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Islamophobia in the US, May 30, 2011: House Resolution Asks Feds to Counter Anti-Muslim Sentiment
----- CAIR: Calif. Mosque Fire Ruled Arson Muslim civil rights group asks for probe of possible bias motive (SACRAMENTO, CA, 5/25/11) –- The Sacramento Valley chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-SV) today said an April 23 fire at a Stockton, Calif., mosque has been ruled arson. CAIR-SV is asking that a possible bias motive for the fire be investigated. Law enforcement authorities are offering a $10,000 reward in the case and have released surveillance images from the time of the fire at Masjid Al Emaan. SEE: Mosque Fire Called Arson; Surveillance Images Released Video: Stockton Mosque Fire Ruled As Arson "We thank law enforcement authorities for their efforts in this case and ask that they investigate a possible bias motive for this act of arson," said CAIR-SV Executive Director Basim Elkarra. In March, Elkarra took part in a news conference with local and federal law enforcement authorities to announce an arrest in the case of a Madera, Calif., mosque that was vandalized last August with a brick and hate signs. CAIR: Calif. Mosque Vandalized with Hate Signs In the past year, arsonists have also targeted mosques or mosque construction sites in Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, and Michigan. In May of last year, a bomb exploded at a Florida mosque. Video: Houston Mosque Deliberately Set On Fire (CAIR) A number of other hate incidents targeting American Muslims, those perceived to be Muslim and Muslim institutions have occurred in the days since the death of Osama bin laden. SEE: Tenn. Mosque's 'Adopt A Highway' Sign Vandalized Video: Anti-Muslim Note Left on Woman's Car (CAIR-WA) Video: Florida Mosques Targeted by Hate (CAIR) Video: CAIR Calls La. Mosque Vandalism an Act of Intimidation The Washington-based Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization is urging members of the Muslim community to review security procedures using advice contained in its "Muslim Community Safety Kit." SEE: CAIR Muslim Community Safety Kit
- TOP When the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) entered
a new town, he would say: "O God ... put our love in the hearts of its
people and put the love of its righteous people in our hearts." Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 4, Number 147 ----- CAIR: HOUSE RESOLUTION
- TOP Today, Congressman Conyers sent a dear colleague
letter to all members of Congress, urging them to support a resolution
calling for the federal government to take steps to counter anti-Muslim
sentiment Latest News: The Council on American-Islamic
Relations, Customs Agents Detain, Question Muslims For No Reason. The
Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations said in a
news release Wednesday that it will file federal complaints. The following
link is to a video detailing this development: Dear Colleague: Please join us as an original co-sponsor of the
resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the federal government
should take steps to counter anti-Muslim sentiment. Over the last decade,
the American Muslim community has confronted a festering level of
suspicion which has manifested itself in hostile government policies and
bias from the general public. A CBS/ New York Times poll released in
mid-September showed that as many as 20 percent of Americans said they
have negative feelings toward Muslims because of the September 11th
terrorist attacks. While Congress has confronted some of the more violent
manifestations of this bias, the general climate faced by the community
has continued to create barriers to full participation in public life that
should be addressed by official government policy. (More) ----- IMAM
- TOP At the pulpit of an inner-city Chicago mosque, the
tall blond imam begins preaching in his customary fashion, touching on the
Los Angeles Lakers victory the night before, his own gang involvement as a
teenager, a TV soap opera and then the Day of Judgment. "Yesterday we watched the best of seven ... .
Unfortunately we forget the big final; it's like that show 'One Life to
Live,'" Imam Suhaib Webb says as sleepy boys and young men come to
attention in the back rows. "There's no overtime, bro." The sermon is typical of Webb, a charismatic
Oklahoma-born convert to Islam with a growing following among American
Muslims, especially the young. He sprinkles his public addresses with as
many pop culture references as Koranic verses and sayings from the
prophet. He says it helps him connect with his mainly U.S.-born flock. (More) SEE ALSO: IMAM
- TOP Editor's Note: This piece comes from a new
CNN special "Stories: Reporter." Tune in Saturday at 7:30PM EDT to see the
full story. Philadelphia (CNN) -- Listen to the FBI and you will
know that violent crime dropped over almost the whole country last year;
murder, aggravated assault, forcible rape. Listen to people in some parts
of Philadelphia and you will know that the Northeast is not part of that
trend. Here the numbers keep climbing. Violence comes to their streets as surely as sunset.
