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The Israel Project for Disinformation, Subjugation, and Occupation, So-Called TIP, Targets Amnesty International By Stuart Littlewood Redress, Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, May 5, 2015
Amnesty International browbeaten by pro-Israel propaganda outfit (TIP)
Here’s the TIP petition that just landed in my inbox:
The conference resolution urged Amnesty to “campaign against anti-Semitism in the UK and lobby the government to tackle the rise in attacks”. It seems Amnesty UK’s Board supported the resolution but the majority of members didn’t. I sense that the British people are becoming weary of the incessant bleating about anti-Semitism, the way it is continually used to silence debate… Jews probably enjoy more rights here than they would in Israel. There are already enough organisations fighting anti-Semitism and the UK government is pouring millions of pounds of our tax money into the effort. If Amnesty doesn’t want to join the fight and perhaps feels there are other issues it should concentrate on, who is to quarrel with that? Besides, across large swathes of the country anti-Semitism, violent or otherwise, is unheard-of. I sense that the British people are becoming weary of the incessant bleating about anti-Semitism, the way it is continually used to silence debate, and how the government indulges a section of the public whose tribal brethren commit endless atrocities in the Holy Land and cruelly deny our Palestinian friends their rights. It’s The Israel Project, againThe petition against Amnesty has been got up by The Israel Project (TIP), which describes itself as “a non-partisan American educational organisation dedicated to informing the media and public conversation about Israel and the Middle East”. TIP, it says, “does not lobby and is not connected to any government. TIP informs, providing facts, access to experts and keen analysis.” Oh really? Not long ago TIP produced a training manual to help the worldwide Zionist movement win its propaganda war, keep its ill-gotten territorial gains in the Holy Land and persuade international audiences to accept that its crimes are necessary and actually conform to “shared values” between Israel and the civilised West. The manual teaches how to justify the slaughter, the ethnic cleansing, the land-grabbing and the blatant disregard for international law and UN resolutions, and makes it all smell sweet with a liberal squirt of persuasive language. It is designed to hoodwink us ignorant and gullible Americans and Europeans into believing that we actually share values with the racist regime in Israel and that its abominable behaviour is deserving of our support. It wouldn’t surprise me if this manual still serves as a media communications primer for the army of cyber-scribblers that Israel’s Ministry of Dirty Tricks has recruited to spread Zionism’s poison across the internet (see this and this). Its first words set the tone: “Remember, it’s not what you say that counts. It’s what people hear.” The manual’s numerous teachings, a small handful of which are reproduced here, are aimed at the mass of “persuadables” primarily American but also British. There is great emphasis from the start on isolating and demonising democratically-elected Hamas.
Hamas and Hezbollah are organisations created out of necessity to resist Israeli aggression and only regarded as terrorists by the Washington-Tel Aviv axis and by US-Israeli stooges in London and some other capitals. George W. Bush used this definition: “The term “terrorism” means an activity that: (i) involves a violent act or an act dangerous to human life,
property, or infrastructure; and The joke is that it describes the antics of Israel perfectly.
Indeed. Civilised people don’t. Defence for Children International Palestine and UN agencies agree that around 548 children were slaughtered and well over 3,000 injured in the Jewish state’s assault on Gaza last summer. What, I wonder, would Peter Benenson have made of that? I imagine he would be rescuing Palestinian children and urging British Jews to intervene firmly with their kin in Israel. There have been many warnings from Jews themselves that resentment of Israel’s atrocities would be felt by Jewish communities around the world, so the rise in anti-Semitism is no surprise. “Humanise rockets: paint a vivid picture”The manual pumps out trashy advice galore:
Is democracy a shared value? Hardly. Israel is an ethnocracy. Is freedom a shared value? The world is still waiting for Israel to allow the Palestinians their freedom. Israel wants peace? Israel has never met its peace agreement obligations. Every action is directed at keeping the conflict going until the Israelis have stolen enough land and established enough “facts on the ground” – Jews-only settlements, highways, disconnected Palestinian bantustans – to enable them to redraw the map and make the occupation permanent.
Where are the moderate Israeli partners?
If the fight isn’t about land, why did Israel steal it at gunpoint? And why won’t it give it back when told to by the UN?
By the same token we must call the racist regime what it is: US-backed Israel.
The correct approach is for the international community to first insist that Israel complies with international law and the many UN resolutions it has contemptuously ignored. The boundaries are already defined. Whatever issues remain to be decided, Palestinians should not have to negotiate under occupation and with a gun to their heads. The manual gives a long glossary of terms. Here’s a sample:
Israelis know all about deliberately bombarding civilian targets. And they are careful not to mention that Sderot, until recently the only Israeli township within range of Gazan rockets, is built on the ruins of an ethnically cleansed Palestinian village whose inhabitants were forced from their homes by Jewish terrorists.
Would Israel (or TIP) care to tell the world how many bombs, rockets and shells (including the illegal and prohibited variety) its F-15 warplanes, tanks, armed drones, helicopter gunships and navy gunboats have poured into the densely-packed humanity that is Gaza? And how many Palestinian homes it has destroyed? The TIP’s propaganda manual, which runs to 116 pages, is a squalid piece of work which recycles many of the discredited techniques used by the advertising industry before standards of honesty, decency and truthfulness were brought in to protect the public. It seeks to undermine with clever words and disinformation the inalienable rights pledged by the UN and the world’s civilised nations to all peoples, including the Palestinians. Amnesty International has no need to hear lectures or accept petitions on human rights from TIP. *** Share this article with your facebook friends |
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