it, who among the bought-and-paid for wannabes in the Republican Presidential Sweepstakes will emerge as The Anointed for the fall of 2012?

Rapture Rick Perry: Tapped by the Ghosts of Marvin Liebman and Willi Schlamm as Likud's Man for the White House?
The answer: Rapture Rick Perry, the Governor of Texas.
Perry’s heightened visibility recently seems to coincide with Netanyahu’s recent Washington trip. It was abundantly obvious to any informed observer that the Israeli PM was sending a clear message to Barack Obama and the Democratic Party that The Lobby had other options if the President’s Middle East policy proved to be less than a total lock for AIPAC and Friends.
And the Texas Governor’s credentials with the Zionist State, bankers, military contractors, and the Christian Right prove absolutely impeccable. Perry’s stop in Los Angeles today to assail Mr. Obama on the latter’s position on abortion is tailor made to appeal to the constituency left panting by Mike Huckabee’s mysterious withdrawal from The Sweepstakes, and the failure thus far of alternatives ranging from Michelle Bachmann to Sarah Palin to catch early fire with the followers of Pastor John Hagee of Cornerstone Church/San Antonio, and the odious Christians United for Israel (CUFI) front.
Those credentials were solidified in a June 2007 junket to Israel, paid for by Irwin Katsof’s Global Capital Associates and the Doheny Global Group which includes Tom Ridge as a Strategic Limited Partner. This trip, and its financiers, provide the Rosetta Stone necessary to decipher the forces behind the sudden media ascendancy of Rick Perry approaching 2012.

Rabbi Irwin Katsof (left): Hobnobbing with General Wesley Clark at the "Establishment and Development of 'Democracy'" Conference in Geneva. September 2005.
And not coincidentally, June 2007 was the same month and year according to Democratic Underground, that Governor Perry was an invited guest of the shadowy international Bilderberg Group. Paul Burka, columnist for Texas Monthly reported then that the Texas Governor was joined by:
“Kathleen Sibelius, governor of Kansas; Kristen Silverberg, Assistant Secretary of State; Ross Wilson, ambassador to Turkey; Paul Wolfowitz, World Bank; Philip Zelikow, ex-”9/11″ Commissioner; Richard Holbrooke, Perseus LLC; Vernon Jordan Jr., Lazard Freres & Co.; Henry Kravis, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR); Henry Kissinger, Kissinger & Associates; Richard Perle, Ex-Defense Policy Board, and several others.”
Burka then went to note that:
“. . . Gov. Rick Perry is headed to Israel to receive the Friend of Zion Award for his ‘leadership in homeland defense, border security, and economic development. . . . Gov. Rick Perry and First Lady Anita Perry today left on a seven-day trip to visit the Middle East nations of Israel and Jordan. In Israel, Gov. Perry will receive the ‘Friend of Zion Award’ from the Global Leadership Council for his leadership in homeland defense, border security and economic development. The award, which is given to ‘leaders who have played key roles in promoting the close alliance between America and the Jewish state,’ will be presented during a ceremony in Jerusalem at the historic Western Wall Square.
“Perry is also scheduled to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, former Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and former Prime Minister and newly elected President Shimon Peres. In addition, he will meet with the Israeli Chief Scientist, Dr. Eli Opper, and several representatives of the aeronautics, defense systems, homeland security and biotechnology industries. . . .”
One thing is absolutely sure in Campaign 2012: No one will ask Perry in Corporate Media about his chats with these Israeli intelligence and scientific moguls against the backdrop of the charge recently made by Philip Giraldi on Iranian Press TV that Israel engages in more spying and technology theft against the United States than any other American “ally.” Giraldi is the ex-CIA Station Chief in Turkey, Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest , and columnist for The American Conservative. How much of Israel’s espionage operation targeting the United States may involve Global Capital Associates, the Doheny Global Group, and the Perry-backed Texas-Israel Chamber of Commerce would make for an interesting research project for Mr. Giraldi and his Council.
And as for the American Presidential “debates” promulgated by CNN and Fox News, here are a few suggestions for material to be directed toward the Governor of the Lone Star State when his hat is thrown into the ring:
“Governor Perry, how do you feel about a fiat American currency, a direct Federal income tax, usurious interest rates, endless foreign wars, a morally polluted American culture, an economic globalism which has destroyed the once-vaunted American manufacturing economy, and the imposition of a domestic technological surveillance structure that threatens to replace the freedoms of our beloved Old Republic with a repristinated Stalinism?
“Governor Perry, why is the domestic and foreign policy of the modern American conservative movement and the Republican party being defined by a view of Biblical prophecy unheard of until the 19th century, and largely promoted worldwide by the House of Rothschild’s distribution of the Scofield Reference Bible through its Oxford University Press? Secondly, why are we in an alliance with a nation that has repeatedly committed crimes against the United States, including the Lavon Affair, Mossad involvement in the Kennedy assassination, the premeditated attack on the USS Liberty in June of 1967, the Pollard spy case, participation with Communist China in the theft of American nuclear secrets at Los Alamos through the PROMIS affair, and the more recent Ben Ami Kadish and AIPAC/Rosen/Weissman spy cases?
“Governor Perry, given your recent attacks on Barack Obama in Los Angeles over the President’s position on abortion, why are we in an alliance as American conservatives and evangelical Christians with a domestic Jewish lobby which has militantly supported and financed the radical feminist, abortion, and homosexual lobbies most of us are sworn to oppose?
“Governor Perry, why are we, as a pro-life movement, committed to policies of genocide against the Palestinians and the advocacy of the mass murder of Iranians, at the behest of an ‘ally’ which is the chief nuclear, biological, and chemical military power in the Middle East, and a non-signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) signed, however, by Iran?
“And why, Governor Perry, are you here today talking about recovering American Constitutional Principles, in the context of ongoing obeisance to the chief players in a central banking cabal which has handed to us the direct Federal income tax, the Federal Reserve Board, $14 trillion in national debt, and every globalist trade treaty that has destroyed both American sovereignty and our economic vitality?
“Governor Perry, why are you not concerned with Philip Giraldi’s charge that Israeli intelligence is promoting agitation-propaganda through the Rupert Murdoch News Corp chain designed to begin a Third World War? Why are you silent about the charges of our ex-CIA Station Chief in Turkey regarding Israeli infiltration of our intelligence agencies, our Homeland Security Department, our Transportation Safety Administration (TSA), and our telecommunications industry?
“Governor Perry, should AIPAC and John Hagee’s Christians United for Israel be forced to register as agents of a foreign government?
“And Governor Perry, do you support the utilization of nuclear weapons against Iran and its people?”
The American people would await the answers in these upcoming Presidential debates, if only they knew what the real questions of the campaign are. . . .
Does Ron Paul?