US Empire Spy-Mongering and Elite
Conspiracy Practitioners
By James Petras
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN,
September 2, 2018
The mass media and political leaders of the US have resorted to
competitors and adversaries as spies engaged in criminal
theft of vital political, economic
and military know-how.
The spy-mania has spread every place and all the time, it has become
an essential
element in driving national criminal hearings, global
economic warfare and military
In this paper we will analyze and discuss the use and abuse of
spy-mongering by
(1) identifying the accused countries which are
targeted; (2) the instruments of the spy
conspiracy; and (3) the
purpose of the ‘spy attacks’.
Spies, Spies Everywhere: A Multi-Purpose Strategy
Washington’s ‘spy-strategy’ resorts to multiple targets, focusing on
different sectors of
Russia has been accused of poisoning adversaries,
using overseas operatives in England.
The evidence is non-existent.
The accusation revolves around an instant lethal poison which in
fact did not lead to death.
No Russian operative was identified.
The only ‘evidence’ was that Russia possessed the
poison- as did the
US and other countries. The events took place in England and the British
government played a major role in pointing the finger toward Russia
and in launching a global
media campaign which was amplified in the
US and in the EU.
The UK expelled Russian diplomats and threatened sanctions. The Trump
regime picked
up the cudgels, increasing economic sanctions and
demanding that Russia ‘confess’ to its
‘homicidal behavior’. The
poison plot resonated with the Democratic Party campaign against
Trump , accusing Russia of meddling in the Presidential election, on
Trump’s behalf. No
evidence was presented. But the less the
evidence, the longer the investigation and the wider the
conspiratorial net; it now includes overseas business people, students
and diplomats.
US conspiracy officials targeted China,
accusing the Chinese government of stealing US
scientific research and patents. China’s billion dollar “Belt and Road”
with over sixty countries was presented as a communist
plot to dominate countries, grab their
resources, generate debt
dependency and to recruit overseas networks of covert operatives. In
fact, China’s plans were public, accepted by most of the US allies and
…membership was even
offered to the US.
Iran was accused of plotting to establish overseas
terrorist military operations in Yemen,
Iraq and Syria – targeting
the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia. No evidence was ever presented. In
fact, massive US and EU supplied arms and advisors to Saudi Arabia’s
overt terror bombing of
Houthi-led Yemen cities and populations.
Iran backed the Syrian government in opposition to
the US backed
armed mercenaries. Iranian advisers in Syria were bombed by Israel – and
The US policy elite resort to
conspiratorial plots and spying depends heavily on the mass
media to
repeat and elaborate on the charges endlessly, depending on
self-identified experts and
ex-pats from the targeted country. In
effect the media is the message. Media-state collaboration
reinforced by the application of sanctions--- the punishment proves
In the case of Russia, the conspirators demonize President
Putin; he is ‘guilty’ because he
was an ex-official of the police; he
was accused of ‘seizing’ Crimea which voted to rejoin
Russia. In
other words, plots are linked to unrelated activity, personality
disorders and to US
self-inflicted defeats!
Labeling is another tool common to conspiracy plotters; China is a
‘dictatorship’ intent on
taking over the world--- therefore, it
could only defeat the US through spying and stealing secrets
assets from the US.
Iran is labelled a ‘terrorist state’ which allows the US to violate
the international nuclear
agreement and to support Israeli demands
for economic sanctions. No evidence is ever presented
that Iran
invaded or terrorized any state.
The Political Strategy Behind Conspiracy Terrorists
There are several important motives for the US government to resort
to conspiracy plots.
By accusing countries of crimes, it hopes that
the accused will respond by revealing their
inability or
unwillingness to engage in the action falsely attributed to them.
Pentagon plots put
adversaries on the defensive – spending time and
energy answering to the US agenda rather than
pursuing and advancing
their own.
For example, the US claims that China
is stealing economic technology to promote its
superiority, is
designed to pressure China to downplay or modify its long-term plan for
growth. While China will not give general credence to US
conspiracy practitioners,
it has downplayed the slogans designed to
motivate its scientists to “Make China Great’.
Likewise, the US
conspiracy practitioners accusation that Iran is ‘meddling’ in Yemen
and Syria is designed to distract world opinion from the US military
support for Saudi Arabia’s
terror bombing in Yemen and Israel’s
missile attacks in Syria.
Plot accusations have had some effect in Syria. Russia has demanded
or asked Iran to
withdraw fifty miles from the Israeli border.
Apparently Iran has lowered its support for Yemen.
Russia has been
blanketed with unsubstantiated accusations of intervening in the
which distracts attention from Washington’s support for the
mob-led coup.
The UK claim that Russia planted a deadly poison, was concocted in
order to distract
attention from the Brexit fiasco and Prime
Minister May’s effort to entice the US to sign a major
How Successful are Conspiratorial Politics?
The greatest success of the US conspiracy practitioners has been in
convincing the US
mass media to act as an arm of the
CIA-Pentagon-Congressional and Presidential interventionist
Secondly, the conspiracy has had an impact on both political parties
– especially the
Democratic leadership, which has waged a political
war accusing Trump of plotting with Russia,
to defeat Clinton in the
presidential elections. However, Democratic conspiracy advocates have
sacrificed their popular electorate who are more interested in
economic issues then in regime
plots – and may lose to the
Republicans in the fall 2018 Congressional elections.
Thirdly, the
plot and spy line has some impact on the EU but not on their public.
Moreover, the EU is more concerned with President Trump’s trade war
and made overtures to
Fourthly, China , Iran and Russia have moved closer economically in
response to the
conspiracy plots and trade wars.
Conclusion: The Perils of Power Grabbers
Conspiratorial plots have a narrow audience, mostly the US mass media
and elite . They
seem to have a short-term impact in justifying
sanctions and trade wars. The media plotters
having called wolf and
proved nothing ,have lost credibility among a wide swath of the public.
Moreover, the conspiracy has not resulted in any basic shifts in the
orientation of their
adversaries, nor has it shaped the electoral
agenda for the majority of US voters.
The conspiracy advocates have discredited themselves by the
transparency of their
fabrications and the flimsiness of their
evidence. In the long-run, historians will provide a
footnote on the
bankruptcy of US foreign and domestic policy based on plots and
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