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Opinion Editorials, May 2011


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Palestinian Nakba:

Are We A Thoughtless Heartless World?

By Dr Mohamed Khodr

Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, May 16, 2011


The Herculean Accomplishment of a Small band of Zionist Thieves, Genocidal Liars, and Barons who Stole a Nation, Palestine, and Occupied another, the United States, is nothing short of a historical miracle.

Beloved people of Gaza

Beloved people of Gaza

Treasured people of Palestine

Teachers of courage and dignity

Archetype of humanity


While we sat pondering like fools utterly helpless

Talking much and doing less

Going round and round in circles

Thinking how to help

What to offer you to relieve some of your pain

--Nahida: Her site is


“Modern Age is the Jewish Age, and the Twentieth Century, in particular, is the Jewish Century,”

– Professor Uri Slezkine (University of California, Berkeley), Jewish, in ‘The Jewish Century.”.


UPDATE ON the Petition to establish a “No Fly Zone over Gaza”


The Number of Honorable Men and Women from around the world who have signed this Petition as of May 15, 2011—the 63rd Anniversary of the NAKBA and the founding of Israel, a nation of “war criminals”. 

This number is small compared to the tens of thousands, if not greater, of Jews who sign petitions supportive and protective of Israel even as it commits repeated genocides in Lebanon, the West Bank, and Gaza. 

Gaza is enduring a Second NAKBA for the last 4 years with a total strangling siege by Israel from the air, land, and sea, not even allowing food and medicines to save the lives of 1.5 million people living in what Jews know as “Concentration Camps.”

We all recognize that despite the efforts of these courageous signers this number is simply insufficient to present to the U.N. 

We can do better.  We must do better to make a difference.  Don’t stop spreading the word, don’t stop signing. 

We must never give up on the life of a single Gazan child.   People can change destiny.  History is made by people.  Please don’t stop spreading this petition to all you know.  There is nothing more worthy of our humanity than to save the lives of people, especially the innocent children of Gaza.   Israel with total impunity can and will launch another genocidal attack on Gaza as long as America protects and supports it and as long as we are silent.

In reality the Palestinians have suffered two “Nakbas” or Catastrophes.  The first Nakba, 1947-1948, is their physical expulsion from their homeland, but the second Nakba has been more tragic, deadly, painful, and enduring, and that is due to Israel’s and its American minions, especially in the majority owned Jewish media, in diabolically preventing and erasing from history the historical truth from reaching the American people on how Israel was founded based on the holocaust and ethnic cleansing it committed against the Palestinians, the lands native people.  .  . 

The victims of the Holocaust have been the Jews, the Palestinians, historical truth, and the occupation of America. 

The persecuted became the deadly persecutors.   

My beloved Children of Gaza, of Palestine, forgive this thoughtless and heartless world that has abandoned you for 63 years to the butchers of Zion.  I beg you to forgive me for I too have failed you for all I’ve ever offered you are words and more words that have never fed a hungry child or stopped an Israeli American bullet from piercing your heart.  I’ve not delivered you medicines, nor clothes to warm you in the dead of winter, nor helped in rebuilding your demolished home, nor provided you clean water or baby formula for your infant sister, nor built a sewage system to remove the Settler’s sewage plaguing your streets and playgrounds.   You live in darkness without electricity with unemployed fathers. 

You depend on the charity of the world which has failed to answer the cries of hungry infants, and when the courageous few ride Flotillas to bring you food and hope, Israel attacks the ships killing the innocent with absolution from the U.S. Congress for the murders. 

My last meager effort was to write a Petition to be presented to the United Nations Secretary General and the members of the Security Council urging them to establish a “No Fly Zone” over Gaza to prevent another aerial genocide of you and your families. 

I submitted it to over 110 organizations, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim organizations from Washington D.C., to Europe, Palestine, Africa and Australia who are allegedly politically active, involved in civil and human rights, and boycott initiatives. 

I also submitted it to over 100 websites asking them to please post the petition on their website and encourage their members and contacts to sign the petition.  Only a handful of websites did. 

Tragically, although not unexpected, almost all the Palestinian organizations and websites, many led by prominent and well known personalities in and out of Palestine, ignored this simple act to prevent the opening of another grave for a Gaza child   I’m sorry I can’t explain to you this incredulous phenomenon by your own people. 

