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Obama Gives Israel $3.1 Billion While Cutting
Assistance to 600,000 American Women and Children
Paul BallesAl-Jazeerah, CCUN, March 23, 2013
Reubner, Grassroots Advocacy Coordinator for the U.S. Campaign to End the
Israeli Occupation says “Israel stands to lose approximately $250 million
of its $3.1 billion military aid package
from the United States under the terms of the sequestration.” As a
result of sequestration budget cuts in America, many important programmes,
especially for the poor, will be unfunded. No cuts for Israel?
Among other things, 600,000 low-income
women and children could be thrown off the Special Nutrition Program for
Women, Infants and Children. The USDA
will treat 200,000 fewer acres for hazardous fuel contamination, leading
to an increased risk of wildfires. Around 70,000 children will
lose access to Head Start preschool services, with layoffs of 14,000
people nationwide. There will be reduced funding for the health
and well being of more than 373,000 seriously mentally ill adults and
children, which could result in increased hospitalizations and
homelessness. About 125,000 individuals and families have been put
at risk of becoming homeless, the Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) estimated. An additional 100,000 formerly
homeless people might be removed from emergency shelters or other housing
arrangements because of the cuts, according to HUD. These
represent only a few of many programmes to suffer from funding cuts. No
cuts for Israel? Let's look at the figures for some of the losers:
· A total of $86 million has been
slashed from key women’s health programs that primarily serve lower-income
women. · $8 million from the
Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program, ·
$24 million from the Title X family planning and reproductive services;
· $50 million from the Title V
Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant. ·
$20 million from the recently reinstated Violence Against Women Act
· $9 million from the Family Violence
Prevention Act · $424 million
from Head Start and Early Head Start programs, which provide health and
education services to low-income families. ·
$600 million is set to be cut from the Special Supplemental Nutrition
Program For Women, Infants and Children. A total of 1 billion, 221
million for these programs alone. But wait! AIPAC’s campaign in
Congress calls for: Efforts to provide Israel with its full $3.1
billion in military aid for 2013 and 2014, as well as $211m in additional
funding for the Iron Dome missile-defence system. The Washington
Post acknowledges that there may be consequences within the American
public “that attempts to exempt Israel from painful budget cuts while the
rest of the U.S. was forced to absorb them would cause a political
backlash.” Concurrent with the AIPAC meeting in Washington D.C.,
Congress is proposing a resolution which states “If Israel were compelled
to take military action in self defence, the U.S. government should stand
with Israel and supply military and diplomatic support.” This would create
additional costs. The Jewish Week calls AIPAC’s gambit to exempt
these cuts a “very risky strategy at a time when millions of Americans
will be feeling the bite of the sequestration debacle, which “could easily
backfire and damage Israel far more than any cuts in its very generous
grant aid program.” James M Wall asks, "Is the U.S. Congress so
beholden to AIPAC and so insensitive to the impact on programs like Head
Start for children, that it will give Israel’s self-designated “defensive
needs” priority over US domestic needs?" If the U.S. congress
yields to the wishes of AIPAC to exempt Israel from budget cuts at the
expense of needy Americans, those in Congress should not be proud to be