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Trump Defeated Both Parties by Appealing to the
Alienated, Slighted, Disparaged, and Angry Population Groups
By James J
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN,
September 1, 2019
Addressing Those Who Have Been Fooled
It was more than a century and a half ago that Abraham Lincoln told
us, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the
people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of
the time." While the wisdom behind these words is clear, what has long
confounded me is, quite simply, "why
can some folks be fooled all the time?"
this question has never been as important as it is today because we have
a president who,
despite having a strained relationship with the truth, retains a
hard core base of supporters
who continue to believe in him.
It appears that Donald Trump
can't spend a single day without using Twitter or press meet-ups to make
statements that are obvious exaggeration or outright fabrication. Some
of these have been dismissed as harmless or even laughably silly, while
others can be legitimately categorized as dangerous acts of incitement.
Some media outlets have kept a running tally of his falsehoods – we
are now somewhere in the neighborhood of 12,000 – or an average of 13 a
day since he took the oath of office. The problem has become so
concerning that many major newspapers and television networks have taken
the unprecedented step of allowing their journalists to now describe the
president's statements as "lies."
Among his bizarre exaggerations
are those about the size of his rallies, the extent of his wealth, the
number of jobs he has created, or the honors he has claimed to receive.
There are, however, the more damaging false statements he has made
targeting individual members of the media, judiciary, Congress, or
vulnerable minority communities – painting them as dangerous or even
anti-American, "enemies of the people."
In addition to these,
there are the tweets or harangues that have caused uncertainty about our
foreign policy, resulting in consternation and insecurity among our
allies, and boasts or threats about trade issues or domestic policies
that have created havoc in world markets.
What is
troubling is not just the accumulated mass of distortions that have
become even more frequent over time. More disturbing are the polls that
show about 30% of the electorate saying that they believe that this
president almost always tells the truth. These are the folks to whom
Lincoln was referring when he spoke of fooling "some of the people all
of the time." This is where we must ask the question "Why?" What don't
we understand about Trump supporters? How have the political experts
continuously been so wrong about this president and those who believe in
Ever since the early days of the 2016 contest, the pundits
proclaimed Donald Trump unfit to run for president and assumed after
each of his early outrages that he was finished and would never become
the nominee. They then convinced themselves that he would never be
elected president. And even now, there are almost daily columns by the
very same commentators saying how exhausted they are with Trump's
outrages, making predictions that his presidency is doomed.
were wrong because they missed a fundamental point: there remains a
sizable base of voters who despite all evidence to the contrary continue
to believe that what Trump says is true and who, therefore, cling to his
In addition to the 30% who are "true believers,"
there are also those mainstream Republicans who support the president
because, as I described on an earlier occasion, they made a "Faustian
deal." They recognized the power of his base, feared confronting it, and
felt that if they got behind him, they could ride on the back of his
presidency to achieve their goals of deregulation, more conservative
judges, and implementation of more regressive taxation – all of which
they have, in fact, realized.
What was key was that they feared
his base. They saw the fervor generated at his rallies. And they came to
understand that given the devotion he generated, it would be dangerous
to oppose him. They also came to believe that the irrational support he
had earned was so strong that he could, as he himself once boasted,
"shoot someone on 5th Avenue" and get away with it.
This is the
problem we must understand and the dilemma we must confront. We know why
the GOP's leadership supports this President – he is fulfilling his part
of the "deal". But why is it that his "base" – made up of a
disproportionately large percentage of lower income, less educated white
folks, who are living in formerly prosperous farming, mining, or
industrial communities – why do they continue to suspend disbelief and
support him? And why do they stay with him despite the fact that the
policies he has promulgated have not only not been to their benefit,
they have proven harmful to their economic future?
He promised
to protect their jobs, to provide them with better health care, to bring
prosperity back to their communities, to reopen their closed mines or
bring back their factories. None of this has occurred and yet they
remain supporters. So while we can see Lincoln's words playing out –
that indeed "you can fool some of the people all of the time" – the
challenge is in understanding why, despite all the evidence to the
contrary, they continue to believe in him.
If I might propose an
answer, it's not because they are bad or dumb or easily misled. Rather,
it is because: they are profoundly alienated from the institutions that
have failed them; they are worried that they are losing control of their
lives and their values in a world that is changing so fast and leaving
them behind; they are angry that governing elites either look down on
them or do not consider their needs; and they are desperate to believe
that Trump is different because he speaks directly to them about their
anger and disappointment and insecurity and their need to feel
This, as I see it, is why they continue to believe –
because they need to believe in something and he's "the only show in
When I hear Democrats running for president make
defeating Donald Trump the focus of their campaign, I am worried that
they are missing the point. Even more shortsighted and dangerous are
those who run against Trump's voters by disparaging them. To make this
campaign about mobilizing "our voters" to become more numerous than and
victorious over "their voters" may produce a short-term victory but at
the cost of an even more deeply divided country and may even lead to
greater social unrest.
Rather, the goal must be to address head
on the anger, disappointment, alienation, and loss of control of those
who feel left out of the national discussion. What is needed is a
message that speaks to voters across the spectrum, telling them that
they are being heard and their needs will be addressed by proposals for
economic and social progress that will include and benefit everyone.
Only if they and their needs
are directly addressed and their
anger and alienation
are understood will they be able to move beyond feeling
slighted and
disparaged. At that
point, they may be in a position to shake the dust from their eyes and
realize that, all along, they had been
fooled by a huckster who had exploited them.
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