Cross-Cultural Understanding

Opinion Editorials Links, March  2008


Opinion Editorials


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March 29, 2008

Islam and the New Dutch Film By Minhaj Qidwai

Pope Benedict's Fresh Assault on Islam By Abdus Sattar Ghazali

Russia and NATO: Cold War Again By Eric Walberg

The New Imperialists: Ideologies of Empire, Edited by Colin Mooers, A Book Review By Jim Miles

Support Dr. Sami Al-Arian's Struggle for Justice

Australian Muslim Committee for Palestine, March 29, 2008

New York City Labor Against the War Denounces Israeli Massacres of Palestinians in Gaza

March 24, 2008

How Can Israeli Holocausts In Gaza Be Seen As A Scar On Western Conscious? By Ali Al-Hail

Two Americas: I am for Barack Obama By Uri Avnery

How to Survive the Recession By Abbas Bakhtiar

March 23, 2008

American Peace Activist, Blake Murphy, Beaten Then Arrested by Israeli Occupation Forces, on Video

Way to go to Israel! By Mahmoud El-Yousseph

Iraq: America's moral and financial meltdowns By Ben Tanosborn

The Right to Self-Determination: A Fake Exercise in Universalism By Gilad Atzmon

Canada, NATO, and Nuclear Terror By Jim Miles

60th Year of Nakba: Al-Awda Convention, May 16-18, 2008

War in Heaven: The Arms Race in Outer Space.  Helen Caldicott and Craig Eisendrath, A Book Review By Jim Miles

March 19, 2008

Report Card for US Invasion of Iraq in its 5th Anniversary: Astounding Success for War Beneficiaries, Disaster for the US Nation State, Death and Destruction of Iraq By Hassan El-Najjar

Video of Palestinian Mother & Daughter Meet 15 Years after Israeli-Perpetrated, Sharon-Supervised Sabra & Shatila Massacre

Public Diplomacy, Israeli Lobby And Al-Hurra TV By Ali Al-Hail

Elliot Spitzer and America's Ethical Perversity By Rabbi Michael Lerner

The Future United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights By Colum Murphy and Curtis Doebbler

Hesham Tellawi Interviews Ramzy Baroud at Current Issues

March 17, 2008

Germany's Immoral Policy Toward the Palestinian People By Khalid Amayreh

The Palestine Chronicle Renews Its Call for Support: Help Preserve Truthful Media By Ramzy Baroud

Israel: Time To Boycott, Divest, and Sanction By Frank Scott

My Gaza Diary: Hope under Ashes By Sameh Habeeb

Big Bang or Chaos: What's Israel Up To? By Ramzy Baroud

Rania Masri on the Israeli War against Lebanon By Mary Rizzo

The US and the World Economy By Abbas Bakhtiar

When Brave Soldiers Were Led by Timid Generals By Mirza A. Beg

 How Citizens Were Terrorized in the US and Canada By Mahboob A. Khawaja

Zardari's Overture on Kashmir By Ershad Mahmud

March 15, 2008

US Media and Government: Unwavering Commitment to Inequality in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict By Ramzy Baroud

Under Israeli Lobbies Hypnotization By Ali Al-Hail

Kisovo's Independence: Between a ROK and a hard place By Eric Walberg

Kosovo's Independece: Once again a matter of Western oil interests not democracy By Aditya Canapathiraju

Bush and Uribe v. Chavez and Correa By Stephen Lendman

, 2008

Kill A Hundred Turks And Rest': The Israeli Double Standard and the Killing of Palestinians By Uri Avnery

A Short Walk into the World's Largest Prison, Gaza Strip By Charles E. Carlson

Freedom of Speech: The right to equate Gaza with Auschwitz By Gilad Atzmon

Do You Want the Military-Industrial Complex Counting Your Votes? Major Player in Military Contracts Seeks to Buy Diebold By Kevin Zeese

March 8, 2008

New massive survey of Muslims belies Bush rhetoric “why do they hate us?” By Abdus Sattar Ghazali

Arresting Anti-War Protesters in the University of Alabama: Trashing the First Amendment By Mirza A. Beg

Britain looks on while Israel's amoral thugs wallow in Gaza blood By Stuart Littlewood

Israeli Missiles Silence Palestinian Baby's Laughs in Gaza By Sami Abu Salem

Israel's Surprise! By Ali Al-Hail

The Demonization of Muslims and the Battle for Oil By Michel Chossudovsky

Suara Bangsamoro chide PNP for using “terrorist” hysteria against nationwide interfaith rally vs. GMA

March 6, 2008

Freedom of Expression: The Danish Rotten Hypocrisy By Hassan El-Najjar

Silence Toward the Israeli Genocide in Gaza, A Statement of the Gaza Union of Health Work Committee

March 5, 2008

Ovadia Yosef: The Israeli Rabbi Of Hate By Khalid Amayreh

My religious background and 4 years as a boy in a Jakarta madrassah By Barack Hussein Obama

Obama should be proud to be named Hussein By Juan Cole

Pew Forum's new survey confirms its hidden  agenda against American Muslims By Abdus Sattar Ghazali

Arab Gulf Pro-Gazans support  By Ali Al-Hail

Send British Students to Gaza Instead of Auschwitz: Gimmicks and Education By Gilad Atzmon

March 4, 2008

Good Morning, Hamas By Uri Avnery

Was 1991 Gulf War a prelude to the 2003 Iraq debacle? By Abdus Sattar Ghazali

Which German debt? If the Germans owe anyone then it is the Palestinians, not the Israelis By Andrew Winkler

You load $168 billion, whadaya get? By Ben Tanosborn

Washington vis Cuba After Castro By Stephen Lendman

Introducing Birthright Palestine for Diaspora Palestinians

March 2, 2008

What's Happening in Gaza is Israeli Holocaust Inflicted on the Palestinian People, Says Khaled Misha'al

Genocide and Holocaust would not sway our people away from constants, a Hamas statement

March 1, 2008

Jews and the Gaza Holocaust By Khalid Amayreh






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