July 29, 2008
Hate Crime Punished
By James Zogby
Ordeal of Palestinian Journalist Mohammed
Omar Tortured by Israeli Intelligence Agents
By Kenneth Ring
Israel Needs Sanctions Not Appeasement, a
Statement By BRICUP
The Oldest Lie About God's Covenant With
Descendants of Abraham By Rev. Ted
Secessionist Somaliland and Matt Bryden,
a Canadian Merchant of Somalia’s Misery
By Said A. Saryan
Surge, a Façade for Changing Failing Bush
Policy in Iraq By Mirza A. Beg
Now is the Time: Hold Barack Obama
Accountable to His Promise to “End the Mindset” of War
By Kevin Zeese
Obama sweeps “inconvenient” UN resolutions
regarding occupied Jerusalem under the carpet By
By Stuart Littlewood
Obamania: The real power behind the
throne-to-be By Eric Walberg
Britain's new nuclear abolitionists
By Rebecca Johnson
Has the time come for geoengineering?
By Alan Robock
Al-Awda 6th
Annual Convention on DVD Featuring Speeches of Salman Abu Sitta,
Tayseer Al-Tamimi, and Attallah Hanna
Congressman John Hostettler
Interviewed by Hesham Tillawi on Current Issues TV About Iraq
July 27, 2008
Barack Obama in Jerusalem: Unified Capital
for Two States By Uri Avnery
Sami Al-Arian granted bail but remains in
prison By Abdus Sattar Ghazali
Secrets, Lies, and Big Oil
By Will Hardiker
Perpetuating Mass Killings In Iraq
2003-2008:1.2 Million Iraqis Killed in War Attacks
By Peter Phillips
Could the Bush Administration attack Iran
during its remaining months in office?
By Hooshang Amirahamdi
Iran Shows Its Cards
By Scott Ritter
Israel Has US Proxy to Bomb Iran, Scheme
Failing, Look Out Sudan! By Charles
E. Carlson
Why internal problems of J&K were not
resolved By Balraj Puri
Descent Into Chaos: The United States and
the Failure of Nation Building in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and
Central Asia By Ahmed Rashid, A
Book Review
By Jim Miles
July 23, 2008
Obama, Israel and Palestine
By Khalid Amayreh
July 22, 2008
The Bush-Maliki Agreement Binding to
Nobody Except Them By Abdul Ilah
Anti-Iran Campaign: Détente or Hidden
Agendas? A sign of The Times By
Gilad Atzmon
Letter to Secretary Rice
from Seven US Organizations Urging Further Championship of Gaza
Students' Hopes
Kucinich resolution
for Bush impeachment got first reading
Hitler's Avatar, Narender Modi, Seeks US
Visa By Muqtedar Khan
July 21, 2008
Abu Ghraib, A Gift from the Sons of the
Devil: Stories of Raping Iraqis By
Joe Cortina
July 20, 2008
Israel's Collective Psychosis: Denial of
Barbarianism By Khalid Amayreh
July 17, 2008
Reflections on the Israel-Hizbullah
Prisoner Swap Deal By Khalid
July 15, 2008
Is an Israeli-US Attack on Iran in 2008
Possible? By Uri Avnery
Hypocrisy: Condemnation of Iranian Missile
Tests While Supporting Israeli War Exercise in the Mediterranean
By Mohammed Khako
Legitimizing Permanent US Occupation of
Iraq By Stephen Lendman
Looking Into the Israel Lobby in the US
By Philip Weiss
Seven years after under state of
lawlessness, Basilan residents still fear continuing crackdown
By Amirah Ali Lidasan
Grace-Eki Oyama, Hindi Mosleh, Hesham
Tillawi On Current Issues TV About
the Palestinian Village of Na'alin
US Slipping Into Fascism:
Naomi Wolf
speaking at Ron Paul Revolution Rally in Washington, D.C.,
July 8, 2008
Six down, six to go… trillion dollars!
By Ben Tanosborn
Why no one should be surprised when
America behaves as an international bully
By John Chuckman
Abdul Wahab El-Messairi, in Memorium
By Aslam Farouk-Ali
July 6, 2008
Bush heckled
at 4 July event, BBC video
A Re-Declaration of Independence By the
People of the United States of America, Expressed
By Ben Tanosborn
American Muslims alarmed at the new
profiling policy By Abdus Sattar
United by a Bulldozer - And I think to
myself By Gilad Atzmon
US House Res. 362, In effect, A
Declaration of War on Iran By
George M Karsa
Who's Planning Our Next War?
By Patrick Buchanan
Journalistic Imperatives: Saying What
Others Mightn't By Ramzy Baroud
An open letter by
American intellectuals
to Barack Obama on Iran, urging him to use his influence to stop
Bush from launching another war
Satan's Counsel to Obama: Votes More
Important than Principles By Uri
The Public Has A Right To Unfiltered
Information About The Human Cost Of War, an
ACLU Statement
Open Letter to Home Land Security Asking
About Ahlam Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Jabouri
By Bronwyn Roe
Muslims Want Equality Before British Law,
A Statement By the Muslim Council
of Britain
Marching Toward Hell: America and Islam
after Iraq By Michael Scheuer, A Book Review
By Jim Miles
July 4, 2008
Hubble Deep
Field: The Most Impressive Image Ever Taken,
Two caliphates in Baghdad, simultaneously…
are we crazy? By Ben Tanosborn
The U.S. military's quest to weaponize
culture By Hugh Gusterson