US Mass Mobilizations:
Wars and Financial Plunder
By James Petras
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN,
December 3, 2018
Anti-Trump mass mobilization in 2017 faded away because of a
lack of leadership |
US Mass Mobilizations: Wars and Financial Plunder
Over the past three decades, the US government has engaged in over a
wars, none of which have evoked popular celebrations either
before, during or after. Nor
did the government succeed in securing
popular support in its efforts to confront the
economic crises of
2008 – 2009.
This paper will begin by discussing the major wars of our time,
namely the two
US invasions of Iraq . We will proceed to analyze the
nature of the popular response and
the political consequences.
In the second section we will discuss the economic crises of 2008
-2009, the
government bailout and popular response. We will conclude
by focusing on the
potential powerful changes inherent in mass
popular movements.
The Iraq War and the US Public
In the run-up to the two US wars against Iraq, (1990 – 01 and 2003 –
20011) there
was no mass war fever, nor did the public celebrate the
outcome. On the contrary both
wars were preceded by massive protests
in the US and among EU allies. The first Iraqi
invasion was opposed
by the vast-majority of the US public despite a major mass media
regime propaganda campaign backed by President George H. W. Bush.
Subsequently, President Clinton launched a bombing campaign against
Iraq in December
1998 with virtually no public support or approval.
March 20, 2003, President George W. Bush launched the second major
against Iraq despite massive protests in all major US cities.
The war was officially
concluded by President Obama in December
2011. President Obama’s declaration of a
successful conclusion
failed to elicit popular agreement.
Several questions arise: Why mass opposition at the start of the Iraq
wars and
why did they fail to continue?
Why did the public refuse to celebrate President Obama’s ending of
the war in
Why did mass protests of the Iraq wars fail to produce durable
political vehicles
to secure the peace?
The Anti-Iraq War Syndrome
The massive popular movements which actively opposed the Iraq wars
had their
roots in several historical sources. The success of the
movements that ended the Viet
Nam war, the ideas that mass activity
could resist and win was solidly embedded in large
segments of the
progressive public. Moreover, they strongly held the idea that the mass
media and Congress could not be trusted; this reinforced the idea
that mass direct action
was essential to reverse Presidential and
Pentagon war policies.
The second factor encouraging US mass
protest was the fact that the US was
internationally isolated.
Presidents George H. W. and George W. Bush wars faced
hostile regime
and mass opposition in Europe, the Middle East and in the UN General
Assembly. US activists felt that they were part of a global movement
which could
Thirdly the advent of Democratic President Clinton did not reverse
the mass anti
war movements. The terror bombing of Iraq in December
1998 was destructive and
Clinton’s war against Serbia kept the
movements alive and active To the extent that
Clinton avoided large
scale long-term wars, he avoided provoking mass movements from
re-emerging during the latter part of the 1990’s.
The last big wave of mass anti-war protest occurred from 2003 to
2008. Mass
anti-war protest to war exploded soon after the World
Trade Center bombings of 9/11.
White House exploited the events to
proclaim a global ‘war on terror’, yet the mass
popular movements
interpreted the same events as a call to oppose new wars in the
Middle East.
Anti-war leaders drew activists of the entire decade, envisioning a
which could prevent the Bush regime from launching a
series of wars without end.
Moreover, the vast-majority of the
public was not convinced by officials’ claims that
Iraq, weakened
and encircled, was stocking ‘weapons of mass destruction’ to attack the
Large scale popular protests challenged the mass media,
the so called respectable
press and ignored the Israeli lobby and
other Pentagon warlords demanding an invasion
of Iraq. The
vast-majority of American, did not believe they were threatened by
Hussain they felt a greater threat from the White House’s
resort to severe repressive
legislation like the Patriot Act.
Washington’s rapid military defeat of Iraqi forces and its
occupation of the Iraqi state led to a decline in the size and scope of
the anti-war
movement but not to its potential mass base.
Two events led to the demise of the anti-war movements. The anti-war
turned from independent direct action to electoral politics
and secondly, they embraced
and channeled their followers to support
Democratic presidential candidate Obama. In
large part the movement
leaders and activists believed that direct action had failed to
prevent or end the previous two Iraq wars. Secondly, Obama made a direct
appeal to the peace movement – he promised to end wars and
pursue social justice at
With the advent of Obama, many peace leaders and followers joined the
political machine .Those who were not coopted were quickly
disillusioned on all counts.
Obama continued the ongoing wars and
added new ones—Libya, Honduras, Syria. The
US occupation in Iraq led
to new extremist militia armies which preceded to defeat US
vassal armies up to the gates of Baghdad. In short time Obama launched a
of warships and warplanes to the South China Sea and
dispatched added troops to
The mass popular
movements of the previous two decades were totally
betrayed and disoriented. While most opposed Obama’s ‘new’ and ‘old
wars’ they struggled to find new outlets for their anti-war beliefs.
Lacking alternative
anti-war movements, they were vulnerable to the
war propaganda of the media and the
new demagogue of the right.
Donald Trump attracted many who opposed the war
monger Hilary
The Bank Bailout: Mass Protest Denied
In 2008, at the end of his presidency, President George W. Bush
signed off on a
massive federal bailout of the biggest Wall Street
banks who faced bankruptcy from their
wild speculative profiteering.
In 2009 President Obama endorsed the bailout and urged rapid
approval. Congress complied to a $700-billion- dollar
handout ,which according to
Forbes (July 14, 2015) rose to $7.77
trillion. Overnight hundreds of thousands of
American demanded
Congress rescind the vote. Under immense popular protest,
capitulated.However President Obama and the Democratic Party leadership
insisted: the bill was slightly modified and approved. The ‘popular
will’ was denied.
The protests were neutralized and dissipated. The
bailout of the banks proceeded, while
several million households
watched while their homes were foreclosed ,despite some
protests. Among the anti-bank movement, radical proposals flourished,
from calls to nationalize them, to demands to let the big
banks go bankrupt and provide
federal financing for co-operatives
and community banks.
Clearly the vast-majority of the American
people were aware and acted to resist
corporate-collusion to plunder
Conclusion: What is to be Done?
Mass popular mobilizations are a reality in the United States. The
problem is that
they have not been sustained and the reasons are
clear: they lacked political organization
which would go beyond
protests and reject lesser evil policies.
The anti-war movement which started in opposition to the Iraq war was
marginalized by
the two dominant parties. The result was the
multiplication of new wars. By the second
year of Obama’s presidency
the US was engaged in seven wars.
By the second year of Trump’s Presidency the US was threatening
nuclear wars against
Russia, Iran and other ‘enemies’ of the empire.
While public opinion was decidedly
opposed, the ‘opinion’ barely
rippled in the mid-term elections.
Where have the anti-war and anti-bank masses gone? I would argue they
are still
with us but they cannot turn their voices into action and
organization if they remain in the
Democratic Party. Before the
movements can turn direct action into effective political
economic transformations, they need to build struggles at every level
from the local
to the national.
The international conditions are ripening. Washington has alienated
around the world ;it is challenged by allies and faces
formidable rivals. The domestic
economy is polarized and the elites
are divided.
Mobilizations, as in France today, are
self-organized through the internet; the
mass media are discredited.
The time of liberal and rightwing demagogues is passing; the
of Trump arouses the same disgust as ended the Obama regime.
Optimal conditions for a new comprehensive movement that goes beyond
piecemeal reforms is on the agenda. The question is whether it is
now or in future years
or decades?
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