Cross-Cultural Understanding

Opinion Editorials Links, April  2008


Opinion Editorials


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April 28, 2008

America Wins, Israel Loses: Chuck Baldwin over Alan Keyes in Constitution Party Presidential Sweepstakes By Mark Dankof

Another American War! Look Out Earth By Jim Miles

The Israeli Military Option: Peace or War with Hamas and Syria By Uri Avnery

It's not for media to crusade: M.J. Akbar Interviewed by Mehre Alam

The Palestinian Right of Return, a Basic Right Still Denied by Israelis and their Supports, Al-Awda

Canada Palestine Association, Vancouver, Organizes a Boycott Protest Against Apartheid Israeli Wines, Sunday, May 4, 2008

"The Sons of Eilaboun" at Sixth Annual International Al-Awda Convention, May 16-18, 2008  

April 27, 2008

Israeli Auction Is Open Big: McCain Promises to be Hamas's Worst Nightmare, Outbidding Hillary's Threat to Wipe Iran Off the Map By Hassan El-Najjar

April 26, 2008

America's Political Trinity: Capitalism, Individualism, and Israelism By Ben Tanosborn

RNW Journalist, Abir Sarras, Arrested, Another Harrassed in Pariah Israel By Nicolien den Boer

What the Iraq War Is About: Israeli Territorial Expansion By Paul Craig Roberts

A Web Tour of Bush Lies on Iraq By Rod Driver

Proposed missile defense system will not protect US-EU against alleged Iranian ballistic missiles By George N. Lewis and Theodore A. Postol

Canadian Islamophobia: Open Letter on 'Toronto 11' to Authorities from 19 Groups By Ihsaan Gardee  

Schism, in Reaction to Geert Wilders' Fitna, a Film By Raed Al-Sa'eed

Ila Haifa: An Exceptional Palestinian Cultural Performance in London, 8-10 May, 2008

Palestine Before and After 1948, 3 Videos

April 24, 2008

Erdogan Face-Saving Ploy: Israel Agrees to Withdraw from the Golan Heights By Hassan El-Najjar

The U.S. needs to talk to Hamas By Mahmoud El-Yousseph

My Vote's for Obama By Michael Moore

The fear factor that silences By Paul Findley

Israelis and Palestinians, Who Are the Aggressors? By Charles E Carlson

US Government Credibility Problem  By Ali Al-Hail

Why MPAC declined to join interfaith  meeting with Pope Benedict? By Abdus Sattar Ghazali

Updating Sami Al-Arian: His Ordeal Continues By Stephen Lendman

California Theater Cancels Al-Arian Documentary Film After Pressure from Anti-Muslim Bigots

U.S. arrests American suspected of giving nuclear secrets to Israel

Important deadlines related to the upcoming Sixth International Al-Awda Convention, May 16-18, 2008

April 22, 2008

The US Palestine-Israel Fairytale: John Hagee and John McCain By Ramzy Baroud

Lebanon: Hope of Reconciliation Amidst the Gathering Clouds By Farouq Mawlawi

Origin of Muslims in India By M. Burhanuddin Qasmi

Publish and perish: Persecution of European Critics of Israel By Eric Walberg

The Perils of Empire By James Laxer: A Book Review By Jim Miles

Irish MEP Jim Higgins demands EU invoke human rights clauses in Israeli-EU agreement

Israeli peacemaker, Miko Peled, Interviewed by Hesham Tillawi on Current Issues TV

April 21, 2008

The Lev Leviev Connection: Is Dubai helping ethnic cleansing in Palestine? By Khalid Amayreh

April 17, 2008

Carter Continues to Impress Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, Freedom-Loving People Around the World By Hassan El-Najjar

Research shows that plans for war in Iraq began before September 11 attacks By Rod Driver

Like Father Like Son, The Cover-Up Continues on the USS Liberty By Phillip F. Tourney

Adams Center, in Sterling Virginia, Launches First Green Mosque By Alison Lake

April 15 2008

What can America's friends do, other than being vassals and prostitutes? By Ben Tanosborn

What is wrong with Egypt? By Khalid Amayreh

Zionists At War With God: The Saga of the Palestinian People By Hesham Tillawi

Basra Battles: Barely Half the Story By Ramzy Baroud

What Does "Help Islamists' Rhetoric" Make? A Major Breakthrough Amongst Arab and Muslim Masses By Ali Al-Hail

Israel's Manifest Destiny By Uri Avnery

April 14 2008

Israel: An Apartheid State, Not a Democracy By George M Karsa

April 12 2008

Abdul Haleem Qandil accuses Egypt of participating in the siege on Gaza

Paris Slaps Its Own Face: A Commentary on French Protests Over Olympic Torch By China Daily

April 11, 2008

Independent Electoral Movement Sprouts with Former Democrats and Republicans Challenging Their Former Party on Iraq By Kevin Zeese

The Federal Reserve Medicine is Poison By Donald Cassidy

Building the Palestinian Contras By Khalid Amayreh

April 6, 2008

Denmark, Out of Afghanistan! By Carsten Kofoed

Israel's Rampant Racism, a PAJU Report

No Checkpoints in Heaven By Ramzy Baroud

Pakistan 29 years after Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's execution By Abdus Sattar Ghazali

Political Poison: Zionism and Canadian Politics By Eric Walberg

Toronto18 Suspects undergo Trial by Media By Beenish Gaya

Swindler's List: NATO Sorry Attempts to Defame Islam  by Gilad Atzmon

The Graves Are Not Yet Full: In Memory of Martin Luther King  By Philip Emeagwali

Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism, By Ha-Joon Chang A Book Review By Jim Miles

April 5, 2008

US House of Representatives Resolution 185 Aims at Blowing Up UN Resolution 194 Regarding Palestinian Refugees By Hassan El-Najjar

Magdi Allam: Catholicism's Neophyte, is a Fraud By Khalid Amayreh

April 3, 2008

Is It Time for the Peace Movement to Start Protesting Senator Obama? By Kevin B. Zeese

John Hagee: False Prophet By Harmony Grant

April 2, 2008

Khaled Mesha'al Interviewed By Nasser Al-Lahham

Land Day in Palestine By Fuad Al-Zir and Ghassan Bannoura

What is the role of Mosque? By Muhammed Khako

April 1, 2008

Where are the Iraqis in the Iraq War? By Ramzy Baroud

What is a US Peace Voter to Do? By Kevin Zeese

An Attempt to Measure Happiness By Ali Al-Hail

A Delegation of International Peace Activists to Rafah to Break the Israeli Siege on Gaza

The Great Lake of Gaza: A New Crisis in the Making By Suzanne Baroud

32nd Anniversary of the Palestinian "Land Day" and Israeli  Riffraff Shout of "Death to the Arabs!" By Uri Avnery

Video: Ron Paul 0wnz the Federal Reserve






Opinions expressed in various sections are the sole responsibility of their authors and they may not represent

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