I will not shame them by writing their names and their websites but that is between them, God, and their feigned allegiance to Palestine which has brought them fame, fortune, media exposure, published books, and on occasions, photo ops in the White House and Congress where their inferiority complex shows on their faces and mannerisms.  They did not even have the courtesy to respond to my emails. 

I honor those who did sign and am grateful to them for their noble courage and compassion to the Palestinian suffering at the hands of Israel, a nation with powerful tentacles in western capitals able to poison opponents and demand subservience from the White House and the perennial doormat we call Congress (The Little Knesset). 

Perhaps the Arabs, Muslims, and Palestinians deem petitions to be a frivolous act, a non-sensical effort that will go nowhere, something beneath their arrogant consideration.  Perhaps it’s their view that they know best how to tackle the Palestinian cause despite their decades of failure of saving or feeding even one Palestinian child, or the placement of one brick in an illegal settlement, or the demolition of one home, or ending the four year siege of Gaza.   Is it fear of reprisal by Israel’s Mossad, FBI, CIA, or Gulf and Saudi funders who demand they not cross red lines?  

Not one single Arab or Muslim government has supported Palestinian resistance, or the Gaza Flotillas to aid desperate Gazans, or launched a campaign to free Gaza.  Even Syria’s government that claims its solidarity with the Palestinian resistance ensures Israel’s security by keeping its borders with it quiet and peaceful for decades.   

Today, as Palestinians relive the Nakba in the occupied territories, a relatively small number of Arabs in Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon are protesting against Israel and its occupation of Palestine, despite the fact that potentially a billion Muslims can join such a protest against their government’s complicity and America’s unshakable commitment to Israel.   

It’s been Turkey and Iran who’ve taken courageous public stands against U.S. foreign policy and Israel.    How Un-Islamic that Muslims fear America and Israel more than they fear God. 

But my children of Palestine and Gaza trust in God and ignore the world, a world that is blind, deaf, and mute that chooses to ignore your cries for freedom.  Hold strong to your bond with God, keep your faith and pray for your deliverance, but be patient and trust in Him, for He is always with the Oppressed and hates the Oppressors. 

Never forget that your resistance to Israel is sanctioned by God and International Law.  No man, woman, or child, should live under the military boot of a foreign occupier.   No nation or person has the right to subjugate others and deny them their freedom. 

The Arabs and Muslims themselves have abandoned their Muslim duty to fight with other Muslims against oppression and have lost the moral compass of the Qur’an ignoring God’s admonition that it is their duty to come to the aid of their fellow man., 

“And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of Allah, and on behalf of those who are weak, ill treated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is: “Our Lord! Rescue us from this town (to freedom) whose people are oppressors; and raise for us, out of Thy Grace, a protector, and raise for us, out of They Grace, one who will bring us victory.” [Quran 4:75:] 

Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on him said that Allah (swt) said: 

O My servants, I have forbidden oppression for Myself and have made it forbidden amongst you, so do not oppress one another. 

Today, May 15, the western compliciters, enablers and supporters of the founding of the Apartheid Exclusivist State of Israel, formerly Palestine, are congratulating and celebrating the birth of Israel, a terrorist state 

How ironic that just two days ago Obama’s Middle East envoy, Senator George Mitchell resigned exasperated and frustrated at every turn by Israel, our “special ally” as it refused every Peace proposal this administration dared to offer.

Mitchell is simply the latest of dozens of MidEast envoys who’ve surrendered their positions given Israel’s powerful grip on the U.S. Government beginning in 1949 with Truman’s envoy to a MidEast Peace Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, Ambassador Mark Etheridge. 

This American pandering to Israel and injustice against the Palestinians shall too pass as an evil in history. 

As Thomas Jefferson said: 

“I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.”

My beloved Palestine, Israel is on the wrong side of divine order, destiny, and human history and in the end like all Oppressors and Empires it too shall perish, but only if we as a human race inform ourselves on the issue, enlighten others, and unite in one single voice:  “Free Palestine/ 


A Moving, Haunting, Heart Breaking Look at the NAKBA, Photos of the Ethnic Cleansing and Dispossession of Palestinians from their Land.

PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO ON GAZA’S CHILDREN narrating the aftermath of Operation Cast Lead.   These are whom we’re trying to protect.  Can you honestly watch this video without a tear in your heart and eye?

The Suffering of Gaza’s Children under Israel, the Only Democracy in the Middle East, a nation that shares America’s values of invasions, genocide, theft of resources, and assassinations.

Short Beautiful Song:  “Forever Palestine”




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