Abandoned houses share corners with makeshift memorials to victims; often
young men who get caught up in events they don't anticipate and can't
escape. "Around here it's not every safe to walk up the
streets," one kid said. "Someone could come up to you and start shooting
at you for no reason; just 'cause you're from that 'hood." That is why Imam Suetwidien Muhammad chose this place
to start hitting back. "I came up in this neighborhood," he said sitting in
the morning sun on the steps of a former plumbing supply warehouse. "This
neighborhood was averaging six murders a month. There was a lot of
violence, a lot of trash. We needed to bring about change." So 10 years ago he started Masjid Muhammad of
Philadelphia, a mosque in the old rundown warehouse. As he sat and
explained how the mosque had grown to 500 members, workers above him
pushed and slapped stucco into the three story stone facade above him.
They started by fixing up the inside so people could have a safe place to
come and pray. Congregants said the place perennially smells like
fresh paint because the imam is always busy fixing or improving something. Inside the doors from what was once the plumbing
supply loading dock are a small deli, a barber shop, a hair salon, a
restaurant and a sprawling prayer space. But Imam Muhammad's pride and joy
is upstairs, above the worship space; a boxing gym where the children of
the neighborhood come every day ... . The young boxers are a range of ages. Some were
raised Muslim, some Christian, some follow no faith, but all are welcome.
The lessons are free and not just about boxing. Imam Muhammad talks
endlessly about discipline, respect, education and commitment; about young
people turning into responsible adults. (More) ----- CA:
- TOP The relationship between the Jewish and Muslim
communities is often portrayed as one of enmity and opposition. In
reality, this is just not true. Both Jews and Muslims are adherents of
monotheist, Abrahamic religions that have a great deal in common. Perhaps more importantly, American Jews and Muslims
share the experience of living as minority communities within the larger
fabric of American society. For many of our ancestors, the freedom of
religion and expression afforded by the U.S. Constitution played a pivotal
role in informing their decision to emigrate to our great country. David Horowitz has claimed that opposition to
A.S. funding for his upcoming speech is rooted in a desire to silence him
and curtail his right to free speech. The truth is that we merely oppose
the use of student funds to subsidize bigotry and prejudice. (More) SEE ALSO: NEW BOOK
- TOP Last summer, as the debate over the Islamic community
center near ground zero reached a fever pitch, longtime friends and former
classmates Reza Aslan and Aaron Hahn Tapper were watching, fascinated. "There were some Jewish organizations coming down on
the rights of Muslims to build that center, and then some other Jewish
organizations were coming out in favor of it -- and criticizing those
other organizations -- and it just seemed like such a perfect example of
how complex that relationship really is," said Aslan, an internationally
acclaimed religious scholar, writer and professor at U.C. Irvine. "That
was a moment where we thought, 'It's time for this kind of book.' " "Muslims and Jews in America: Commonalities,
Contentions and Complexities," a collection of essays by preeminent
religious leaders, thinkers and innovators -- eight of them Muslim, eight
Jewish -- is the result of a longstanding friendship between Aslan and
Tapper. (More) ----- So, it turns out Islam is a religion. Imagine that. Granted, this would be considered self-evident by most
of us, but it has been a matter of great controversy in the Tennessee town
of Murfreesboro, where 17 people went to court last year to prevent a
group of Muslims from building a mosque. On their own land. The need to defend this fundamental right was only one
of the ordeals visited upon the Muslims of Murfreesboro, who have also
faced threats, vandalism and arson. As recently, vividly illustrated in
"Unwelcome: The Muslims Next Door," a troubling CNN documentary, the
antagonists here are a clownish band of bigots scared witless by the
prospect that a new mosque will be built in their community by a
congregation that has already worshipped in said community for 30 years. Seriously. You can't make this stuff up. The 17 had contended Muslims have no
constitutional freedom to worship because Islam is not a religion. So the
statement at the top of this column represents not just self-evident
