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By the Savage Exploitation of Workers,
Capitalists Commit Economic Hate Crime By Frank Scott Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, May 12, 2014
“Any government with both the power and the will to remedy
the major defects of the capitalist system would have the power and the
will to abolish it altogether.” Joan Robinson Economist
Joan Robinson was analyzing the situation a generation ago but her words
are a call to create such a government now. Our global problem is not
only a perpetually war-making empire but also the economic basis of its
imperial system. The evidence seemed clear to only some scholars in the
past, but it is becoming more obvious to anyone who notes the signs of
breakdown in the present. They are political, social and environmental,
all due to the economics of private profit at public loss. This lethal
combination threatens not just a crumbling empire, but all of humanity.
The market system under private control in which all goods and
services are produced for purchase that profits some at the expense of
many has gone as far as civilization can tolerate. However
rooted it might be in fiction or delusion, Capital has been able to
maintain a trickle down program to keep a middle class comfortable
enough to perpetuate its dream of a material equality which would
prevail and grow. Workers in the western world could see the potential
for a progressively better life since so many of them seemed to be
living it under capitalist social democracy. But that era ended late in
the 20th century and the sinking sensation many now feel is not merely
personal or even national; it is profoundly social and global. A
generation in the west saw working people rise to a status dubbed middle
class, representing gains for them at unnoticed loss for people in the
rest of the world. Minority profits always come at serious loss to the
majority, a reality that can no longer be hidden. Worse, the cultural
environmental assault that reduces the foundations of life - earth,
water and air - to no more than profit making commodities is causing
changes that spell more general doom if the process is allowed to
continue. Even if consciousness controllers could keep us in a
mental state accepting this system, a diminishing material reality is
forcing us to note massive and growing problems that cannot be solved by
belief systems. However we may be reduced to think ourselves personally
or psychologically isolated, all of us are threatened by what was once
air and water pollution and has now become rising sea levels, shrinking
land masses and radical climate changes. The problems created
by capitalism have become so obvious that many of its true believer
economists are forced to notice failings that are not aberrations but
endemic to the system. They propose changes, but they call for a return
to policies that helped the last near collapse of the previous century.
At that time, enlightened capital – not a total oxymoron – saw the
possibility of revolution if the contradictions of free market
fundamentalism prevailed. So they created a more liberal economic
structure that called for government investment in life support systems
from which private enterprise could not turn a profit. Working
people could not afford to create profits for the private sector by
purchasing housing, electricity and other necessities, so government
would provide financing, job creation and services to take care of these
things, at taxpayers’ expense. The rich paid a slightly higher tax rate,
easily affordable to them, but the bulk of the financial burden for
social services, as in diminished form today, was, and is born by the
greatest mass of the population. This primitive social
democratic phase in the USA – more highly developed in Europe - has been
under assault and led to austerity programs cutting social services and
the entire public sector and leading to greater inequality than ever
before. It is easy to depict the ruling wealthy as greedy or evil –
though some of them are – but they are only doing what the system
dictates: Increasing private profits by lowering wages and
benefits for workers while lowering taxes for themselves. This creates
greater profits for them, which they, according to legend, use to create
more jobs. The way the tooth fairy creates more teeth. The
illusion of a better future was possible for some workers in the
developed world because billions of people in the less developed world
assumed the horrendous burden of having greater profit accumulated on
their continued poverty. That could not last. We must not
mistake this as simply an end to arrogant western power or specifically
the domination of the USA over the world. Capitalism is moving at
different speeds in the newer environs of Russia, China and other
entries into private profit making assaults on the public and the
natural environment humanity depends on for survival. But cultural
differences in war making still mean mass murder and cultural
differences in capitalism only use different languages to do the same
thing: Extract private profit from humans and nature that lead
to the loss and detriment of much larger segments of humanity and the
planet that is our home. This can be called a free market, for
some, an entry to riches previously inconceivable, for a few, and a host
of other terms and buzz words that cloud a collective future of doom
under a cover of psycho-economic-religious babble. Whether life
was created in six days, six millennia or six trillion years, whether by
an explosion of nothing or an invention of something, it will come to an
end if we continue using it to briefly benefit only some at ultimate
cost to the many. That is the essence of anti-democratic capitalism and
it must be radically transformed by a truly democratic government as
called for in the opening quote. And it must happen everywhere, or
humanity will wind up nowhere. *** email: [email protected]
Frank Scott writes political commentary and satire which appears
online at the blog Legalienate
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