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Alan Dershowitz: The Zionist Caricature By Gilad Atzmon
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, January 9, 2012
Could it be that
Zionist-caricature Alan Dershowitz has resorted to comedy as he desperately
tries to win his battle against me and my book? What else could
explain this intellectually retarded Zionist mouthpiece’s repetition of the
same old lies? A few years ago Norman Finkelstein established that
Dershowitz is a plagiarist, but now Dershowitz extends this infamous title -
Now, he’s actually plagiarising his own phantasmic fibs! Just a week before Hanukah,
fancying himself as a bit of a music critic, Dershowitz described me as an
‘obscure saxophonist’. This was amusing enough, but yesterday Dershowitz
elaborated on his notion of ‘obscurity’. In an embarrassingly unimaginative
and vindictive
article he called Chicago University
Professor of Philosophy Brian Leiter a “relatively obscure professor of
jurisprudence”. For a native English speaker (and a Harvard Professor)
Dershowitz sure has a limited English vocabulary. Professor Leiter’s crime was obvious enough: he stood up
for freedom of expression and open debate. He defended Professor John
Mearsheimer who has endorsed ‘The Wandering Who’ and refused to bow to vile
and relentless Zionist pressure to withdraw his praise for the book. To read Professor Leiter’s
article click here. Ethnic cleanser advocate
Dershowitz writes. “Without
bothering even to read Atzmon's book, Leiter pronounced that Atzmon's
‘positions [do not mark him] as an anti-Semite [but rather as]
cosmopolitan.’ Leiter also certified that Atzmon ‘does not deny the
Holocaust or the gas chambers.’ Had Leiter read the book, he could not have
made either statement.”
Dershowitz’ continues “Atzmon himself credits ‘a man
who…was an anti-Semite’ for ‘many of [his] insights’ and calls himself a
‘self-hating Jew’ who has contempt for ‘the Jew in me (him).’ If that's not
an admission of anti-Semitism, rather than ‘cosmopolitanism.’” But is this really an ‘admission of antisemitism’? Let’s
examine Dershowitz’ intentionally lame, convoluted and misleading argument.
To start with, the ‘Antisemite’ whom I indeed follow, is Otto Weininger, one
of the most influential intellects of pre- WWII Europe. But, it is not
Weininger’s alleged ‘antisemitism’ that I follow as I clearly note in my
book, but actually Weininger the genius philosopher. It is also true that I
am a ‘self hater’ and even a ‘proud self hater’ - an intellectual position
still legal in the West. It is also true that I oppose the ‘Jew’ in me, but
how does that make me into an antisemite? By opposing the Jew in me, I
oppose only an ideology. Basically, I reject all the symptoms
Dershowitz and other Zionists manifest in every and each of their relentless
Judeo-centric hasbara campaigns i.e. supremacy, duplicity, brutality,
vindictivess, ignorance and arrogance. Furthermore, I do not and
cannot oppose or hate the ‘Semite’ in me. This is simply because there is no
such a quality in me. Unlike Dershowitz and his Zionists ilk, I do not think
in racial terms. I am honest enough to admit that I am no ‘Semite’ and that
my ancestry lies not in Palestine. I am probably some kind of Khazarian
mongrel – as is Dershowitz and most European Jews. Dershowitz continues, “Leiter
went so far as to condemn those who dared to criticize Mearsheimer for
endorsing Atzmon's book, calling their criticism ‘hysterical’ and not
‘advance[ing] honest intellectual discourse.” Professor Leiter is actually spot- on in here.
Prophetically he manages to describe Dershowitz’ tantrum - the Zionist
advocate is clearly hysterical as he tries desperately to block intellectual
debate and exchange. On numerous occasions I have invited Dershowitz for a
debate, but it seems the Zionist caricature would not or could not take the
risk. Dershowitz is evidently as much a coward as he is a loudmouth. Towards the end of his rant
as Dershowitz reaches his climax, Professor Leiter becomes just a category
namely ‘the Leiters’.
“The Leiters of the world”, says
Dershowitz, “are an important part of the
reason why anti-Semitic tropes are creeping back to legitimacy in academia.” This
has left me puzzled. What about the ‘remote’ possibility that it is actually
the Dershowitzes of the world who, by their misbehaviour and by their
support of the criminal Jewish State, are bringing shame and even disaster,
God forbid, on the Jews? I cannot understand how one of America’s alleged
‘leading lawyers’ can fail to see that his shameless behaviour may well be
the root cause of the rapidly emerging anti-Jewish feelings in America and
beyond. But it seems as if Professor Leiter, Professor Richard
Falk, Professor Mearsheimer and myself are not alone. According to
Zionist-parody Dershowitz, we are in a good company. Leading Republican
Candidate Ron Paul has also found his way into becoming a target for
Dershowitz’ impotent rage. Paul is accused of being affiliated with, guess
what, ‘anti semitism’ and ‘holocaust denial’.
For some reason, Dershowitz, one of the most despised Zionists ever, seems
to believe that he holds the moral high ground. “Shame on them!” he
proclaims referring to Professor Leiter and Ron Paul. Well,
Dershowitz must know quite a bit about shame - He sure brings a lot of it on
himself and on every Jew and Zionist foolish enough to associate with him
and his message. To read a complete deconstruction of Dershowitz' lies click here. To read the Dershowitz attack on
Rep Ron Paul Professor Leiter and myself click here.
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