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Opinion Editorials Links, October  2008

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Opinion Editorials

US Foreign Policy (Dr. El-Najjar's Articles)



October 25, 2008

The European Union's Blind Eye: How the EU ignores Israel's failure to fulfill its obligations under EU agreements By David Morrison

Alan Greenspan, Hey, It's Just Business By Jim Kirwan

When Politics Stinks Like A Decayed Fish, part IV, What Would Be The Consequences Of Eliciting Disadvantaged people's money By Ali Al-Hail

Death of the American Empire America is self-destructing & bringing the rest of the world down with it By Tanya Cariina Hsu

Breaking Siege torch from Gazan Children to the world, October 23 to November 30, 2008

Livni's Travails By Khalid Amayreh

Shame! Canada! Three Citizens Sent to be Tortured in Syria and Egypt, Canadian Arab Federation

A Country of Words A Palestinian Journey from the Refugee Camp to the Front Page, a New Book By Abdel Bai Atwan, to be Presented in London, on Monday, October 27, 2008

Hope Destroyed, Justice Denied  The Rape of Palestine By William A. Cook, Reviewed By Jim Miles

Dahr Jamail Speaks About Iraq at KSU, October 25, 2008

Greg Palacet Interviewed by Hesham Tillawi on Current Issues TV

October 22, 2008

A clear choice for America, Obama or oblivion By Ben Tanosborn

When Politics Stinks Like A Decayed Fish, part III, Banking Collapse Usury Related Factors By Ali Al-Hail

CAIR Applauds Powell's Repudiation of Political Islamophobia

Forgiveness and Repentance for the Sake of Humanity By Mohammed Khaku

Pakistan's Forgotten Bihari Ghetto Residents By Tariq A. Al-Maeena

Support the Palestinian National Campaign Against The Israeli Closures in Hebron Old City

36 Jewish Americans Who Shaped the 2008 US Election By Bradley Burston and J.J. Goldberg

The Dirty Dozen among America's leading Islamophobes, who's  behind Islamofascism Propaganda Week

The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Some Good News for a Change By M J Rosenberg

What is wrong with the PFLP By Khalid Amayreh

Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination

October 18, 2008

Now the Cost of War Really Matters Finance Crisis and Military-Based Foreign Policy  By Kevin Zeese

The Bush October Surprise Global Financial Panic By Stephen Lendman

Who Are Behind Pushing Islamophobia By Ali Gharib and Eli Clifton

Statement of Concerned Scholars about Islamophobia in the 2008 US Election Campaign

Children of Gaza Weaned on Israeli Terror and Trauma By Samah A. Habeeb

Sukuk Islamic Bonds Are the safest Instrument of Investment By Mohammed Khako

London Conference to Explore Islamic Finance in the Face of Global Financial Crisis, October 28-29, 2008

The Israel Lobby Archive An Independent Research Unit Located at the Institute for Research, Middle Eastern Policy in Washington DC

US Pastors for Peace Group Is Going to Cuba End of October to Help in House Reconstruction

October 15, 2008

When Politics Stinks Like A Decayed Fish, part II, The 'Whale' Street By Ali Al-Hail

Israel and the Exodus of America's Wealth By Mark Glenn

US Wars in the Middle East Have Caused the Economic Disaster By Robert Shule

Election countdown, Just three weeks left By Ben Tanosborn

Fascist trends in Israel becoming more pronounced By Khalid Amayreh

Enough is Enough The Word Arab has Become Metaphorical mud, Arab American Institute Statement

A Palestinian-Israeli Peace Fairy Tale By Uri Avnery

Another Israeli West Bank Land Grab Scheme By Stephen Lendman

Rumsfeld on Tape: Terror Attack Could Restore Neo-Con Agenda By Paul Joseph Watson

Saving Palestine, Israeli Massacre of Children By Sameh A. Habeeb

Scaring Americans from Muslim A Zionist Relentless Effort Indeed By Zaki Khalid

Behind the conflict between Russia and Georgia is the long reach of Uncle Sam By Megan Cornish

A Class Perspective on Ecology and Indian Movements in Latin America By James Petras

October 10, 2008

Capitalist Fraud System:

US Wars in the Middle East Have Caused the Economic Disaster By Robert Shule

Time to Create the Economy We Want Multiple Crisis in the U.S. Presents an Opportunity for Real Change By Kevin Zeese

Washington Bailout a Bust.  Depression to Follow By Gerald Celente

Who Owns The Federal Reserve The Fed is privately owned. Its shareholders are private banks By Ellen Brown

Financial Markets Meltdown It's Our Unregulated Capitalism, Stupid By Ben Tanosborn

The Fleecing of America By Stephen Lendman

Global Zionist Hegemony:

Britain's Guardian newspaper yields to pressure from pro-war Zionist smear-mongers By Mary Rizzo

Connecting the Dots, Jewish Zionist Obsession with Islamophobia in America By Malcom Lagauche

Fox TV Participated in Spreading Zionist Hate Campaign, Called Obsession, to Justify Dragging America into Endless Wars Against Muslims Worldwide

Iran What's the Real Goal of US Saber-Rattling By Monica Hill

Israel's 'Obsession' With Christian-Islamic Conflict By Mark Glenn

Maverick McCain Actions without Thought By Muqtedar Khan

Muslim Americans News Briefs, October 10, 2008

Muslims Demands Fairness Not Favors By Mahmoud El-Yousseph

NATO's endangered mission in Afghanistan By Abid Mustafa

Neoconservatives Have Taken Over the US Executive Branch of Government By James Morris, Video

Nobel Committee's Prize - yet another scandal By Jan Oberg

Spain, don't succumb to Israeli pressure, prosecute war criminals By Khalid Amayreh

Summing Up Israeli Politics From Olmert to Livni By Uri Avnery

October 4, 2008

AIC to Open First and Only U.S. Based Office in Iran Dedicated to Conflict Resolution By Brent Lollis 

Israel is destroying America financially By Khalid Amayreh

Americans Lose as Both Candidates Support the Israeli Occupation of Palestine By Tammy Watts Obeidallah 

America's Wars and the Financial Collapse By Mohammed Khaku

Bailout, Open Letter to Senator Barack Obama By Charles E. Carlson 

When Politics Stinks Like A Decayed Fish By Ali Al-Hail

As Washington Burns, Hopes for a Wedding in White Continue By John Chuckman

Dumb and Dumber, An economic-political sequel By Ben Tanosborn

Life After Bush, Forecasting Peace in Palestine By Ramzy Baroud

Senator McCain is absolutely right The debate Obama needed, but not the debate the United States By Kevin Zeese

The Bursting Global Security Bubble, Lessons from Financial Meltdown By Hugh Gusterson

WINTER SOLDIER, Iraq and Afghanistan, Eyewitness Accounts of the Occupations By Iraq Veterans Against the War and AaronGlantz

October 3, 2008

The $700 Billion Bailout Fraud By Mark Gray

The holocaust gang and Ahmadinejad By Khalid Amayreh




Opinions expressed in various sections are the sole responsibility of their authors and they may not represent

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