Gaza, Israeli defeat and the Judification of the solidarity movement...
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British Zionist Stooge, Michael Gove, Doesn't Like Comparison of Israeli War Crimes in Gaza with Nazi War Crimes! By Gilad Atzmon
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, September 15, 2014
The Guardian of Zion reported yesterday that: “Tory chief whip attacks protesters' response to Gaza conflict and comparisons between Israel's actions and Nazi war crimes” Michael Gove stated, “too many people are conflating legitimate criticism of Israel's general policies with straightforward anti-Semitism?"
It would be enlightening to learn from Gove how he suggests that one formulate an appropriate kosher criticism of the Jewish State and its Jewish lobbies without being tagged as an anti-Semite.
Is criticism of the fact that 80% of Tory MPs (Gove included) are friends of Israel a legitimate criticism of the Jewish state and its power?
Is the fact that 80% of the British conservative MPS care about Tel Aviv, but not one of them has paid enough attention to Glasgow or Paisley a valid criticism?
Or is any such critique classified as Jew hatred that I will be accused of spewing once again?
Ignoramus ex-Secretary of State for Education Gove said, “protesters who are boycotting Israeli goods over Gaza need to be reminded that the Nazi campaign against Jewish goods ended with a campaign against Jewish lives.” The facts suggest the opposite.
It was the 1933 Jewish boycott of German goods that led to the most severe measures against German Jews and later European Jewry.
It would be helpful if British politicians who decide to lecture us about European and Jewish history exhibit a minimal command of the history of the 20th century. It would be even more helpful if The Guardian of Zion chose to reestablish its position as the Guardian of the truth and offer a critique of the phlegmatic politician instead of blowing the Zionist Shofar.
Michael Gove and the Holocaust
http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/michael-gove-and-the-holocaust.html ***
The Guardian Of Big Money
For the time being I’ll leave this question open.
What is it in the love to one’s soil and people that contradicts social justice? Is belonging to an extended national collective necessarily a bad thing?
*** Audio Conversation Between Gilad Atzmon and Walid Darab on Gaza and Israel Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, September 15, 2014
Gilad's USA September Tour
http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/gilads-usa-september-tour.html http://wanderingwho.com/
Watch Gilad Atzmon and Amina Figarova http://youtu.be/Ak5nXnHwzDI September 17 Wednesday Houston, TX Jazz Performance and Discussion by Gilad Atzmon Where: 1504 Wirt Rd. -Unitarian Fellowship (approx 1 mile north of I-10
just past Westview across from Krogers)) Sponsored by: Justice for Palestinians Donations Accepted (Seating Limited) September 18 Thursday
Austin, TX Gilad Atzmon in Austin, TX 7:00-10pm To find more details, RSVP Send Mail or call 512 270 0092 September 19 Friday Denver, CO COMMUNITY FORUM FOR THE HEART & MIND – in the Sanctuary at First Universalist Church of Denver (4101 E. Hampden Avenue, Denver, CO 80222 – NE corner Hampden & Colorado Blvd.) Special Forum – at 7:00 p.m. The Israeli-Palestine Conflict and the Path to Peace – (and more) with
Richard Forer and Gilad Atzmon September 20 Saturday Seattle, WA “Stop Unholy Alliance” Forum When: 7pm September 21 Sunday Vancouver, BC, Canada September 22 Monday Portland, OR Gilad Atzmon Presents:
When: 5-8:30pm One Night Only! Jazz with Gilad Atzmon with Steve Cleveland, Russell Gores & Dan Schulte @ Velo Cult from 9-10:30pm September 23 Tuesday Berkeley, CA Event Details TBA September 24 Wednesday Chicago, IL Stop the Palestinian Genocide: A Discussion on Tactics and Strategies for Supporters of Palestine With Author/Jazz Artist Gilad Atzmon. Jazz Jam by Gilad Atzmon with artist Donavan Mixon following the discussion. When: 7-9p.m. Sponsored by: Liberation Education Action Research Network and NEIU Justice Studies Department” September 26 Friday NYC, NY Gilad Atzmon Quartet in NYC @ZEB’S
Gilad Atzmon is coming from London for a unique session at Zeb’s studio,
Manhattan, NYC. Sets at 8pm and 10pm Book now: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/856267 September 27 Saturday - Gilad Atzmon with Amina Figarova, New Jersey – new, interesting development of artistic dialogue between NYC based pianist Amina Figarova, originally from Azerbaijan, and saxophone player Gilad Atzmon began a few years ago in Luxembourg leading to concert tours in the UK and the US. The duo performs jazz standards as well as original compositions in musical exploration. No grandstanding, no coasting - just two masterful musicians playing together. http://www.puffinculturalforum.org/ September 28 Sunday - Gilad Atzmon with Amina Figarova Baltimore, MD, Location http://www.andiemusiklive.com/ September 29 Monday Manhattan 18 West 18th St., Between 5th & 6th Avenues, 6th Floor, Room 606,
“The Biology of the Conflict: the Building of the Cognitive Elite
Meritocracy Within the Jewish Ghetto, American Society, and Gaza”.
RSVP strongly recommended: Phone: 212.879.3961 Gilad Atzmon *** Share this article with your facebook friends |
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