Made-for-TV Presidential Debates:
Forgettable Candidates and Irritating
By James J
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN,
August 6, 2019
I've just returned from Detroit, Michigan, where I attended
the second set of Democratic Party presidential primary debates. For
many reasons, the debates were a frustrating experience. In the first
place, there were simply too many candidates many of whom, frankly
speaking, didn't belong cluttering up the stage. And then there was the
way these debates were run more for TV ratings and entertainment, than
for serious discussion and enlightenment.
In 1984, I was in New
Hampshire with Reverend Jesse Jackson for one of that year's Democratic
presidential primary debates. It was a thoughtful discussion with a
professional moderator. At one point, though, I recall looking at the
eight candidates on stage and thinking to myself, "Jesse is dominating
this debate. He may not win, but he'll always be remembered. A few years
from now, how many of these other guys will we even be able to recall
were in this race?"
Sure enough, three years later, I made a
practice of asking folks how many of the 1984 candidates they could
name. After recalling Jackson, Senator Gary Hart, and then Walter
Mondale, the eventual nominee most got stuck. The others, though quite
accomplished (four were senators and one was a governor), had been
largely forgotten.
I simply couldn't understand why most of them
were running in 1984. They were nice enough, smart enough, and each of
them had realized some degree of success but they did not and could
not stand out as memorable. While I suppose that they each saw
themselves in a larger light, complete with fantasies of sitting in the
Oval Office, they were largely gray, rather dull individuals, lacking
bold ideas or compelling personalities that would distinguish them from
a host of other politicians. Why they thought they could rise above the
pack and become president was puzzling then and remains so today.
I say this because I had much the same experience this week in
Detroit, Michigan. Twenty of the 25 declared candidates met the
standards that had been established to participate in the debates. And,
as in 1984, they were largely individuals of some distinction. There
were seven Senators, seven others who had served or are currently
Members of Congress or Governors, three mayors, a former vice-president,
and a former cabinet secretary. And yet, as I watched them debate, the
1984 questions came back to me, "Why are they doing this?" and "Will
anyone even remember that they ran three years from now?"
As I
watched the debates unfold, it became painfully clear that several of
the candidates simply lacked the stature to compete. Why, then, were
they there? What did they hope to accomplish? And how could they be so
lacking in self-awareness that they would subject themselves to the
embarrassment of being so outclassed on stage?
Because there were
so many who are running, each of the two debate nights featured 10
candidates on stage. And each night's debates lasted an exhausting two
and one-half hours. Especially upsetting was how the debates were run
more as a made for television spectacle, designed to boost ratings (and
therefore advertising revenues) than as a serious effort to help voters
decide who would be best to lead the nation for the next four years.
A few weeks back, we got an inkling of how the sponsoring network
would be operating the debate when they devoted a full hour to a
lottery-style drawing to determine which 10 would go on which night. It
was bizarre, with each draw shown live, simultaneously, on three cameras
ญญ each from a different angle. The draws were preceded by the musical
equivalent of a drum-roll, followed by commentary about "what this draw
means." The atmosphere created was more that of a TV game show.
This continued in the days leading up to "Debate Night" with endless
commentary from pundits sounding a lot like sports analysts "gaming the
match-ups", as if we were getting set for a professional boxing match.
"Will Senators Warren and Sanders go after each other?" "Will Vice
President Biden be ready to defend himself against another attack from
Senator Harris?"
Debate night featured more of the same, complete
with an hour and a half "pre-game show" that featured rousing warm-up
speeches "Are you ready, Democrats?" and an actual "warm-up guy" who
came onto the stage, I kid you not, with this, "You are a great looking
audience, really!" followed by instructions as to when to applaud and
when not to. It was like fight night in Las Vegas.
Then came the
There was a time (like back in 1984), when the debates
were driven by the candidates. Now too much attention and control has
been given to the TV personalities. It is they, not the candidates, who
drive the process, with their obvious biases on display and their
intention to stir the pot in order to make for a good show.
was clear from the beginning as one of the TV hosts saw it as his job to
debunk Senator Sanders' and Warren's proposed Medicare For All
legislation. After trying, himself, to set the trap by repeatedly asking
Warren whether she would raise taxes for the middle class to pay for her
proposal, he shifted gears, prodding some of the other less known
candidates to challenge both Warren and Sanders.
exchanges that followed became testy (I guess that was viewed as "good
for ratings") and also produced some of the evening's more memorable
lines. Warren shot back at the TV guy "These are Republican talking
points!" and she asked one of her opponents why he was running as
Democrat if he couldn't support "big ideas" that helped people. Sanders,
for his part, after being badgered by an opponent who continued to
interrupt him challenging what was included in the Medicare For All
bill, shouted back that of course he knew what was in there because, "I
wrote the damn bill!" He also questioned why we could give billions of
dollars in tax breaks to the richest Americans, without any protest, yet
balk at spending more to ensure that health care be guaranteed as a
right, instead of as a privilege.
If the intent had been to
deflate Sanders and Warren, it didn't work. They fended off challenges
and emerged not only unscathed, but the evening's dominant
The second "Debate Night" was different. The TV
moderators continued to use Sanders' and Warren's progressive agenda as
foils, baiting the 10 on stage to challenge them, even though they
weren't there to explain what was actually in their proposals. The rest
of the evening was a pretty messy affair, as the candidates attacked
each other, with the two current on-stage leaders, Biden and Harris
bearing the brunt of the attacks. Biden looked defensive and, at times,
flustered. Although Harris was crowned as the "star" of the first debate
for her gimmicky challenge to Biden's opposition to federally mandated
busing to end school segregation, but when challenged in this debate for
her record as a prosecutor, she didn't fare as well. She looked
defensive and peevish. In fact, the star of the night was Senator Cory
Booker whose winsome personality and calm demeanor kept him largely
above the fray.
So, there you have it. After two nights in
which millions of dollars were spent (and millions in advertising
revenues were earned), what we got were a few memorable lines, a few
lasting impressions, a few battered candidates, a few who weathered
attacks, and a lot of heat with very little light.
This is not
the way it should be. We should be able to elect the person who will
lead us (and much of the world) into the future based on their policies,
their ability to effectively organize, and their life's work, not on
their showmanship or their one-up-man-ship in a reality TV-style game
And, by the way, as was the case in 1984, I believe that
even a year from now most voters will have trouble remembering who else,
other than a few notable stars, were on that debate stage in Detroit.
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