truth, but an actual ruling last week by an actual judge in an actual
court. Again: seriously. Chancellor Robert Corlew, the aforementioned
actual judge, was obliged to verify that Islam -- which has survived 14
centuries, and claims a billion and a half adherents -- is a religion. (More) SEE ALSO: VIDEO:
- TOP May 27 (Bloomberg) -- Nicholas Kaiser, chairman of
Saturna Capital Corp. and manager of the Amana Income Fund, talks about
investing according to Sharia law. Kaiser speaks with Lisa Murphy on
Bloomberg Television's "Fast Forward." They spoke on May 23. Watch the video
here. ----- CAIR-WA: STOP
TOP Redmond is a growing city. And with this growth comes more diversity: In the last
10 years, populations in almost every racial group in the city have grown. As our neighbors become increasingly different from
ourselves, there needs to be more of an effort among us to understand each
other. We need to learn what we have in common and let that bring us
together rather than allow our differences to drive us apart. On Monday, a Redmond resident found a note stuck to
her vehicle stating, "We don't (want) Muslims in America" in English and
"We don't want Muslims in our country, go away," in Arabic. The woman, who is Muslim and wears an Islamic
head scarf, had entered a Starbucks in town with her 9-year-old daughter
for about 10 minutes and found the message -- written on a sticky note --
when they returned to their vehicle. (More) SEE ALSO: CAIR-CA:
TOP An early-morning fire that burned down a Stockton
mosque last month was the work of an arsonist, fire investigators said
Wednesday. They announced a $10,000 reward for information
leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for the
April 23 blaze that destroyed the Masjid Al Emaan Mosque at 4212 N.
Pershing Ave. in central Stockton. Also damaged were adjacent businesses -- Reliance Real
Estate Office and Living Well Ministries and Christian Center. The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
Explosives joined the investigation with the Stockton Fire and Police
departments. There were no injuries and the fire damage was estimated at
$400,000, ATF spokeswoman Helen Dunkel said. The ATF released footage from a video taken in
the mosque of an image of a person wearing a bag over his or her head,
entering just after 3 a.m. (More) ----- On Tuesday, Cain appeared on out-going Fox News host
Glenn Beck's radio program, and reiterated his belief that earlier
comments he had made about Muslims had been "misconstrued." "I immediately said, without thinking, 'No, I would
not be comfortable.' I did not say that I would not have [Muslims] in my
cabinet. If you look at my career, I have hired good people regardless of
race, religion, sex gender, orientation and this kind of thing." When Cain was approached by a Think Progress blogger
in Des Moines following a late March Conservative Principles Conference,
however, he was very clear. ... Would you be comfortable appointing a Muslim,
either in your cabinet or as a federal judge? Cain: "No, I would not. And here's why. There is
this creeping attempt, there is this attempted to gradually ease Sharia
law and the Muslim faith into our government. It does not belong in our
government ... . The question that was asked that 'raised some questions'
and, as my grandfather said, 'I does not care, I feel the way I feel.' ...
" (More) ----- CAIR-SAN DIEGO:
- TOP President Barack Obama's 45-minute Arab Spring
speech at the State Department last week signaled some hope and a
potential new direction to U.S. policy in the Mideast and in North Africa.
But then again, he delivered something similar almost two years ago in
Cairo only to disappoint Arabs and Muslims around the world later with a
lack of clear, concrete action to match his rhetoric. So we can only wait
and see if there is any substance to the hype. (More) Mohebi is the executive director for the San
Diego chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. He may be
reached at [email protected] ----- NY STATE
- TOP STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Rep. Michael Grimm addressed
approximately 300 members of the borough's Muslim community today during a
forum at Masjid al-Noor mosque in Concord. Grimm (R-Staten Island) spoke for about 15 minutes
during the Friday prayer congregation. Afterward he had lunch with the
group. "This is a great community on Staten Island.
They've been here for generation," Grimm said afterward. "This community,
and others like them, they are the most powerful force fighting
terrorism." (More)
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